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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. That's true, but it will be hit hard by Godzilla next week and the again with X-Men, if it drops that bad with no competition there's no way it can pick up legs with competition in May.
  2. With 60% drops it could possibly miss 200m
  3. 1) Will Neighbors open in first? Yes 2) Will ASM 2 fall more than Spider-man 3 did in it's second weekend? No 3) Will ASM2's Friday to Friday decrease ( from the 35.167 number) be more than 75%? Yes 4) Which film will open higher, MNO or LOO:DR? Mom's Night Out 5) Will Neighbors be number one on Friday (including Thurs) Yes 6) Will The Other Woman fall more than 34.4%? Yes 7) Will Divergent stay in the top 10? Yes 8) Will Neighbors get at least an A cinemascore? No 9) Will more than 2 films in the top 15 have a Saturday increase of more than 74%? No 10) Will Transcendence finish ahead of Haunted House 2? No 11) Will The Other Woman and Neighbors combine to make more than 8 million in Australia this weekend (TOW has been on fire there, it will more than likely pass ASM2 in Australia this week)? Yes 12) How many films will have a drop of less than 40%? 5/12 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 6000 What will Neighbors Friday gross be (including early showings on Thurs) 3000 What will ASM2's gross be for the weekend? 3000 What will Captain America TWS's gross be? 3000 What finishes in spots: 4 The Other Woman 5 Dorothy: Legends of Oz 6 Heaven is For Real 10 Brick Mansions
  4. I'll take both, unless you are only offering them to one each then I'll take just the second.
  5. With how loosely Frozen is based on the Snow Queen (a fairly unknown story to begin with), it is pretty much original. The Lion King is based on Hamlet but it is still original.
  6. Ha, yes, an original movie that wasn't James Cameron has finally topped a year.
  7. No to all of those, they are all bad movies period.
  8. I feel bad for Andrew Garfield, he's a great spider-man and Emma stone is a great Gwen Stacy, everybody else in the cast and crew just happen to suck.
  9. Starship Troopers is a fantastic movie.
  10. Fuck, im bad with figuring out worldwide and international weekends, I just don't follow international box office trends enough, plus it had a weird release schedule. However my domestic predict will end up fairly accurate, I just vastly underrated how well it'd do in Asia.
  11. I'm just describing situations I have been in, I have been able to end up dating girls that were in a relationship when I started trying to talk to them. It truly is a situational thing though for what sucks more for a particular person. I think what sucks for me is something clicked in me about her after talking to her for a while that hasn't happened with anybody else, she just doesn't any form of relationship with anyone. If she were any other girl it probsbly wouldn't bother me as much. But yeah, unless the girl you met is dating the guy, just straight up go for it, worst thing that happens is she says no, the world won't collapse or anything.On HamletPersonally, Hamlet isn't my favorite of his plays but I still love it, I just didn't like the style they went for. They turned it into a present day business cooperation type setting, yet they tried to still add that 17th century feel to it and it just didn't mix in my opinion. If you are going to go for a more capitalist thriller type of show (which is what I got from their direction) you can't have everybody wielding swords and it make sense. My biggest problem with it though was the actors were very repetitive in their phrasing, they didn't sell me the story, their pronunciation and projection was very clean but they broke up to many of the phrases and it never seemed as though they fully understood how they were incorporating the story of hamlet into the setting that they chose.Whatever though, I shouldn't rant to long about it.
  12. I'd take a taken girl who you may possibly have a chance with later than being head over heels for a girl who has no interest in relationships.But your mention of musicals reminded me of the festival we took our one act play to, it pissed me off that we lost to a rendition of Hamlet that won for the boldness of direction (although I personally hated their style, that was the one show I wasn't going to be okay with losing to) and a Jewish play which placed second because of it's subject matter.I'm over it now, I'm actually more angry right now at how badly that show butchered the story of hamlet and not only got away with it but praised for it. Maybe I didn't see what the judges saw, but being a Shakespeare enthusiast bad versions of it make me mad.
  13. I'll bet 50 points TASM2 doesn't have the largest opening of May (2 people)50 points Neighbors is number 1 next weekend (2 people)50 points TASM2 drops a larger percentage than Thor 2 (2 people)100 points Godzilla is the number one movie from May (2 people)
  14. 1.Boyhood2.Godzilla3.Neighbors4.Guardians of the Galaxy5.The Fault in Our Stars6.Gone Girl7.How to Train Your Dragon28.The Avengers: Age of Ultron9.22 Jump Street10.Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
  15. If all goes well TASM2 will open right in line with my BSG prediction.
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