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Everything posted by AJG

  1. Both the 2016 and 1984 films were just okay and any hoopla created by either was unwarranted.
  2. The fact they were dragging that husk around for as long as they did was actually admirable. Gone to the grave with Machinima, CollegeHumor, Epic Meal Time, and FunnyorDie.
  3. So there was strong concern that MAX wouldn't launch in the UK with all the cost cutting going on, but it looks like it's going down.
  4. I’m fascinated by the idea that Netflix’s US only deal with Sony stops movies from being flops. Films get licensed to TV channels and streamers globally all the time. I don’t think whatever Sony has with Netflix is so lucrative it can be pulled out like a consolation prize whenever one of their films flop (unlike the CW’s old Netflix deal which effectively funded their slate).
  5. Most movies now are either a flop or not making as much money as they could’ve. Studios are also going out of there way to minimise the coverage a flop receives for being a flop (remember that movie where J-Law ‘brought back the R-Rated comedy?’). TMNT gets a sequel because Paramount thinks there’s room for the series to grow. Dune 2 might lose money. So be it. The market flipped over night. Movies are being given a lot more grace than they used to get when it comes to BO nowadays.
  6. and The Oscars became an obnoxious endurance test almost instantaneously.
  7. So this has never been true btw. The whole thing rests upon a really old racist notion that Japanese people are entirely alien to behaviours or practices the rest of the world wouldn't bat an eye at, and that they take simple slights or inconveniences as an act of dishonor like something out of an old Samurai movie. If Sony didn't know how to work with or compensate for westerners than they wouldn't even attempt to do business in the West. Sony rebooted their biggest movie franchise. They didn't reboot it because actor was late to a meeting or whatever.
  8. Had the same thing with SpiderVerse 2. Turns out the cinema I went to were legally forced to lower the sound at nighttime to not bother the neighbours.
  9. They’ve had 4 of these films so far and only one of them is good. That’s the problem.
  10. PVOD Metadata already uploaded BTW. Dune 2 PVOD - April 15th (might be sooner due to international rollout)
  11. New trailer dropped 7 hours ago and nobody bothered to upload... it might be a sign
  12. So much of this movie looks like pretty boys posing to me. Like it's very obvious I'm watching theatre kids performing their impression of what they think tough people are like.
  13. They both demonstrated their intent to sell themselves. That's all it was. There was a reason why you didn't see 2 dozen articles clog up the trade sites with speculation about this "potential" merger.
  14. Saw this last night. Felt like I was watching a child molesters cinematic fantasy. I get what the film was going for (a blank slate's political, social, and sexual awakening after being unleashed onto the human world - it's been done - but that's fine. R-rated Barbie), it's just the first scene with Rufallo and Bella was so unsettling to me. The whole gag of Bella using juvenile code to refer to sex as if being coached to disguise the activity was also off-putting unfortunately. The whole thing reminds me of those anime fans that try to justify their lust for what appears to be a prepubescant child dressed like 80s era Madonna, "it's OK, she's actually 400 years old".
  15. There’s apparently a new Hollywood mystery where people have no idea where Kevin Costner got $100m to produce these films.
  16. I can't wait to watch 3 episodes and then completely forget the show existed.
  17. Apparently the TV show based on the Silk character got canned last week.
  18. The guy in the video is exhausting. I’ve watched the original Ghostbusters with Gen-Z kids. They were fine. My daughter did wonder why a movie that’s one long sex joke was so huge but that’s about it. Kids really do hate this whole “over sensitive” political label they get slapped with. They understand some movies are old, times were different. Knock it off. The reason films like GB isn’t all that big with the kids today is because this generation is the first to have the luxury of not watching a movie solely because there’s nothing else to watch on the five TV channels you had available. This is how a lot of people got franchises like Indiana Jones, James Bond, Ghostbusters, and Star Wars. You will miss a lot of older content if you had near infinite choices and had to employ some kind of effort into deciding what you’re going to watch.
  19. Because it took way too long for GenX’ers to grow up and realise the insightful, mature, and thrilling adventure series’ they grew up with were actually closer to pure silly nonsense for children. That’s why we’ve had to suffer through content created to capitalise on their misplaced nostalgia. Look at Michael Bay’s Transformers and Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers The Movie, that new He-Man show on Netflix. They flipped out when Indiana Jones survived a Nuke in a fridge, forgetting he survived a waterfall in a ToysRUs inflatable boat in the 80’s. Ghostbusters is even more bizarre for me. The GB fans disregarded that 2016 film even though it was pretty close to what Ghostbusters actually was. Now we’re stuck with these action/adventure dirges and the highest praise I’ve seen from GB fans is “at least it isn’t the 2016 version”.
  20. I got up to Episode 5 and gave up. It’s like one of those lifeless live action Disney remakes. First episode is legit great tho (which is apparently the only episode the original creators were involved with before they bailed out).
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