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Everything posted by Charism

  1. Clemens and Dilon were interesting. :< Not 'likeable', but interesting to watch.
  2. Well, theatrical has an alien coming from dog, DC has xenomorph coming from some bison like creature.
  3. Directors cut or theatrical? DC is much, much better.
  4. Poster looks good, but trailer is awful. Why this cinematography lloks so cheesy? And those 'dive into cyberworld' sequences are just utterly horrible. I tought we've get rid of them 15 years ago. But first Cumberbatch movie and now this. SIgh.
  5. Just from the fabric looks much less futuristic than Prometheus. THat's a good sign.
  6. That was horrible. So boring (most times), so badly laughable (Daenerys[laughed out loud at her 'I'm Daenerys Storm born etc etc etc etc'], Dario and Jorah, Tyrion, superfast dry of Sansa and Theon, Brienne Ex Machina and vanishing dogs) and stupid (Dorne teleporatation? xD, Dorne as a whole, Jaimie and Cersei scene) that I gave it 3/10. Because nice sound editing in Arya scene and, as always, good music and good The Wall scenes. Great start, can't wait for more.
  7. This is so laughable. They should bury this movie and wait few years, and instead they're pumping more money into it.
  8. Meh, don't take me too literally. It's only a first picture, but it shows that 'look we're making this right, our first thing is good looking, faithfull to source material wig!'. Which is good. And gives me a right to believe that it might not suck, that they do care about this movie.
  9. Somebody said that it looks like a Perfume commercial and I have to agree. But I love it. Don't know how much of a horror it will be, but I'm in theatre opening weekend. Abbey Lee
  10. That's a really good first picture. It gives a promise that this movie will not be that bad.
  11. Going for 50th anniversary date in September might be good. September is rather empty, and big anniversaries are always a good thng.
  12. From this interview: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/25/valerian-first-look-luc-besson I'm so fucking hyped.
  13. And interview with those pictures: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/25/valerian-first-look-luc-besson
  14. Yeah. That Batman charactr is pretty fun itself. But trailer didn't show us any fun it only glimpsed that it 'could' be fun.
  15. Great suits. My eyes were exposed too much to Mass Effect, but I got a similair vibe from these suits. Nah, more photos and some text from tomorrows EW issue.
  16. Nice. XIX/XX centurys X-Men with children. Lack of Elfman is saddening, and Delbonnel unfortunatelly didn't stamp his characteristic style over this.
  17. So... Luc Besson is almost everyday posting something interesting about this movie on his instagram. https://www.instagram.com/lucbesson/ Like this: Or that: Or those:
  18. Actually - agree. This is dumb movie made for nostalgia factor of old fans and for fun action and 'splosions for newcomers. They should do at least that to appeal for fans. This would not hurt the movie at all.
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