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I was going to put the 13th or 14th, but everyone else had the 8th, 9th or 10th, so I switched it last second :angry: Oh well I don't have a hope in hell of winning the game anyways haha.



Don't say that.  There is so much time left.

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Don't say that. There is so much time left.

Ordinarily B, I'd totally be with you, but unless all the movies released from now until the end of summer go the way I think I will, I don't have a chance. At least half of every question/spot/gross from the preseason will end up wrong.
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5/29 Weds: 1.2M (375.5M)Thurs: 1.1MFri: 2.8MSat: 4.2M6/2 Sun: 3.1 (386.7M)Monday: 950KTuesday: 1.1MWeds: 770KThur: 750KFri: 1.8MSat: 2.7M6/9 Sun: 1.9M (396.6M)Mon: 600KTues: 750KWeds: 500KThurs: 500K6/14 Friday: 1.2M (400.1M)Uhh. Lowballing here but this will hit 400M on MoS weekend.

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Baumer and Mattrek, shouldn't I get 15K points for Donovan question? I predicted 105M for F6 and final number came in within 10M of that.

I don't think B has scored the Donovan question yet.

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Ok thanks.

Yeah, because the Donovan technically can run through all of the summer B most likely will score it at the end of the game. It'd be too difficult to remember who he scored and who he didn't every weekend.
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This is a four parter:

1) Will IM3 make at least 360 million domestically?

2) Will IM3 make more than 500 million internationally?

3) Will IM3 do at least 25 million for midnights (including Thurs)?

4)) Will IM3 make at least 880 million WW?

Scoring: All questions you answer correctly are worth 7000 points. You can go for as many as you like.

Here is the catch: Every answer you call incorrectly you lose 10,000 points.

There are no points for abstaining, with one caveat down below. ***

Even more bonus and more treachery:

If you go 4/4 you get a 28,000 point bonus. So this means you will get a total of 56,000 points for this question (7000X4 plus 28,000 point bonus)


:D I get 56k.

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^ Yup. Btw B, did we ever manage to figure out the scores for the international questions that week I did the scores for you? There never really was a definitive report, so is that just a blank slate for everyone? Also some of the preseason questions can be scored as well. No rush though I know you're busy. And as I've said every year I'm more then happy to help with the scoring if you need it :)

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^ Yup. Btw B, did we ever manage to figure out the scores for the international questions that week I did the scores for you? There never really was a definitive report, so is that just a blank slate for everyone?


In the words of the WWZ trailer, "That question is a black hole".


I don't think anything can be done with it.





 Also some of the preseason questions can be scored as well.


What else can be scored besides question #14?

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Just when I thought my pre-season is a disaster already, it got even worse  :mellow: At this rate, when the time comes for Top 15 to be weighed in, my points will deflate faster than an air balloon.

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