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Everything posted by Ent

  1. Apes deserve an$90+M opening. But it will need to break out bad with such opening.
  2. Bye bye Belgium. You fought hard but it wasn't enough. welcome home ! Congrats to Argentina. Now get that semi final place the Oranjes !
  3. So women go to certain movies they know they won't like out of desperation but men go to crappy movies like TASM2 or Transformers out of love of said movies ? My point is, nobody go see a movie out of desperation. people go there because they like it or expect it to like it based on their own taste....not because they are desperate to see it no matter their taste.
  4. There are plenty of movies geared at women too, starting with rom coms. They don't need to be blockbusters. There are also plenty of options other than movies from theaters to watch. It's still doesn't make sense that women will be desperate to see a movie they don't like because there is no other option available for them. I mean the premise that anyone will go watch a movie they don't like, pay for it just out of desperation because of nothing else available to them doesn't make sense. If they don't like it, why chose it among others out of desperation ? It's clear something attracted them to it more than any other despite the so called desperation.
  5. I am sure a great deal of the Maleficent target which are children don't mind rating it on a tool like RT so of course its audience rating will be even more flawn when it comes to reflect how the majority of its viewers received it.. Even I, an adult don't rate movies on RT...plenty of people don't. And look at the last Transformers audience rate which by the way is lesser than Maleficent's...It doesn't reflect it still racking the dough too.
  6. Or maybe what you consider a so, so movie, is a good movie to them....just like what i consinder the horrendous Transformers serie that a lot of people dig and that is to me trasher than trash and totally unwatchable. Why would a sizable target be desperate to see a move they don't like or find so so ? It doesn't make sense. They do watch it because they like it. Wether some think it's a so, so product doesn't enter the equation when it's about their personal taste. It's that simple.
  7. I had a feeling Germany would win. Germany always manage to get into the later stage of the turnament. It has always be a very solid team with a realistic play.
  8. 4 european teams, all of which neighbooring countries with Belgium speaking all three official languages. 4 south american teams too. Holland/Belgium is always epic drama. It's a derby, a fratricide fight and the last time, we met our dutch cousins during a WC championship, we barely lost. I hope we could meet again at the semi final for the revenge. France/Germany will be drama too.
  9. Belgian Red Devils...Romelu LUKAKU ! yesssssssssssssssssss !!!!
  10. The Swiss, Ghanaians and Algerians were all great opponents. Congrats to Argentina.
  11. BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice · 50s BEGIN AGAIN opened with an estimated $148,325 this weekend from 5 locations. #BeginAgain
  12. Chile is very deserving...too bad for that first goal they put in their own net.
  13. Lol, TF4's gross is just from another stratosphere. It's one of the rare juggernaut in China, like Avatar and maybe the Avengers serie if TA2 took off the same way to a lesser extent of course.
  14. Overseas accounted for billions of people whereas domestic only account for like $300 -330M of people between the US and Cnadada. The more a country became richer, the bigger the number of its people have access to an increasing number of theaters. Quite frankly for a country of over a billion people, China, per capita is nowhere near the US in terms of saturation. And when in a century or so, Africa really take off, while India will be at today's China level, then the center of gravity to funnel US movie will change even more because the western world is saturated, has less people and won't increase as rapidely.
  15. With a $100M opening weekend is $250M at the end of its run possible ?
  16. I am pulling for The Netherlands and Brasil !
  17. They did it after several movies finally. I agree that it is difficult to develop as many characters but the main characters weren't developped enough previously and it revolves mainly around Wolverine for the longest time. TA is more of a team focus than about a central one or duet around which everything always revolved than the depiction of Xmen has ever been until recently. And as i said, to focus on a team versus one or too main characters requires skills. You focus on interractions to add depth to the characters and add layers on the personalities of each character, on the dynamic of the group, how they function within that group dynamic. Then when its done, you can go on and add a richer story on a sequel that will be enriched it with their character developpment developped in the first movie...how they are supposed to act, react, interract whithin a richer deeper storyline. In that regard, TA is the best, richest origin movie of a team from any comic book movie. It has succeeded in seting layers and showing personalities and how the group is formed and act coherently with different characters, different tempers, different personalities with different backgrounds and experience, ect...
  18. People have been supporting average and mediocre products since the beginning of time. Hollywood and movies are no different that any other industries...people support sportswear or jeans over brand named great suit...they support pizza and the like of Mc Do over filet mignon...they support cheap mass consumption products over quality stuff. Hollywood is no different. I loathe with a passion the Transformers flicks. I was never able to watch the first one more than 15 minutes but i reckon that if a movie is consumed universally to that scale, then it feed a demand and does its first job. i am not naive to think that Hollywood of all industries aims at philantropy. it's first and foremost a business, with a lot of finance involved, a lot financial people and insurance companies who agreed to invest a certain amount of money on a project on the sole condition that the product will be vastly consumed. It's show BUSINESS, hence why the majority of the greater stuff have usually a lesser investyment cost...taken mainly from those huge revenues of the highly consumed cheap and average products....
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