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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Holy shit Bravo @keysersoze123 !!You called it again mate !!
  2. Dude you deserve a huge shout out and a huge thank you.You have been amazing predicting this film’s numbers.You keep throwing all these numbers that anyone else is doubting and you end up being right.Whatever it is you are doing it works.Keep up the great work mate!
  3. I am sorry.I really am.I really wanted to like it.I just didn’t.And if that was the message, which sure the film made a point of it, but still at the end of the day that one floated as a general idea and in a film that at the end of the day is just another addition to the superhero genre.
  4. I mean that with Joker people talk about gun violence, mental illness, capitalism, child abuse etc. The film tackles some very important issues and depicts them in a ver raw way.It asks from the audience to notice.And all happens in a city that may be imagined but at the end of the day it reflects every shithole in our world. I am sorry but BP, imo, was nothing special as it checked every single box in ten Marvel formula without actually saying anything.
  5. It’s not my DC bias.I’m only mentioning that one film that by all means, imo, was nothing special and like every other movie in the genre.Hell Infinity War was more deserving than any other cbm last year.
  6. Todd Phillips y’all, the director of The Hangover trilogy did that
  7. In Greece Joker had a bigger opening than any other comic book movie save Avengers : Endgame.Endgame opened with ~300K admissions vs 158K admission for Joker.Difference is that The tickets tally for Endgame opening includes 8 full days of release with showing starting at 12pm while The Joker number includes 5 days of release with showing starting at 10am.Amazing.PS never hinted that this would happen. Edit: I also want to add that I went to see this for a second time yesterday and every showing was sold out...on a freaking Sunday.Fucking unbelievable.
  8. I know it’s anecdotal evidence but I am in many group conversations across many social media platforms and since it opened last Wednesday here p, Joker has been a prime focus in all of them and many that have no intention of seeing it in theaters and/or generally don’t watch many movies, now want to check it out.Something tells me that legs will be good.I expected that it wouldn’t sit well with the GA but it’s raves everywhere.
  9. When the movie’s delay was announced along with the great poster Patty did say that we would get something in December.I don’t remember the exact quote. Edit: here it is...
  10. So what happens with Disney when Star Wars 9 ends,Marvel slows down and there are no more old animations to remake? And then there are the Fox properties.Sure Avatar Will help them remain at the top for some more years but what’s beyond that?The year when another studio gets one of their movies at the top of the yearly box office is not that far away I think.
  11. Yeah but let’s not pretend that Patty isn’t way more talented than the people headlining these other movies... also Harry Potter 9?
  12. And funny thing is that OUaTIH is actually based on true horrifying events and yet it’s held to a different standard by the media than Joker.Anyone could tell things like “it glorifies violence” and “can be dangerous” for OUATIH but nope...seems some critics have a short term memory loss or their hatred for Jo,er comes for a very personal place and not from a cinematic perspective. P.S : I love both movies
  13. Also it had a 70% increase in Italy and it looks set to overtake F8 OW and there is a chance it will overtake Beauty and the Beast as the 3rd highest grossing opening weekend of all time there. It’s also breaking out big time in UK considering the ER and that it is Rated R. SK,Mexico and Spain are also amazing.I think Joker might beat Venom’s worldwide opening as well.
  14. IMO,Joker being a success was written in stone ever since the film was announced with a small budget.Sure as things were confirmed left and right it seemed even more of a surefire hit, especially when Joaquin Phoenix agreed to play the role.But still that doesn’t make the sequel inevitable.I still think that Phoenix would need a lot of convincing to commit.
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