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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. If you're like me, you've seen a lot of footage of ravage Pandas ruining the lives of people while you hear the man sing, "Just you know whyyy". Well, this topic is to counter that propaganda, we must present our evidence here! I believe that since the video maker was Japanese he was attempting to take highly edited footage of Pandas to make them seem like the aggressors! They're trying to say that China is the aggressive one to Japan! But we all know it was the empire of Japan that attempted to slaughter the Panda species in WW2. I personally know the Never Say No to Panda Panda, in fact I may even be him! And I know that he was seeking vengeance on Panda abusers and those who hated my species!
  2. GT will do well, but there's no indication it's coming on at 1
  3. I think Dunkirk will have better than expected walk ups. There'll be Nolanite frontloading, but its core audience is likely an older one that doesn't pre-buy their tickets as much.
  4. Most wretched people do get off pretty easy, it's pretty rare that the wicked get the come-uppance they deserve. It's a reflection on that reality (while also giving a moment to show that Harrelson's character did have some remote sense of humanity).
  5. Is that unrealistic? Yes. Is it impossible, no. You could say it's next to impossible that it won't gross over TFA DOM. But maybe there's unprecedented hyper inflation of the US $ within the next few days which leads to WW overtaking TFA (just not in real numbers), that'd be an oddly possible scenario, I just wouldn't bank on it. Hell, even past events can't be known for certain due to interpretation and the remote possibility time travel is a thing and that it (somehow) functions linearly and not in a parallel universe kind of function.
  6. It only works if you're actually serious about it, you can rig THE LAW
  7. To further this point, if you wouldn't literally bet your life on something happening then it's not 0% or 100% certain. I get irritated when people throw around that terminology, as the thing I'm near certain about is there's no such thing as absolute certainty in reality.
  8. Here's my proposed new BO Law The Panda's Law of False Certainty If someone claims absolute certainty (0% or 100% chance) for an unknown, future BO event, then the chance of the opposite happening increases tenfold.
  9. Yeah, my biggest complaint is they should have gone further and took the R rating (as Logan and Deadpool have shown recently, big properties can really succeed with it) You didn't get to feel the full impact of what Reeves wanted to show because the PG-13 rating is too tame. The movie almost feels like an Animal Farm like analogy of war.
  10. All of the reasons you said you didn't like the movie are the reasons I thought it was fantastic, funny. It detached the audiences from reality in order to tell them a story about the realities of war. It takes the focus out of the actual conflict and shows you where a lot of the real pain is. It's not in the clashing heads of Harrelson and Caesar, it's in the innocent victims of both sides. It shows the unfair genocides/exterminations of groups of people, and he poor reasoning from the regime leaders behind it (who often end up hypocritical). And it shows you how the winning side of history gets to tell the story and lift their passed away leaders up on a pedestal they may not deserve. Harrelson's death was fitting, Caesar completed his arc of mercy, and it paralleled reality. It also gave him a small moment of humanity, because you can see in his eyes that he becomes what he hated and realized how wrong he was about what he thought should be exterminated from the world. It's not an action tentpole though, so if you go in wanting that, I can see how it could disappoint.
  11. Currently out with no wifi for the week doing flood relief work, so I'll have to update everything this weekend at some point
  12. I think Sam is the most likely character to survive the whole series, sorry. I personally think the theory that
  13. Also from the director of Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind, Rush, and Frost/Nixon. He's also won two Oscars whereas the previous directors have been nominated for 0. He's a talented director
  14. I liked Euron, we also only got one real scene with him (and his character was trying to make a particular impression). Given he's being played a little psychotically, I could see some of the book Euron coming out in a few scenes. I also liked Cersei and Jaime's interaction with him.
  15. I thought it was a great opening episode. Right next to Two Swords as the best season opener. The cold open was fantastic, and it did a great job setting the stage for the madness to go down. I really liked the scenes with the Hound, it's really nice to see his subtle redemption.
  16. Youre most definitely wrong about that. The Apes trilogy is solid the whole way through, which is impressive, but it's not all-time great (only War was truly great imo). Indiana Jones Trilogy Before Trilogy LOTR Trilogy Original Star Wars Trilogy Dollars Trilogy Toy Story Trilogy Godfather Trilogy (knocked down by last movie) The Gibson Mad Max Trilogy Evil Dead Trilogy Back to the Future Trilogy Dark Knight Trilogy Apes Trilogy The Mariachi Trilogy Bourne Trilogy Cornetto Trilogy
  17. The last two were sub-300m, I don't see why you should be upset about this one increasing from those two, even if it misses the mark.
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