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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Lol. Only a matter of time Joker till you are in the 400M club!
  2. Although I'm super excited to see the numbers as well, there are also other movies I'm looking forward to seeing the numbers from as well.
  3. Love the list! So glad to see the Alien legacy in the top 10, one of my favorites. However, I'm most excited to see Star Wars at NUMBER 1!!! Damn straight!!!
  4. 1. Catching Fire 2. Ninja Turtles 3. American Hustle 4. Godzilla 5. Muppets Most Wanted 6. Carrie 7. Gravity 8. Thor2 9. Dawn of Planets of the Apes 10. 47 Ronin
  5. Do we know what the budget is for You're Next? At least RT seems to like it so far, 80% is great.
  6. Woah, holy cow batman. Butler is doing really well. How was the response to the fillm after? Good WOM could mean some really great legs.
  7. He's a trooper! Sticking to his guns I guess, lol.
  8. Yeah, it was good. It's definitely a movie to watch again. The first 20 minutes or so I was confused, because I didn't know who at first was suppose to be the good cop and bad cop. Wasn't very clear, not sure if it was intended to be that way. But once I figured it out, it was a great movie. The ending was not what I expected.
  9. Watched The Departed last night. It was pretty good, a little bit confusing in the beginning. Overall I liked it, the ending was sad and yet full of twists.
  10. Oh yeah, it's not pee your pants laughing. But it's funny throughout. I gave it a solid 9/10. I really liked it.
  11. If a film is bad or the script is bad, it doesn't really matter who is in the movie. Movies are only as good as the script is. Paranoia just didn't get the audience's attention.
  12. No......no they aren't. Well, perhaps I'll just stay in the big cities in Australia!
  13. That just makes the adventure all the more fun I'll just have to make sure to stay away from the box jellyfish
  14. Can I be stuck in Australia?! That's not a bad place to be stuck in (depending on where, lol).
  15. Of Parnoia? Or THG? Eh, either way doesn't matter. If you found Banks annoying, then she played her part 100% as the book, because she's annoying there too
  16. I said I have a soft spot, I'm not blinded by it though. I just mean that I want all of them to do well in other films than the ordinary actor/actress simply because, yeah, they were in a film series I love. That doesn't mean that I'm going to say they are awesome if they aren't. Liam I have a soft spot for, nothing else (though I have to disagree in terms of looks. He is attractive.).
  17. I wouldn't say bias. If they suck, then they suck. I have no problem pointing it out if I see it. The only person I'm biased towards is The Queen.
  18. If he's bad then I guess it's deserved. I don't care for him obviously as much as I do JLaw, but I do have soft spots for those who are in THG I don't see the resemblance. Liam is attractive. And he's Australian
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