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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. And after today's revelations ,Warners/DC is very thankful that neither Bryan Singer of Kevin Spacey are associated with the DC universe .....so Maybe what happned with Supeerman Returns was sort of a blessing in disguise....
  2. The title is a bit ironic, given that this film will cost whoever finianced the film (not sure if Sony finiaced it or is only distributing it) every single cent they put into it.
  3. I understand the need to cut down on the endless Marvel vs DC bickering,but to say it's wrong to discuss the impact that Thor and Justice League will have on each other opening up, as they do, within a couple of weeks of each other is pretty damn silly....particulatrly at an alleged box office site. (I saw alleged because at times it descends to the level of a typical fan site).
  4. Man, Harvey is taking a lot of people down with him. The Weinstein scandal has set a whole row of dominos falling in Hollywood.
  5. Let's get this straight: A DCEU fanboy, angry about the runtime of Justice League (which,unless he has actually seen the film is stupid to begin with) blames not Warners Brs but the guy just reporting the news? Whatta Maroon to quote Bugs Bunny.
  6. I think that Eon was trying for a "one and done", but that might change if the deal is good enough. It will be interesting at to how desperate Sony will be to keep 007. Aside from the "Halo effect" Bond brings, if Sony loses 007, that leaves them with only one big franchise..Spiderman....and multiple franchises are what investors look at in a studio nowdays.
  7. Jones has been upfront about how a lot of his advice was ignored when DC was making "Green Lantern" and how he was very unhappy with how the film turned out;that won't happen again with Johns in charge of DC Studios. Which is great with me, since, after Batman, GL is my favorite DC Franchise.
  8. The Dead Zone might just be too scary for audiences;because Greg Stillson is so much like the current resident of the White House........
  9. Everybody who covers the film industry is saying the loss of 007 would be a big blow to Sony films,so I will go with them. And aside from Spidey, it was the only real franchise Sony had. And Franchises is ,nowdays, what the major investors judge a studio by.
  10. And today Sony got the news that MGM just signed a release deal with Annapurna films,meanng that Sony will almost certainly lose distribution rights to the 007 Franchise..it most valuable asset. Bad,bad,week for Sony.
  11. ANd it got sort of a boost from the Pentagon Papers being covered pretty througly in the Ken Burns "Vietnam" documentary series.
  12. They seem pretty sure to having Eon on board; the contract with Eon is the most valuable asset MGM has.
  13. You can almost hear the wheels turning at Paramount: "Gee,look at how much money Warners is making with 'It',and we still own the rights to "Pet Semetary" and we can bring in it for around 25 Million"...... I suspect every studio that has the rights to a one of the "CLassic" King novels is going to fast track it....
  14. For those of you who don't remember, a good short version of the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan scandal: http://www.eonline.com/news/888407/nightmare-on-ice-how-tonya-harding-became-the-forever-villain-to-nancy-kerrigan-s-olympic-hero-in-one-whirlwind-month-of-madness Black Comedy,with a good dash of Coen brs Dumb Criminals ,was the only way to go with this.
  15. I also see some DC Cinematic Universe fans who despise the DC Live action TV universe.so it goes both ways. There is a reason why Marvel decided not to use any of it's "A" charecters (with the exception of Daredevil" in it's TV shows.
  16. I still maintain a lot of DC's Wait and See about a Flash solo movie is because of concern about how much impact the TV show would have on the box office. "It's hard to get people to pay for what they think they can see for free" is an old rule, and People paying to see the Flash are past of the JL is a different thing then paying to see a solo Flash movie when they can watch a live action solo Flash on TV. If Ezra Miller's version goes over really big in the JL film, then DC might pull the trigger,but IMHO it's not a sure thing. It is a problem DC set up when they went with different LIve action TV and Movie Universes:The danger of competing with yourself.
  17. I'll stick with the Cecil B De Mille version, thank you. For one thing, I doubt this film has a big enough budget to do the story justice.
  18. I knew the Jackman worshipers would show up. We had a couple of over the top Jackman fans telling us how great and wonderful "Pan" was going to be, and how huge a hit it would was going to be. Jackman does attract some really over the top fans who would think a four hour movie of Jackman reading names out of the phone book is going to be great.
  19. The aftershocks of the Weinstein scandal are showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. And I have noted that although Affleck in on the press junkets, Warners is taking pains to give him as low a profile as possible without making it real obvious that is what they are doing.
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