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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. It may sound racist to some but...I do get the concerns of genderbending or racebending some characters.I sure as hell don't want to see a black Superman.Batman has to be white...he always has been.I think studios are doing these not because they genuinely care about diversity but because they want to get people talking on social media. I am all about representation.About people of color or people by the LGBT community or people with disabilities getting their time to shine.But you don't have to change your source material.Use your existing characters that could actually use the spotlight and need the attention.I want to see Vixen on screen,not a white Male character played by an actress that could play Vixen.Or better yet...create diverse characters to the point that they equal those that are already exist. If that is racism...well I have bad news for me....
  2. Lol at fanboys all over social media talking shit about Portmam’s acting skills when she has proven that she can act circles around the entire cast of Ragnarok (except Cate Blanchett ofc).I don’t know what’s up with Lady Thor (sounds like a cool idea) but i’m Happy that Portman will get shut these fanboys up.
  3. This is turning out to be the single most expensive meme that has ever been created and i’m here for that.
  4. I’m definitely watching this.It looks hilarious.I get that that wasn’t their intention but still...
  5. GoT S8, while shit in its entirety,proved one thing..that Emilia Clarke is a damn good actress and she deserves all the praise.Dany starting loosing it is even more impressive bit of acting when considering that all Emilia had in front of her was green walls.
  6. I just can’t feel anything about this project.Queen Latifah was robbed.The One Direction guy is an awful choice.And I don’t feel their Ariel either.
  7. I don't think that both Marvel offering will get to close to either title.Hell as far as DOM goes,I can even see BoP maybe finishing above them. So for DOM i will go with WW84.Personally iv hink this will see a THG/CF-like bump and make it to 450M with 500M being a possibility(but it has to be really really good ).Mulan is the other contender here but I see an Aladding like run.I just can't see it getting to Beauty and the Beast levels and it will need to get there to pass WW84. WW for me it's obviously FF9 (sadly) with Mulan being second because China (which will help both to get over WW84).WW84 will see an increase internationally but I'm not sure it will get over 1B.Plus, I think the plethora of female led film coming before WW84 may hurt it.
  8. I liked Ezra as Barry but I feel like they need to tone down the campiness.Maybe more smart ass one liners and less overly excited flash to the point that he is acting like an idior?
  9. It was inevitable for Muschietti to take on a DC property.Glad it’s The Flash. And Hodson seems to be the real mastermind behind the new era of DCEU.I mean she has written BoP,which is apparently testing fantastic,She wrote a script for Batgirl and she is now taking on The Flash.Given her work on Bumblebee I am not surprised honestly.She is great. But another interesting thing...wasn’t WB supposed to only keep Miller if his script was better than Goldstein and Daley?So they keep Miller,not choose his script and still let Goldstein and Daley Walk?
  10. Lana Del Rey doing a song is the only interesting thing about this project.I love Elizabeth Banks But ...no...
  11. I’m inclined to believe that TLK will have much better presales/ow ratio and will be more backloaded than a MCU Spider-Man sequel following Endgame.Obviously the rush to book tickets for FFH will be greater than TLK.
  12. Cavill never officially exited.There is still a chance he comes back.And i wonder how they will explain Clark's absence.Like it or not if they want to continue with Gal,Jason and Ezra that means that Henry is Superman in this universe.And there is some explaining that needs to be done...
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