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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Join some organizations or a fraternity or something. Anything to get you connected to people and not have to depend on the same handful of people to socialize. They will ditch you. Any update on sex in the city 3?
  2. Just spent the last 7 hours drinking beer alone and watching Cheers on Netflix. This is college for me, I guess.
  3. Thank you. I never understand why people continue to post various less accurate sources through the day after Rth posts his.
  4. I get the feeling that 50 Shades number will go up. Obviously will have much more night business than daytime. Might even hit $40 million. Also there'll be a huge jump for business (minus sneaks) tomorrow. Maybe 25-30%. $100 million 4-day is definitely still possible.
  5. American Sniper is gonna have an epic hold this weekend... The 4-day might be an increase in last weekends 3-day.
  6. Tbh after that mess of a Rhino Sony needs to stay away from giant robot-anythings so this is probably for the better.
  7. Not quite, but close. Widest R-Rated release ever.
  8. Dollar theater expansion for Interstellar this weekend, too.
  9. So AS should definitely still get to $350 million, right? Even if it has to crawl there I just want it to make it.
  10. That was gonna be the case either way.
  11. Happy birthday, Rth! I hope godhood is going well. And man, what a weekend. I always knew the new SpongeBob would be a hit, but I had no idea it would blow the 2004 movie out of the water (pun realized but unintended). Box office wise, 2015 definitely seems to be trying to make up for 2014.
  12. I disagree there. The Lone Ranger, while a mess of a film, was still beautifully shot. JA looked like CGI fuckfest from the start.
  13. If Lego didn't prove it last year, this definitely proves that early February is an excellent animated film slot.
  14. Holy cow, SpongeBob is killing it this weekend. It's doing $52-55 million with that number.
  15. So I have the right to shit on them. It's why I put myself through three Twilight films, so the bitches at school couldn't pull the "you haven't even seen it" card.
  16. Out of complete boredom/curiosity I decided to get on BOM's yearly charts and look through the list of each year to see how many films I remembered seeing in theaters, back from the first movie I ever saw in a theater (Tarzan, 1997). Looking through the names there were a few I completely forgot seeing, and there may have been one or two I still completely overlooked. To this day so far, with the most recent being American Sniper, I've seen 194 films in an actual movie theater. This doesn't count multiple trips to one particular film, just the number of different films you've seen in a theater. I'll hit 200 this year, for sure. EDIT: Nevermind, literally just saw the other thread. I looked in the wrong forum for it. Sorry, delete asap.
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