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Everything posted by chuck0

  1. opening weekends of "original" movies... which Prometheus imo doesnt really count since its basically part of the Alien franchise.
  2. yep, and even if it wasnt the same planet it certainly was the same universe...
  3. pretty sure the post you quoted was referencing that quote... though since english isnt my native language i could have been mistaken here
  4. well i guess BH6 might fall again below 90% (as for example frozen did in the end) but still, the relation between average and the % score also gives some kind of information... basically it is a likable movie where few can find enough problems to merit a rotten rating, but not many critics are actually blown away. So i am not sure if you really can just say its avg is too low for a 91%... anyways ill be really happy if BH6 makes WiR numbers with a little extra (so 55M would be neat)
  5. If by Frozen you mean Tangled then yes i agree I think the reviews look good. As others have said i think this will end up in the high eighties or low nineties.
  6. Finally some moving images from Feast! as always imo it looks much better in motion than in the stills that were available.
  7. YAY that trailer is really nice! I am just a little sad that there wont be any rocket cat
  8. I guess it depends on the mindset you go into watching the movie... if you expect a classical disney story then you are going to be surprised (as i was to be honest). I mean, they had a love song, and usually characters do not lie when they are singing!
  9. Rapunzel =/= Honey in my opinion many people say that Frozen isnt as good as Tangled.... soooo and btw i agree... Rapunzel and Honey do look quite a bit different
  10. WTF... they used that image as a positive example for her character design??? that one could be directly submitted to escher girls... Sorry but Honeys design is imho pretty good. The extreme heels might be a little over the top but otherwise i really like it
  11. Just reread some of the review... I guess the reviewer is basically saying that feast also uses non photorealistic rendering... shading is very stylized as in paperman, but it is also mentioned that the pencil line is missing... which basically was the central feature of the paperman style. And yep it is still really refreshing that they are experimenting with different visual styles. Especially since nowadays all the 3D animation looks so similar... seeing something like this in a feature film really would be pretty epic
  12. I am afraid that it is not the same technology as paperman... that was basically dropped and i would assume that this is because it required nearly twice the work as standard cgi stuff. You had to animate the 3D objects and then basically animate over that with pencil strokes. The second step was made easier by using the 3d animation to steer the pencil stuff which reduced the need for inbetweening, but it was still pretty work intensive. As far as i can tell the feast shots do not feature this work intensive pencil line stuff that was so great in paperman.... Anyways the style still looks nice and i am also really looking forward to this short.
  13. People usually still want to see event type movies like Avatar in the cinema... even if there are pirated copies. And in the case of Avatar that was doubly true since nobody had 3D at home As for movies that get hit by piracy the most... i guess it is stuff that is not really good and thus has to rely on a large marketing campaign in order to get a huge OW. If people can see such a movie beforehand and word gets out that it is just not clicking then it gets destroyed at the BO. And i am pretty sure that E3 fits that bill pretty nicely... Still i doubt that E3 would have been a smash hit even without the leak
  14. I am not sure that we got previews for it in the two english language cinemas in Vienna (i really dont want to see this in german)... anyways i really wonder whether the movie will do well in german speaking countries or whether it will perform a bit like the lego movie. The humor in GotG again might be a bit US centric... anyways i am looking forward to seeing the movie
  15. Hehe yeah... here in europe ratings work a little differently... i also just recently saw the A-Holes trailer for GotG and here in Austria they properly pronounced the complete german equivalent for A-hole And damn, i want to finally be able to see this movie... still not opened here
  16. If tele sees this mess he will flip! btw imho all of this revolves around liking something for its artistic qualities vs liking something because it touches you on a personal level. Sometimes both of those qualities can come together and you get a perfect movie, but most of the time there is an either or scenario. In the end i would say that comparing a movie that you like artistically to one you enjoy on a more personal level is really difficult and outright saying that one is superior to the other becomes pretty meaningless
  17. I am not sure whether Honey Lemon will be 100% white... might be the lighting playing tricks on my eyes but especially in the trailer her skin tone seems quite a bit darker than Hiros or Freds...
  18. Some new Character art from the facebook page: btw i think the primary challenge for this movie will be to develop all those characters in only 90 minutes... i assume hiro and baymax will be front and center, but i hope that at least some of the supporting cast gets fleshed out a little as well.
  19. I guess currently realistic expectations would be around WiR plus a little extra frozen boost... so yeah, Tangled would be an expected number... but if it is really good i guess it could go into DM territory
  20. well... not really released, but it did leak also they probably recorded huge parts of multiple versions of the script (there is even one fully voiced animatic showing evil short haired elsa )
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