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Everything posted by BoxOfficeFangrl

  1. Bond to a streamer? Wild! When's it getting released? Is Billie's Oscar back on the menu? (Understanding this is all unconfirmed at this point).
  2. The Quibi audience was supposedly people commuting to work and waiting in line at the coffee shop or whatever. Even there hadn't been a pandemic, that ignores that many Americans actually drive themselves to work and can't (or shouldn't be) watching TV on their commute. That's what podcasts are for. If people just wanted to watch short videos on their phones, they already had YouTube for that. Then the whole "only available on phones, no screencaps allowed" stupidity. It's stunning how everyone else outside of Quibi knew it would fail even before it launched, yet they still persisted.
  3. Thinking of all the segments of the entertainment industry that would kill for the tiniest slice of $2B right about now... A lot of people in the business were saying the quick bites were really about skirting union minimums for half hour/hour long shows. Good riddance to that Six months. LOLOL. At least they won an Emmy?
  4. I feel like Twitter has had the "Rank the Chrises" debate many times already and Pratt always loses; what was so different this time that the Avengers Assemble signal went out to heap praise on him? He's been labeled before now, for his politics and being anti-LGBTQ because of the church he attends. Not to say that this wouldn't suck to experience, but what was new about this latest Twitter poll vs all the other times? Also, many a woman or person of color in the MCU faced horrible treatment on social media, yet it was *crickets* from the co-star defense brigade.
  5. Obviously, there's a pandemic and Regal shut down all but a handful of theaters, so that's going to have a huge impact on attendance. But hey, gotta get that Twitter engagement somehow... Not bad for Honest Thief, the Liam Neeson action movie was fading in popularity, even before.
  6. Last year, Scarlett Johansson said she'd work with Woody Allen again and she got two acting nominations. If Redmayne misses, I doubt it will have anything to do with his comments about JK Rowling. I do think he will be pushed so he won't compete with the movie's Supporting Actor contenders.
  7. I can see why Disney would want an acclaimed young director but am less sure what Barry Jenkins sees in this project (besides $$$$, a huge incentive admittedly). Maybe a new challenge for himself or something. When Cuarón did Prisoner of Azkaban, he got an "in" with WB, a studio that also funds adult dramas, at least sometimes. Disney not so much these days.
  8. Ugh, don't even put that into the universe. Chazelle might be looking for another hit after his last couple of projects, and he did want Emma Watson in La La Land first... Barry Jenkins seems like an odd choice for this, but he surely had other options besides a Lion King follow up. So, I am more interested in this now than if Disney had just hired Bill Condon...
  9. Even the people who made Titanic didn't think it would become such a phenomenon. Not smart to spend that kind of money on Pearl Harbor, expecting to replicate even half of its success. There You'll Be was supposed to be the great love anthem a la My Heart Will Go On, but it's just so blah: I was pleasantly surprised Pearl Harbor was released as a summer movie, given that the 60th anniversary was that December, though I suppose it was on DVD by then and got a sales boost that way. I just remember this movie being very slick/stylized, with everything seeming very modern, but the romance was so boring. It didn't need to be a love triangle. Overall, it's about as good as you can expect for Michael Bay tackling history + romance.
  10. Quibi won an Emmy, though, for Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy from Hamilton). It made news because her dad also won this year, for This Is Us. LMAO, I didn't explain the tuxedo hazmat person to go out the nominees' houses dangling the Emmy in front of them like that...
  11. From a monetary standpoint, it makes sense to play a more conservative audience right now, and with a movie that's not $100+ million. The trailer shows a guy being jailed for allegedly proselytizing Christianity in the Middle East. Looking at the people involved in making this, it's not outrageous to think there could be an underlying Praise the Lord sort of message. A movie can lean on any number of genres and also have a religious element as well.
  12. Maybe it's Wahlberg's way to atone for his past... I noticed that in Patriots Day, he had his (fictional) character shown being very patient and supportive of the real Asian man who got carjacked by the bombers. Didn't he decline the chance to be in Brokeback Mountain back in the day because he didn't want to play gay? It was a different time and I'm not sure had the chops back then anyway, but in hindsight, not a good look. Good for him that he's evolved. But the thinkpieces and Film Twitter, if, following our Year of Reckoning About Racism/Systemic Injustices, plus the Academy's new inclusivity standards, Best Actor ends up going to Marky Mark playing a straight guy in "the Green Book of LGBTQ movies", which also wins Best Picture...el oh el forever and ever... It seems like such an AMPAS move that I almost want to bet money on it.
  13. Well, on the bright side, if there are no box office numbers anymore, the Oscars can't bring back that Popular Film category...
  14. Agree, but they probably wanted to release it on a Friday the 13th, and the last one before this November was in...March.
  15. Most of the recent Best Picture nominees would have happened under these guidelines, you'd get winners like Green Book anyway, but the new rules are still gonna make people mad, LOL.
  16. Wow, so many TV projects have been filming again and without incident that it's a bit shocking when THE star is diagnosed with Covid. I guess if you're not in a bubble like the NBA or Tyler Perry Studios, if you're not some TV Christmas movie filming in Canada--if it's a huge blockbuster production, this is pretty much inevitable. Get well soon, Battinson! Or stay well, if he's feeling OK.
  17. No, that's not from Infernal Affairs, that was just Jack Nicholson wanting his character to be a bit of a perv. The original Hong Kong version is like an hour shorter, IMO both versions are very good. Road to Perdition is based on a graphic novel. John Wick isn't but feels like it could be. ******* Movies: Three on a Match (1932): Packs in a lot of story for the runtime and is pretty engrossing by the end. Very weird seeing Ann Dvorak as a housewife/mom here, knowing she'd just been the kid sister in Scarface earlier that year. Bette Davis really doesn't have much to do, but it was a pretty early role for her. Interesting use of newspaper montages. Leave Her to Heaven (1945): How did this one pass the Hays Code? It's like if you made Gone Girl crossed with Fatal Attraction, minus the sex/blood/language, but it still ended up being 99 percent as twisted and unsettling. I like old black and white movies in general, but a lot of the film noir classics have left me cold before. However this (and Niagara) have really grabbed me, so maybe I only respond to film noir in Technicolor. Also, it's a really interesting time to watch a study in someone with a personality disorder.
  18. Not really an incentive if you live alone, unless I have a group of people over, which is not happening during a pandemic, and after it's over...I can just go to the movies again? Or I if I'm watching at home anyway, I'll just wait for the VOD price to drop, or keep waiting until it hits a streaming service I already subscribe to.
  19. What will the pricing be for the titles that go VOD after 17 days? The movie's not totally new but it's not 3 months old, either...somewhere between $5.99 and $20 for a rental? Everyone doesn't go to movies in big groups or live in a top market, the theater is actually cheaper some cases. When Covid is no longer a major threat, I am not sure about this business model. AMC has to survive to that point first...
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