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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Picture The Big Short Bridge of Spies Carol Martian Mad Max: Fury Road Revenant Room Spotlight Straight Outta Compton Alt: Brooklyn Director Innaritu, The Revenant McKay, Big Short McCarthy, Spotlight Miller, Mad Max Scott, Martian Alt: Spielberg Actor Cranston, Trumbo Damon, The Martian DiCaprio, Revenant Fassbender, Steve Jobs Redmayne, Danish Girl Alt: Depp Actress Blanchett, Carol Lawrence, Joy Larson, Room Rampling, 45 Years Ronan, Brooklyn Alt: Blunt Supporting Actor Bale, The Big Short Elba, Beasts of No Nation Hardy, The Revenant Rylance, Bridge of Spies Stallone, Creed Alt: Ruffalo Supporting Actress Leigh, H8ful Mara, Carol McAdams, Spotlight Vikander, Danish Girl Winslet, Steve Jobs Alt: Vikander, Ex Machina Original Screenplay Bridge of Spies Hateful Eight Inside Out Spotlight Straight Outta Compton Alt: Sicario Adapted Screenplay Big Short Brooklyn Carol The Martian Room Alt: The Revenant Animated Feature Anamolisa Inside Out Peanuts The Good Dinosaur The Prophet Alt: Shaun Cinematography Carol H8ful Sicario Revenant Mad Max Alt: Spies Production Design Bridge of Spies Brooklyn Carol The Martian Mad Max Alt: Star Wars Costumes Danish Girl Cinderella Star Wars Brooklyn Carol Alt: Revenant Makeup Mad Max Black Mass The Revenant Alt: 100 Year Old Film Editing Mad Max The Revenant Spotlight Big Short The Martian Alt: Carol Sound Star Wars Sicario Straight Outta Compton Mad Max The Revenant Alt: Martian Sound Editing Star Wars The Martian Mad Max Bridge of Spies The Revenant Alt: Compton Visual Effects Star Wars The Revenant The Walk Mad Max The Martian Alt: Jurassic World Score Carol Spotlight Bridge of Spies Hateful Eight Star Wars Alt: Mad Max Song See you again, Furious 7 Writing On Wall, Spectre Whatever this song is called, Hunting Ground #3, Youth Fighting Stronger, Creed Alt: Whatever the song from Concussion is Nom Count For The Best Picture Noms Big Short: 5 Bridge of Spies: 6 Carol: 8 The Martian: 8 Mad Max: 9 The Revenant: 10 Room: 3 Spotlight 6 Straight Outta Compton: 3
  2. When TJ Miller accepted the role of Critics Choice Awards Host, he had to back out of a planned show for the GW Improv group I work with. He was gonna meet us and do a workshop and everything. Fuck the Critics Choice Awards for that reason.
  3. I honestly think that if the director of Revenant was random good director McGee (Ron Howard, for example) instead of Innaritu people would not be trying to turn it into this huge referendum on the meaning of life and movies. Honestly, I thought that stuff was barely in the movie. If Innaritu wasn't the director, I probably wouldn't even have thought of it. I just thought it was a survival movie about overcoming your past and becoming reborn. Not really deep, but I don't think it aspired to do much more.
  4. Eh. I thought it could have lost 15 minutes worth of Malick-lite pretentious mediation too, but everything else was kinda a gorgeous, intense, visceral revenge/survival thriller. Kinda an awesome genre picture, in my opinion. Most people seem to agree, but I think Innaritu murdered everyone on the forum's family, so who knows.
  5. I know that defending Innaritu is now punishable on these boards by being thrown into a van and shot in the head, but I thought he actually did a bang up job with Revenant, and if he didn't seem so douchey in real-life, alot of people would appreciate the movie more. Anyway, I'm glad he beat Ridley Scott. He deserved it alot more than Ridley. McCarthy or Miller would have been cool, though.
  6. Too bad Sicario didn't get nominated. Sean Penn would have been perfect to introduce it.
  7. My mom on Eva Longoria: "Look at her booty! I can fit my entire body in one of her ass cheeks!" Jah feel, ma.
  8. Bale is 1000 percent supporting in Big Short. I'd say that Remblay is certainly the lead of Room. And Vikander, I'd say she's a supporting role for Ex Machina. She's kinda the driving force of the story, but she's kept offscreen for most of it. Also, Paul Dano in Love and Mercy, lead or supporting?
  9. It's a lion, it's huge! Actually, a massive, Godzilla sized lion attacking New York woulda been pretty fuckin sweet.
  10. Well, this is what happens when you have the greatest movie star of the generation in a well-marketed revenge thriller. And when you also add Leonardo Dicaprio to the mix, even better.
  11. But who is winning instead? Sure, Miller missed BAFTA, but McKay missed Globe and BFCA. Innaritu already won last year, this doesn't scream a second consecutive win. McCarthy missed BAFTA as well, and the direction of that movie, which I thought was terrific and subtle, just isn't flashy enough to win. I personally think Spies is the Berg's best movie since Saving Private Ryan, so I'm happy for it, but I've seen no evidence he's gonna take home the big prize. Haynes has shown up strong with critics groups and precusors before and then completely whiffed on the Academy- Far From Heaven being the prime example. I still see him getting a nom, but a win? Not buying that either. So that leaves....Scott?!?! Really? REALLY? Look, I liked the Martian- it was a solid adaptation of a terrific book- but absolutely nothing about Scott's direction of that movie made me say "Wow, that's a best director performance for sure." And look, I know that's just my personal assesment. But even the most laudatory notes for the movie don't praise his direction like people praise Miller. He's missed with alot of places. Sure, he's made it alot of places, too, but I just don't see the Martian having THAT much love. I'd think that the Best Director winner usually comes from a movie that has a shot to win Best Picture, and I just don't see it for the Martian (it will get nominated, that's not what I'm saying.) Scott would be the ultimate example of giving it to someone "overdue." The Academy has shown that they love technical feats in directing- Lee, Cuaron, Innaritu and the director of the Artist to an extent- and that they favor "big visions" over just a well-directed movie that they love. And what movie has that kind of vision like Mad Max? I'm not saying he'll win. But I think, in a very confused BD field, he's probably a slight favorite for me.
  12. Alright, I know the BAFTAs are a big, generally predictive show and everything, but let's chill with the "Miller is dead" talk- maybe this particular group just didn't like Mad Max. Doesn't change that he's won more than anyone this entire season. I'm not saying he's gonna win, but to say that one miss means that Miller and Mad Max are "dead" would be silly. Boyhood won everything last year. Now, Brooklyn, that's a movie I thought would make it at the BAFTAs for sure. It missing here hurts it again. This was supposed to be its big day. If it wasn't for PGA, it would be an out for me for sure. Del Toro missed everything in the first half of the season, but since like December 20th, dude has showed up in every critic group award slate, and now he has a BAFTA. Same thing for Hardy (who also has BFCA). They have big time momentum.
  13. Very real. Rare for someone to get both Globe and SAG and then miss out on an Oscar. But this year is so weird for supporting actor I have no confidence in anyone besides Rylance.
  14. Yea, Tatum would have it in the bag. I really enjoyed all fifteen of his accents in H8ful.
  15. Man, that last jump scare might as well have had the guy popping out and screaming "OOGITY BOOGITY BOO!!" Made me laugh more than anything. Good trailer, though.
  16. "We have this incredibly interesting and dynamic universe to draw from for our spin-offs, guys! So let's make the least interesting movies humanly possible with it!"- Disney, apparently.
  17. Sicario seems like it'll probably pull a nom. Lots of people loved that score on here. It's unique, but BWAM-y enough for the Nolan crowd. Also, Sicario in general got big love on this forum (except for a few posters) and alot of reviews, so I'm also expecting it to pop up in Picture/Actress/Supporting Actor.
  18. True, but granted, that wouldn't really have any effect on OW. I'm predicting 30+ for OW. Has a ton of hype in my area. Leo+compelling thrilling trailers (whether the movie is or not) is lined up to be a potent. But yea, it should have far worse legs than most Oscah movies. I'm thinking 35/110.
  19. Sad as it is to say, it's possible that the three small female indie dramas are all hurting each other a little bit, especially since Brooklyn and Carol are period pieces with early year debuts. It's pretty shitty to see, and even more shitty how not surprised I am that these movies are struggling to co-exist.
  20. Sicario has shown up everywhere except Globes and SAG, which granted aren't exactly small fries, but still. BFCA, NYBR, ACE, and now PGA, among a bunch of critical groups. It's the kind of film I can see getting the kind of passionate, #1 type support to pull in a nom. I'm still not ready to put it in, but yea. It's very viable. SOC I've been predicting for a month and it's starting to look very, very likely- Universal is campaigning it heavy. Brooklyn's campaign is saved. IO looks dead. Also, doubt Ex Machina gets any top line noms, but I'll echo Coolio and say please dear lord let them nominate Vikander for that instead of Danish Hurl. And bring in Isaac while you're at it. EDIT: Didn't realize that PGA had a whole separate thing for animated movies. IO ain't dead yet.
  21. In honor of Ethan selecting this as the best movie of 2015, I will post my belated review: There's episodes of shows on ABC Family that look, sound, and ARE better than this. This felt like a straight to DVD movie in the discount aisle, or maybe some sort of special on the Hallmark Channel. I appreciate the effort of the cast, and Banks has flair on rare occasion as a director, but this is generally a low quality, diluted version of the original with a bigger budget, but zero feeling of bigness or any stakes whatsoever. None of the heart. Sorry Ethan.
  22. I'd say this is the category I'm most sure about, with Carol, Revenant, H8ful, Max, and Sicario seeming like a safe bet, unless they don't go for Sicario/Hateful at all and one of those misses. Fucking shame the Weinsteins completely dumped MacBeth- that deserves a nom, and honestly, maybe even the win, despite being a loaded category this year.
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