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K1stpierre last won the day on January 7 2015

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Global Phenomenon (9/10)



  1. I mean yeah, were there plot holes in this? Sure, absolutely (my god, towards the end of the movie where the jail scene was taking place, I literally was eye rolling and getting so annoyed at how over the top it was the entire time), however did it detract my enjoyment of the film? No, I very much was enthralled with the movie from start to finish. I think the biggest jump scares/thrills (as it wasn't necessarily a jump scare in the traditional terms) was the first and biggest being when she poured the paint on him and finally for the first time seeing she is not crazy. Sooooooo extremely well done there, I literally JUMPED off my seat at that. And of course the other being when he slashed the sister's throat in the restaurant, that wasn't so much jump worthy but more "wtf" and slick (of course, the big argument I literally said when it happened was yeah, he's invisible but he's not "untouchable". So you mean to tell me in that packed place that A). Not ONE person bumped into him, I mean he's not the biggest whipped dude in the world but in that suit he's a pretty big build, it seems weird that a waiter/waitress or a busier or hell even a patron wouldn't have bumped into him; and B). when the knife was in mid air before it struck, not one person would have seen it? Again, some would just negate it, but realistically I feel like a knife in mid air in a packed place like that would attract SOMONE's attention. I mean there was a table right next to them, if I was sitting there I DEF would have noticed an airborne knife 2 feet away from me). With that said, yes there are many flaws and many eyeballs, but hey I appreciate the story and what the director did here. Created huge fucking suspense (not just physically but mentally, the biggest for me to grapple was, was it all "real", or was it all in her mind? The film really made you guess a long time which it was, which I really loved). I'd give this an A, 8.8/10
  2. Aaaaaah, nevermind. I actually just got done reading through pages. Peeps should def show off gifts you recieved! (Especially the porn ones )
  3. 9/10 for me, a very well done job.
  4. But I’m def in depending on how the details work.
  5. Nice! This is one of the few films this year I wanted to check out. Heard it got rave reviews, so it’s also nice it’s making that dough.
  6. Ola 🙂 I come on from time to time, but to be fair I hardly am on like I used too due to having a new life with my bf and also with work. 😕 If there ever comes a point where you feel you need someone to step down (due to too many mods) feel free to demote me. I honestly understand as I know I don’t come on here as I used too.🙂 Hope all mods have been good! I see new faces, to that I say hello 🙂
  7. Nice! The numbers so far seem to be a step behind Part 1, but that is to be expected. I’ll be happy with an even in the 90’s, though would really like that 100+.
  8. I won’t over repeat, see my comment It2 thread. I really liked this over part 1, gave this a 8.5/10. B rating.
  9. Oh also, I don’t get the beef people have with the flashbacks. I adored all the memories and moments. It had meaning to the adults then.
  10. Just leaving viewing. My first impression thoughts are that I overall liked this film more than the first one. I think they brought a bit more of horror/scares that work vs the first one. I disagree to these people that say pennywise isn’t in it enough, I thought it was the right amount (coming from someone whose read the book). I guess to the casual fan you expect it, but from the source material he’s in it just right, they even added more scenes for pennywise that wasn’t in the book. I really loved all the adult cast. Like seriously thought this is the best a movie has done when it comes to child into adult transformation actors/actresses. You just felt that these guys are EXACTLY the kids. Just how they look and act. Unlike some critics, I felt the bond just like the first film. I felt the emotion. I don’t want to give anything away but I felt the bond betweeb two pairs, especially one of them. I really liked how the film teased a certain personal drama, but never made anything big about it. Not until the end. The cgi I am for the most part cool with. Sure, some scares were random and not really necessary. However I was good and thought it was an improvement. With that said, for gripes: to be honest I didn’t feel the run time long at all. I swear, not once did I look at my cell to check the time. I was so absorbed in the story of the characters. I think one character I guess could have beeb taken out of the story, and really wouldn’t have changed too much. In the book, this character really didn’t make a whole difference, you’ll know I think once you have seen the movie. My biggest gripe though is the end battle. I do love how the movie jokes about it a lot in hints. Very clever. Does make it feel a bit better. However......yeah, I found it lame. I appreciate I guess some weird sense what they were trying to do, but I would of they try to stick to novel material and perhaps with real prostetics. It just didn’t sit well with me. Other than that, nothing right now jumos at me. I’d rate this a strong mid B, 85/100. It’s definitely a step above the first for me, which I now is of the rare.
  11. In both your opinions, where the creepy/scare scenes better? Also was Pennywise in it less/same/or more than Part 1? This seems to be one of the areas where legit EVERY review keeps going back and forth. Half say it’s less scary, half say holy crapped they upped the scares! Half say Pennywise was in it less, half say he’s in it more. I’ve never seen reviews so conflicting as this. Also visuals, a lot of people are also tossed on visuals. That was a huge gripe with me on Part 1. Are they better in this? (I heard the budget for this was waaaaay higher, so glad to hear WB upped it).
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