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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Still way way too early, but after all that doom and gloom for the past month, Bond appears to be doing.......not bad at all. Solid midnight, and 30mill would be a fine Friday (though it will certainly have a harsh Sunday drop compared to Skyfall, it's Tuesday night bump and Wednesday is going to be pretty huge). Considering Skyfall had literally everything go right for it- terrific trailers, excellent reviews, perfect tied-in marketing campaign, smash hit Adele song, exhibits at museums, the whole 50 years thing, and an entire Olympics kinda themed around the character- the fact that this could come relatively close to that opening weekend is impressive. That's a big time trend upward for Bond in context.
  2. Man, so sad about Steve Jobs. Fucking loved that movie. Shame it ain't doin better. Good to see Bridge of Spies has been holding up alright, though. For all people dogged on it pre-release for being too "old-school," it's just an expertly made movie. I like good movies making money.
  3. For what it's worth, apparently the Big Short blew the roof off the place at a WGA screening last night. Standing ovation and everything. Might be more of a contender than alot of us thought, especially for Carrell and Bale.
  4. "It's great because it's like one of those old-school Bond movies. Too bad it's so much like one of those old-school Bond movies, though."- The RT consensus for this movie.
  5. SPECTRE's shoot shut down the center of Mexico City, a city of 30 million people, for two weeks, and they hired the one guy on the planet legally certified to do barrel rolls in a helicopter over the center of the city as shit blew up on the ground. That shit ain't cheap. Tons of difficult coordination and complexity, and they have to rent very specialized crews- not to mention, again, paying to shut down the center of the western hemisphere's largest city for two weeks. It's really not too stunning that it's an expensive movie. Hell, even QOS cost 220 million in today's dollars, and I'm pretty sure that entire movie was filmed on one stretch of deserted land in Belize.
  6. It has tons of elaborate, stunt-based shoots in exotic locations. That expands the shooting schedule and they have to pay extra for cast, crew, locations, etc. Shooting difficult, old-school effects scenes in public locations over the course of nine months is certainly going to cost alot more than shooting CGI robots blowing through CGI buildings (not that Bond doesn't use CGI, of course, but this clearly is more of an old school stunt n explosions type movie rather than motion capture combat), or actors on a soundstage. It's the reason something like the Revenant cost so much, too. Super long, tricky shoots=$$$
  7. Most reactions are pretty strong for it, seems to be a bit of cherry picking of bad reacts here. Most seem to praise the humor and tone of the piece. Will have to see more to get real picture.
  8. We keep missing each other! I was in the third row. Shitty seats because me and my roommate thought "Eh, it's 4:20, not doing great at the box office, we'll be fine." I briefly forgot this is the same theater in the same city that sold out every show of Lincoln for three weekends straight. It looked like the whole Tele-age crowd turned out for this one
  9. I thought this was terrific, probably my favorite SS since the 2002 two-fer of Minority Report and Catch Me If You Can. Enjoyed it tremendously. Also, Travod, were you at the 4:20 showing at AMC Georgetown?
  10. Not a bad weekend at all, really, if these numbers were to hold. Sure, no big numbers, but three movies looking to finish high teens/low 20s AND a holdover doing 20+? Pretty damn spiffy for October. Solid month in general. Also, that Steve Jobs number is absolutely bonkers.
  11. I agree, but I think in terms of the effect on box office, it's a little different. People watch those two in different ways for different reasons. The Thursday NFL games are notoriously crappy matchups, with low stakes and sloppy play. TNF does have a huge audience, but no one watching it really cancels their plans to watch it. You don't say "Well, I was going to go see Crimson Peak, but I have to watch this crappy football game that's a probable blowout!" It's something you turn on when you aren't doing anything on Thursday (which is a ton of people, obviously), but not something you plan your whole schedule around. Now, a clinching playoff game between two marquee teams? That is the kind of game people cancel their plans for. I'm sure there's certainly people who planned to see CP/BOS last night and decided that they would rather watch the game, at a party or in a bar or at home. It's an event, with actual stakes. So it probably cut into the audience a decent amount for the movies.
  12. Jesus, these weekend threads are becoming like a parody of themselves. Mid-sized movies like these have huge variations in their midnight numbers, and there's about 100 different ways to reasonably extrapolate from these baselines. We know this. We've seen it 100 times. Calm down, people. Sheesh. Also, I know alot of folks think sports have zero effect on box office when they clearly do, but Mets-Dodgers last night (sorry, Tele) ran from 8 to 11:30 and probably drew upwards of 8 million viewers. That can certainly have an impact.
  13. Damn, Edgerton the lead contender for Robin Hood and Han Solo, eh? Good for him. I enjoyed his performances in Kingsman and Testament of Youth. Alot more charisma than many of the young guys that Hollywood execs fantasy cast these days. Also, wasn't the ORIGINAL script for the 2010 Robin Hood movie apparently fucking great? The one about the Sheriff of Nottingham as a "good guy" and Robin Hood as a "bad guy" with complex allegiances and an interesting detective-style take on the story? Because I'm all down to see that movie. Too bad Scott and Crowe kinda just up and decided "Eh, I'd rather just make a normal Robin Hood movie, thanks."
  14. Del Toro is going to have a ton of supporters- its the kind of performance that gets vocal, number one type support. Also, I've never actually seen Mark Rylance act. I know he's a highly esteemed theatre vet, but I've just never caught him in anything (didn't watch Wolf Hall). So I'm excited to see him in Bridge of Spies.
  15. People certainly still think he's getting a nom. He probably won't win, but it's by no means certain.
  16. What's up with you saying things with this absolute arrogant certainty lately? Sure, Depp might NOT make it, but come on. Dude def has at least "chances." You don't really know if he has zero chance or not, at this juncture, so don't write checks you can't cash.
  17. I think that you might not have noticed that the last word in the title is REDEMPTION. Red's arc is that he goes from someone who committed a heinous crime who saw his life ruined by hate and cynicism who, through the power of common human decency and the capacity to love his fellow man, comes to find hope in the world and REDEEMS his soul. He overcomes the hate and darkness that defined his previous life and becomes a better man through the power of good will and hope. That's literally like the whole point of the movie. No offense, I'm not gonna tell you why to like a movie or anything, but I don't see how you can be a huge fan of this movie and also NOT get that from it. It's like enjoying a burger without taste buds.
  18. Well framed through different lenses, brutality and murder has been excused for countless "good guys" in movies because of their sympathetic backgrounds and personal tragedy. I think that's where baumer is coming from. But the fact that the lines of "good" and "bad" aren't just rendered moot, but completely obliterated, is sorta the whole point of this movie.
  19. Eh, matter of opinion, of course. I'm not a big fan of jamming movies into categories like this, but I think First Class is one of the best large-scale "blockbusters of the past five years. DOFP, too. I think they sorta nailed both of these movies. They have a good thing going. Then again, I wasn't really feeling something like CA: The Winter Solider like everyone else (maybe because of the complete bullshit "it's an intelligent old-school spy thriller!!!!" hype), so I'm sure my opinion isn't exactly reflective.
  20. 2011 is such an underrated year, IMO. Alot of people shit on it because the Oscar nominees were boring and featured Extremely Dumb and Incredibly Stupid, but it had some ace blockbusters (ROTPOTA, First Class, DH2), some awesome mid size movies that didn't get the pub they deserved (50/50 and Warrior, two of my favorites of the decade, and Ides of March, which inspired me to go into poli comm), some awesome movies that DID get the attention (Moneyball!!!! and the Descendents), and some movies that get shit on more than they probably should for various reasons online (The Help, Dragon Tattoo, and fuck you, the Artist). Goes to show it's all a matter of taste. Outside of IB, Star Trek, and kinda Hurt Locker and Avatar, 2009 sucked hard for me.
  21. TASM2 has a scene where Jamie Foxx uses his super electric powers in order to become an evil dubstep DJ that fights Spider-Man through the power of techno. The climax also features two randomly inserted subplots involving a crashing plane and Sally Field's inconsequential job as a nurse, neither of which have zero lead up OR pay off. There's alot of boring, forgettablely mediocre blockbusters that I've seen, so I gotta thank TASM2 for being memorably, hilariously bad.
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