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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Yea, definitely true on your first point - I guess what I mean is that they bring SOMETHING to the role beyond what is the most predictable/bland performance possible. I've just never seen it from Reynolds. He plays the exact same character with the exact same range in everything. Granted, I haven't seen the two movies you listed, so that might be why. But the whole quippy handsome guy thing is done to death, and done better.
  2. Skarsgard was a one note performer in a cast of pretty excellent layered performances. Luckily, that one note was exactly what the role called for, so he pulled it. Scott was a more impressive performance if they're nominating a male from that show. I just love tweaking Ryan Reynolds. Dude has a rabid fanbase on here and I just don't get it. He's totally fine. He's the same as every early 2000s rom com actor to me - charming quippy guy with a heart of gold. I don't know if I have ever watched a Ryan Reynolds performance and said "Wow, this is a performance unique to this actor that no one else could pull off. I'm glad I saw this performance." He's a replacement level charismatic lead. Deadpool works because of that, since it lampoons that and his typical image. It doesn't work for me when he plays that straight.
  3. Just chiming in to say that Charlie Hunnam has more charisma in his pinky finger than Ryan Reynolds/Taylor Kitsch/Tarzan/a million other of these white guy actors will have in their lifetime. Glad Lost City of Z is getting good notices, cuz he's actually way more talented than all his non-Sons stuff would indicate.
  4. Also not to go full SJW but liking Amy Schumer isn't a SJW stance at all, considering she kind of only empowers women that look and talk just like her. She's an upper class brunch feminist who thinks "Hahaha I have lots of sex" is the height of empowerment, when there's millions of women of color and poor women around the country who are like "Yea, I literally don't have access to reproductive services or education." She's the kind of person who goes to a Black Lives Matter meeting and hijacks it by telling a story about how much she loves dating black guys. I do think sexual empowerment for women is absolutely important and something we should talk about, and good for her for doing it. But it's the difference between signs I saw at the Women's March saying "I love my uterus" and "If I report abuse, I will actually be deported." IDK, if she's gonna be down with the movement she should be down with all of it, not just people like her friends.
  5. The Heat is alright, Ghostbusters was pretty damn good (except I only liked it because I'm a SJWzzzz!!!!!), but this shit looks the cinematic equivalent of a root canal with no anesthesia. Hard pass.
  6. If we had to stay on topic, we would have missed the Fassbender moments, the Cjohn saga, and pretty much every other incredible moment in these boards history. Obviously a mix of both when numbers are coming in and for a bit after but why stay on topic in the middle of twelve hours between solid numbers? "Great number for BaTB" posted 1000x is not the reason people find these boards fun. That's lame af.
  7. So Dom was literally okay with starting a nuclear war for his kid? I get that guy has a code, but everyone just being all "Good ole Dom" at the end was beyond the movie's silliness and into something else entirely. Outside of that it's still pretty great, kind of the peak of the cartoonish stakes and escalation game they've been playing. And with that, it's kind of hard to make another one without grounding it a bit more or completely detaching it from any sense of reality, and incorporating space or time travel or something.
  8. If it's actually good, I could see Wonder Woman being the biggest movie of the summer domestically. Pretty easy case to make, actually. If I had faith in it to be good I would put it there in all my predictions.
  9. Gotta agree with Han here totally, stole the points I was gonna make. GOTG is easily my favorite of these Marvel movies, but outside "Baby Groot" what the fuck is going on with that marketing?? The teaser trailer was fine, but yeesh. No memorable music or lines like Hooked on A Feeling or any of the Star-Lord lines in the first's trailers, much less new characters or stakes. IDK if there's nothing to the movie or something but what the fuck is it supposed to be? IDK, that one is kind of depending on reviews and late marketing push. Originally I was predicting 150+ OW for it for months because it's easier to pick up and liked by a different audience than some of the other Marvel movies. Anecdotal, but my mom and dad can't wait for GOTG2 and they think the Marvel movies are all so boring. It's barely connected to the rest of the stuff and it's more of a space action movie than anything superhero like. With the great reception to the first, I thought 150 was gonna happen. But now? 120 might be tough.
  10. Guess starpower really is dead. The son of God can't even get butts in the seats anymore.
  11. I'd love to see Hardy and Bridges do a cowboy movie together. The lengths they would go to top each other accent-wise would be spectacular.
  12. If this follows exact same drops as Spectre OW/DOM, it would do 117/232. Based on mediocre presales,serious lack of buzz, been-there done that factor (7 really did feel like the finale), and declining reviews, that seems possible, except probably a lower opening and better legs to get there.
  13. This looked fantastic until Will Poulter started "acting" in it. Dude is just cringey generally and looks even worse than usual in this, mostly because he only seems capable of playing 14 year old boys believably. Otherwise, looks really great and an excellent adult alternative in the Hell or High Water slot. Can't wait.
  14. Good opening weekend for Boss Baby, probably headed towards around 50 million. Another solid hold for BatB, but maybe not as great as thought. GiTS is struggling. I really don't feel that 100 posts of that adds anything more than talking about whatever hilarious bullshit we get off about. I get it when there's truly things to debate and break down, but we've kinda run out of analysis on a super tame and predictable weekend like this.
  15. I don't think either this guy or BKB is joking at all. They believe every word. This is a forum on the internet. A very diverse and tolerant forum, but still a movie forum out there for public consumption. Out of a thousand posters, a few toxic idiots is just statistically certain.
  16. Honestly, might be him. I was convinced for about five minutes that BKB was actually Trump while taking a dump. It's uncanny sometimes. But I realize that rich dudes with golden toilets don't give a damn about Marvel characters and shit.
  17. Tele and Spaghetti like every Facebook status I post. My dudes. They know I got the jokes.
  18. I'm friends with about 20 people from here on Facebook, but at least three of them I don't know who they are on here, I just know they're from here because they're mutual friends with Tele and Kelli and shit. I don't want to be awkward and start asking but shit gets confusing.
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