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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. Granted, Bresson is more popular in Europe then he is in America, but still, with the size of the budget for this you need it to do very well in the US. That is not going to happen. And setting up his own distribution company is asking for trouble. It's not all that easy to do.
  2. It's called cutting your losses. One of the traits of a sucesssful business man is he knows when something is failing,and rather then waste more money in a doomed attempt to save it,just accepts it's a failure and cuts his losses.
  3. Bresson is a niche director. He can make a profitible film if it has a modest budget ,but his big budget films have been noticible failures. This is going to be another "Jupiter Ascending".
  4. From "Raging Bull" and "Goodfellows" to this????? How the mighty have fallen.
  5. There is so many Zombie based TV shows and movies that you really have to have something good to avoid getting drowned in the flood. This movie looks like total crap. Going to flop,and be forgetton within a couple of weeks.
  6. It actually looks a lot better then I thought it would be...and Stallone is finally realziing he is a little old to do the action star thing. Moving into wise old mentor roles is a good move for him. The movie only cost around 35 Million; Warners is going to make a profit off of it, only question is how much. I And Warners is already marketing the hell out of this on the Sports channels,and will not be surprised if they decide to splurge a little and buy some World Series slots for this. The Sports fan is a very obvious market for them to go after big time.
  7. Diesal is simply not a draw outside the F and F franchise. (And maybe his voice work in GOTG). Sorry, Vin fanboys, but that is just the fact. If not for F and F, Diesal would be in DTV movies, the last refuge of washed up action stars.
  8. I don't think the the Errol Flynn film has to worry about losing it's place as the best Robin Hood movie..... Another very questionable project that Lionsgate will spend too much money on. They seem to be on the road that New Line followed after LOTR.
  9. The Weinsteins would be overjoyed at Burnt doing 9 Million dollars. IMHO it will be lucky to do 5 Million.
  10. Trailer left me thinking What the hell is the film about? Starts out like the film is a artsy love story, but then the trailer switches to selling it as a suspense thriller.
  11. Harvey knew he had a fiasco on his hands, and decided a limited opening would just call more attention to the fail. So dump it and get the pain over with.
  12. Agreed,but Scott has also made some great ones . Timur has not. The more I think about this, the more I am convinced that this is one of the worst thought out projects I have seen in a while. 70 Million way too small a budget for the story;very hard nowdays to make a Jesus Themed film that will please both the "Faith" and secular audiences (if they try to be as ambigious as the 1959 was about Jesus the Faith audiences will go berserk; if they make it heavy handed with the Christian preaching the G.A. will stay away);they chose absoultely the wrong director;almost none of the choice make any sense. They might end up marketing it pretty much only to the Faith audience;in which case 70 Million is way to big a budget for a faith film. Whole thing was horribly thought out.
  13. Yeah,"Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Slayer" just reeks of another Ridley Scott.......
  14. Bombs away for all the new films next weekend. Crisis is the kind of film that needed good reviews,and it's not getting them.
  15. From the trailer,it does look like a TV movie. Nice lrony;the film is being produced by Ridley Scott's production company,and Kate Mara, whose father owns the New York Giants, and whose mother's family owns the Pitsburg Steelers,had a role in Scott's "The Martian".
  16. Lionsgate managed to sell off the foreign rights,so the damage Lionsgate will take is limited(the releasing companies who bought the rights are the ones who will eat the losses). But still, spending 90 Million on this does not show good judgement;Lionsgate will not be able to save itself from the consequences of it's bad decisions by selling off rights forever.
  17. I think you might greatly outnumbered in thinking this is a good idea. And some subjects are inherently sllly that you can't really sucessfully make more serious. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is one of them.
  18. Ever hear of something called "THe Hunger Games"? ALthough you overstate,I agree with you that Lionsgate is going to have big problems now that The Hunger Games cash cow will run dry . I see a scenario like what happened with New Line:A company that specialized in low and occasionally medium budget films has a gigantic sucess with a single franchise; but they don't know how to handle a lot of money coming in,waste a lot of the profits from the franchise on big budget flops and questionable attempts to get another big franchise,and in less then ten years go belly up and lose their independence and end up as just a devision of another studio,
  19. TMNT had a sort of inherent coolness that Power Rangers Never had. It also skewed older. Bad Comparasion.
  20. Any body know how much Lionsgate is planning on spending on this? If it's over 50 Million bucks they are insane. But Lionsgate has just flushed 90 mIllion down the tube with "The Last Witch Hunter" so there are quite a few questionable decisons being made over there. I know that Lionsgate is desperate for a new big franchise now that "The Hunger Games" franchise at a end but the freaking Mighty Morphin Power Rangers???????
  21. As a Hard Core Civil War buff, I will be there opening night,despite it will probably be another case where what actuallly happened in history is much more interesting then the Hollywood cliches we will be given.
  22. For Jem and RTK,yeah, they are being dumped. FOr TLWH and Paranomal Whatever,I think the studios had low expectations,but the weekend before Halloween is the natural opening weekend.
  23. I am one of those who think that the Chronciles of Riddick made a huge mistake in taking what was a cool,fun,"hard" sci fi adventure, with Ptich Black,and try to turn it into a freaking "Lord Of the RIngs" clone.
  24. 90 Million is at the upper end of the mid budget range. Point is that Lionsgate was stupid to spend anything above 35 to 40 Million on a Vin Diesal vehical. And even then it was probably a bad gamble.
  25. VIn Diesal is ,frankly, not a draw outside the F and F franchise.Frankly, if not for Fast and Furious, he would probably be doing DTV movies by now.
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