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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Everytime a studio has a film that flops or underperforms badly,a whole bunch of people who have no understanding of the business world predict doom and gloom for that studio. It had to happen eventually;Pixar eventually had to produce a dud.But still,it will not be a big dud and Pixar will suffer only minor losses on the film,and although the chances it will make any real profit are probably slim, it still has a reasonable chance of breaking even And if you had to have a flop,this might be the least damaging time for it, given the huge cushion the gigantic sucess of Inside Out has Given Pixar. And they have Finding Dory coming up,which ,although I have my doubts about quality vis a vis Finding Nemo,seems like a sure fire money maker for Pixar.
  2. Star Wars will not hurt any movie until it actually opens. Certainly is not hurting Creed very much.
  3. Same here. Frankly, it looks a little too much like Pixar trying to jump onto the "Ice Age" bandwagon. Ah well, they can't complain overall this year, with the huge success of Inside OUt.
  4. I think both films had lackluster trailers, but FROZEN got great reviews and Great WOM that overcame the mediocre trailers to make it the huge blockbuster it was.but TGD is getting neither reviews or WOM.
  5. Good Dinosaur has a 400 Million dollar break even point. IMHO it will make only a minor profit.
  6. Creed cost around 40 Milllion to make; TGD at least 200 Million,probably more (Pixar has a habit of lowballing it's budget estimates). Creed is going to more profitable (in terms of real profit)of the two,that is certain.
  7. Frankly, I though the trailers were lackluster,and it looked a lot like Pixar was playing "me,too" with the Ice Age franchise. Pixar will not lose money on this, but it won't be a big hit either. Ain't gonna come close to "Inside Out".
  8. Well, there marketing team did not do a great job with that trailer. And every studios make films because they think they have potential. Sometimes the films do,sometime they don;t,
  9. And overlooks everything else. The real problem with the film it looks like it has very litte to do with the original.and it looks like a mismash of every fantasy movie that has come out in the last few years,with a little Frozen thrown in.
  10. And the "We FIght Back" line is swiped directly from the Indepdence Day Campaign.
  11. That was my thought;they were using every single Alien Invasion Sci Fi Cliche they could find in this movie. And based on another one of the endless chain of YA novels we have been getting lately. And look at the date of release Jan.15th. Classic Dumping date. Anybody know what they spent on this?
  12. If you are really a big "fan" of ancient Egyptian history and mythology(and not just a poseur) the only you would go see this turkey is to laugh your head off.
  13. Pretty Pathetic. Jolie tried a crowd pleaser with Unbreakable and came up dry,now this art house fiasco. She should just give up as a director. To quote Dirty Harry,"You Have to Know Your Limtations".
  14. CNN says all theaters in Paris have been shut down for public safety.
  15. I assume that the US Government encouraging risky loans was a major cause of the 2008 crash, will be ignored in this film. That would interfere with the Left Wing viewpoint it's pretty clear the filmmakers have.
  16. Lionsgate REALLY need to do some firing in their Marketing deparment after seeing that crap. Of course,looks as though what the film;s production designers gave them to work with was pretty weak to begin with. I suspect we will see quite a few expensive bombs from Lionsgate in a desperate search for a new franchise now that The Hunger Games will have it last hurrah in a week.
  17. Welcome to my "People whose opinions on movies need to be taken with a ton of salt " list.
  18. I would have lost all respect for the Golden Globes with the nomination of The Martian..as much as I like it...as a comedy,except for the fact I have never had any respect for the Globes. . Yes, the film has humor in it but.come off it, it's a drama. The only people who think this is right are the hopeless fanboys.
  19. Well, one of the main charecters in SPOTLIGHT is Ben Bradley, jr,son of the Ben Bradley of All The President's Men.......
  20. Pan and Last Witch Hunter were good examples of a studioi pending way too much on a questionable porject Yeah, whoever at Lionsgate greenlighted a 90 Million budget for Last Witch Hunter needs to be fired. Pan was a desperate attempt by Warners to get a franchise to fill the slot left empty by the end of the Potter franchise. Pan was greenlighted and into production before Warners knew that Rowling was interested in turning Fantastic Beasts into a franchise; if they had,guarneteed they would not have sunk as much into Pan or maybe not even greelight it in the first place.
  21. Guaranteed, EON will get offers from other studios. I am also betting that word has already gone out from Barbara to really crack down on costs with the next Bond film. That is what her daddy CUbby did when profits were down because of high costs and budget overruns. Classic example is how he really rode heard and cut costs...though not to the point,of course, of making the film look cheap...on For Your Eyes Only after Moonraker,despite being one of the biggest grossing Bond films to date...earned less in profits then The Spy Who Loved Me because of the huge costs.
  22. For years, the Bond Franchise has made it's big money in overseas markets. SPRCTRE will make EON a lot of money ,and, for all I read that SONY does not make that much directily off the Bond films,SONY will fight to keep the Bond franchise in the upcoming bidding war because of the prestige and intangible factors.
  23. And since SPECTRE is the last film under the current contract Eon has with Sony, it will be interesting to see how much SONY wants to keep Bond. Thing about Bond is that SONY..and the other film companies...might feel that the prestige of 007,and that it is such a great tentpole for your other films might make BOnd valuable even if you don't make a lot off of the films themselves. Amd SONY will not lose any money on a Bond film.
  24. The whole franchise has ran it's course after the first one. All the sequels were just recycling stuff from the first one. Never got why this franchise was so hugely popular.
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