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Everything posted by BoxOfficeZ

  1. Well after 3 perfect movies, hopefully they'll continue the streak. Maybe start a new trilogy with new characters?
  2. The Wire is fucking amazing. It starts out a little slow like Breaking Bad but it just gets better and better. Like Breaking Bad. Just watched some Bourne movies, now watching Bridge on the River Kwai.
  3. Last Crusade: A Raiders: B+ Doom: B If you're wondering why I only listed three films, its because that's the whole trilogy. It is alleged there's a fourth film out there, but I've obviously never seen it so it doesn't exist.
  4. So... basically your point is its okay to make the audience not see the action and they should be nearly nauseous, and that all my points are lazy. Got it. I'm totally blindly criticizing it even though I made a point on that its fine if its not overdone. So when we see all the camera shaking around the CIA guys chatting or the girl in the ending, yeah their life is frantic, anxiety, and nervous obviously. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
  5. For 1960s there's only two ranks for me. 1. Lawrence of Arabia. 2. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Once Upon a Time in the West 2001: A Space Odyssey Psycho Planet of the Apes The Guns of Navarone For a Few Dollars More. And probably a bunch more that I'm too lazy to list.
  6. Pretty awesome flick. Enjoyed the action scenes, especially the one in Tangier and New York. The shaky camera is still there sadly but its not as atrocious thankfully. I like how it avoids all the dumb cliches you see in other action movies. The ending is awesome. A
  7. I'm sorry, but this makes zero sense. You might have a point if only the action scenes did it, but even in some of those there's Bourne who knows exactly what he's doing and you can't see what's going on. Or like a simple scene showing Bourne going down literally like 10 steps and the cameraman is going down the stairs with him and its shakes the camera all over the place even though there's clearly no action at all. Simple scenes of just standing around talking, lets shake the camera anyway! Anyway you don't need to shake a camera to give the audience a sense of chaos. You can do this without making the audience nauseous. Its lazy as hell filmmaking. Usually I don't mind it if its done right, but it definitely goes overboard in this film. "Look at this great action scene!" yeah sure if I can tell what's going on. The camera whips around too fast to follow anything.
  8. Good story, good acting, but holy shit that shaky camera gives me motion sickness. Its fucking dumb. B+
  9. Hilarious film. The soundtrack is surprisingly good. Elfman can make great themes. The effects have aged a bit but still work for its needs. A
  10. One of the finest sci fi movies ever made in my humble opinion. The underwater scenes were all fantastically done. The hurricane and crane scene as mentioned was great, also one of the best movie chase scenes ever done was probably the duel of the two subs. The stakes were high so it made the chase just intense. Visuals still hold up. The soundtrack was great, especially the scene at the end with Bud meeting the aliens. Harris, Biehn, Mastrantonio were all fantastic in this. The dialogue/chemistry between Bud and Lindsey worked really well. Also plenty of subtle references to childbirth, like Bud is reborn again through the ship, umbilical cords like the crane connected to the rig then it gets cut, people are connected by ropes in the submarine search and the rig as well. A+
  11. I'd recommend these. Inside Job is about how the finance industry failed on so many levels during the crisis and how it doesn't care even today. (more of a quasi film-documentary). About the control of the world's food by a few corporations. Quite a scary watch that will make you feel squeamish. Dear Zachary is kinda like a true crime documentary. Trials of Life is a fantastic nature documentary, narrated by the fantastic David Attenborough. PBS Origins is pretty good too. About space.
  12. One of the finest westerns ever made. It was shot beautifully and the soundtrack is fucking phenomenal. The characters were great too. A+
  13. Good luck. I dunno if that movie will ever be topped. One of my favorite films ever.
  14. I thought it had some fantastic trailers highlighting the Groundhog Day thing, but I guess it did look like a generic sci fi alien invasion flick too.
  15. I'm not sure how much better Edge of Tomorrow could have gotten in terms of marketing. From what I saw, they did a decent job.
  16. Really fascinating. I was never impressed with Chris Evans to be honest, but in this film he was fantastic. Everyone was great. Plot was a bit iffy. Random observation, if they've been on the track for 17 years, who repairs the tracks? Earthquakes and weather would knock and destroy tracks around for sure. Where's the damn maintenance crew? FLAW! B+
  17. Its still amazing. There's definitely flaws (especially the writing). Like, why the heck does the MUTO burrow into a random Japanese nuclear plant instead of closer locations like nuke plants in Philippines or Taiwan? That was always a bit of a stretch for me. Plus little things like the scene of the white family is the only one that apparently avoids the tsunami always annoys me. Also you'd think someone at the waste facility in Nevada would hear the mountainside collapsing from the MUTO leaving it. But its still one my favorite films of the year. This, GOTG, Dawn, and DOFP. A - I do hope for the next movie they film more scenes with the monsters in the daylight, though I know nighttime is convenient for hiding obvious VFK work. Also, rewatching it again another observation came to mind, the cinematography is really amazing. Every shot is art. One thing that they nailed so perfectly was the scale of the monsters. Examples (not my screenshots):
  18. No, need to be so heartbroken. GOTG passed 200m today and its probably on its way to 270+, way more then Turtles will earn (not that its a bad thing, Turtles has already passed all expectations).
  19. Stallone is just amazing. He pulls off an amazing performance here of being indifferent then going full badass. Good soundtrack and awesome supporting cast (some people from Sopranos if I remember correctly ). Dialogue was top notch. A
  20. Godzilla's great opening, then collapse. X-Men solid opening Maleficent great Fault in Our Stars excellent HTTYD2 TF4's "100" OW Apes solid opening Lucy's opening was surprisingly decent GOTG god like Turtles surprises
  21. You're going to kill us by cuteness aren't you? Two can play the game. Anyways back to numbers.
  22. Its not like the numbers will go anywhere. They'll still be there.
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