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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. I still need to see Room, Revenant, Carol, Beasts of No Nation, Love and Mercy, Legend (exclusively for Tom Hardy), and What We Do in the Shadows, at minimum, before I can fill out my ballot. Gonna be a busy month. As of now, without seeing any of those movies, my acting perfs are still packed Actress (Missing Carol and Room and Rampling) Ronan Blunt Theoren Vikander (For Testament of Youth not that gawdawful Danish Girl movie) Hall (For the Gift) Actor (Missing Legend, Revenant, Beasts, and also Love and Mercy/Room if you count Dano/Tremblay here) Fassbender Jordan Hanks Garfield Hmmm...Samuel L JUST missing: Bateman and Fassbender (MacBeth) Supp Actress (Loaded for once, considering I still haven't see a few movies) Vikander (Ex Machina) Leigh Winslet Cottliard Walters Supp Actor (Fucking impossible) Del Toro Isaac (These two are locks) And then there's about ten guys in about exact equal position. This category is fucking loaded, and that's without having seen Hardy/Elba/Dano/Tremblay I'd say for the last three: Mitchell Brolin Emory Cohen But big shouts to Stallone, Bale, Gosling, the Spotlight guys, Goggins, Russell, Rylance, Edgerton (for Black Mass AND The Gift), and others. This category is tough.
  2. Great list, as expected. Just tried to see Carol but it was sold out. Boo hiss. Still need to see Carol, Revenant, Room, Love and Mercy, and Beasts before I can be confident making my list. Excellent work, Goph, even if I'd disagree on a few placements and positions (for instance, I really didn't get the hype for It Follows. It's super well-shot and made but the characters kinda sucked and I just didn't feel it all. Like a B- movie for me. But I understand why people do like it).
  3. It's a subtle performance in a subtle movie (not as subtle as Rylance), but I thought it was one of the best embodiments of American masculinity and "everyman" traits that Hanks has ever done, and I thought he found fascinating ways to take that "everyman" persona and apply it to concepts outside of himself. He's a commanding figure that MAKES you care about every moment in the movie. As great as the Berg's direction is, and as great as Rylance is, the reason that movie works is because we have Tom Hanks guiding us through it. And considering I really loved BOS, that means I gotta give major props to Hanks. Also, from my personal perspective as an actor, I usually find it 100x times more difficult to create a dynamic, impressive performance that looks like yourself than doing so when playing a very "big" or "different" character. So maybe that's why I was so impressed by Hanks.
  4. Bridge of Spies is the Berg's best movie since Saving Private Ryan, IMO. And it's Hanks best work in a very, very long time (and I thought he was great in Phillips). I agree with Coolio, sad to see he's being overlooked. I liked Rylance, Shannon, AND Stallone in their films alot, but it's a shame they're overshadowing some tremendous work from Hanks, Jordan (the soul of Creed), and Garfield (by far the best he's ever been- so believable). Also kinda weird that Ruffalo is overshadowing Keaton- Ruffalo has the more "showy" scenes, but I thought Keaton was the heart and soul of the ensemble. Nuanced and exciting performance.
  5. Ren isn't supposed to be "menacing" or "badass"- he's supposed to be an emotionally unstable psychopath with severe personality problems. He's also SUPPOSED to be a punk ass poser- that's the entire point of his character, how he can't live up to Vader, and is essentially just a confused, poser kid. It's an actual complex and nuanced character that's different than most villains we get. But hey, you can have your generic deep voiced villains that have zero character and do nothing but look cool. That works in a video game. I'll take a good movie instead.
  6. Cowardly way out? You invented a fucking apocolyptic 30 foot snowstorm that apparently destroyed America in 2009. And you're supposed to be credible when it comes to "crazy disaster effects?" You'll probably cancel because Miami had a rainstorm.
  7. Bernie Sanders is praying that this movie explodes at the box office. People need to see this. It's such a terrific movie. Has really stuck with me over the past few days. Dr. Strangelove is in many ways the perfect comparison here. McKay is a fucking great director. And that ensemble....great. It's not the point of this movie, but I find it pretty telling that me, my mom, and my best friend saw this, and we all had a different favorite actor/character. My Mom loved Bale, my best friend loved Carrell. For me, the best actor was actually Gosling- a perfectly self-aware and totally magnetic performance that drew you into the story. He weaponized every trait we think about when we think about Ryan Gosling, and turned it into someone we wanted to guide us through this world.
  8. I think there's gonna be nine noms this year. With that in mind, here's how I tier it. Mortal Lock 1. Spotlight The Three Movies That Can Beat It 2. Carol 3. Big Short 4. Mad Max Pretty Confident This Is In 5. Martian 6. Revenant 7. Room So the last two spots come down to a bunch of movies, but the most legit contenders seem like Brooklyn, Bridge of Spies, Inside Out, Star Wars, and Straight Outta. Wouldn't be floored if a movie that's popped up a ton gets a bunch of number one votes and stuns everyone (hi, Sicario and maybe Ex Machina). For now, I'm putting in.....Bridge of Spies and Straight Outta Compton. But if IO, SW, or Brooklyn makes it in instead, I won't be surprised in the slightest.
  9. God, this category is a tough nut to crack this year. There's like 15 guys. I wouldn't even be stunned at all if on nomination morning, we wake up and they went for someone out of left field at this point like Isaac or Del Toro or Jason Mitchell. For now... 1. Rylance 2. Stallone 3. Elba 4. Shannon 5. Dano First ones out are the two Spotlight guys and Bale, with Tremblay and Hardy trailing behind in a group with Mitchell, Del Toro, Sam Elliot, Isaac, Jason Segel (if they put him here) and Goggins.
  10. Pre-New Year's Predictions 1. Miller 2. McCarthy 3. Haynes 4. Scott 5. Hm.... Innaritu First one out: McKay First four seem like mortal locks at this point. Fifth spot is between Innaritu, McKay, the Berg, and Abrahamson. Could go any way.
  11. Bold Prediction: Mad Max, Inside Out, and Star Wars win all of the things. Creed and the Martian also win alot of the things.
  12. First off, TFA will SOAR past 811 domestic, and second off, that's just a random thread on Reddit, not a credible number.
  13. You do realize that, because of the massive majority of Imax/3d tickets Avatar sold, TFA at 1 billion domestic is on pace to far outsell it in terms of tickets, right? But don't let facts get in the way of a good fanboying.
  14. 30 feet of snow on one weekend in New Jersey? What, did the Day After Tomorrow actually happen, and I missed it?
  15. The entire midwest is getting savaged by storms this week, hurting TFA, eliminating bets because of that would make anything to do with bets in December impossible. This bet goes on through winter weather. It even goes on through the apocalypse. The plot of Fallout 5 is going to be Baumer rising from the ashes of the nuclear holocaust to hunt down Kal and get his 100 fuckin dollars.
  16. Did the Academy send you a screener? Those Best Picture chances aren't dead yet!
  17. Kal was actually so right in 2009 despite us all calling him insane.....and yet, somehow, it still seems like he was totally wrong. That's some grade-A lunacy right there- when your crazy prediction comes true, but you're so crazy it still seems wrong. But nothing wrong with a little lunacy, I suppose.
  18. And without it, you never would have known to go beat your street ass.
  19. Seriously, by the standards of Frozen and Harspoke, who HAS had an onscreen death in a movie lately? Outside of Marion Cottliard's horrific death in TDKR, I can barely think of any examples of major characters in blockbuster films having concrete, definitive death scenes by this ridiculous standard. He got stabbed through the heart with a lightsaber. He's deader than dead. Though I will say, debating whether Han is dead is 100000000x times better than listening to people complain about how "weak" Kylo Ren looked without his mask.
  20. Kal once called me "smelly boy" during an argument on BOM during an argument on the Dragonball movie. Never forget. Also, anytime BKB and Kal get into a fight, I die and then come back to life, less human and more bent on angry revenge than ever before. I'm Beric Dondarrion at this point.
  21. Nicely said. I would generally agree completely that's why the movie rang hollow for me. It's hard to put into words, but even though I thought the characters were all terrificily acted and written, I just didn't care about their fates whatsoever. Part of that has to do with each's moral reprenhensibility, but even the really, really "bad" characters like Daisy, I didn't feel anything for her death. It just didn't seem to build to any sort of emotional climax. So even though the first act was spectacularly made and absolutely absorbing, it didn't do it's job in laying down the framework for a satisfying emotional payoff. It's sorta weird- it does such a wonderful job building tension and stakes, and then releases that tension in exactly the way that would make sense.....but it still doesn't work, for some reason.
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