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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Rumor has it that he./she is gonna win the costume design Oscar even though he/she is not nominated...so powerful...
  2. Idiot Pitt...saying stunts should have an Oscar category...obviously most popular film is more important....smh
  3. Laura Dern looks like a strawberry cake my sister made the other day...my sister is a Baker btw so it looked good... In other news, poor Margot Robbie...within a day her big project flopped and she will lose an oscar.JK.She is already a legend.
  4. If they would somehow get the original cast back for a sequel then sky is the limit FB or not...
  5. WB will probably not loose money with BOP but only because merchandise and home media sales.That being said, the whole situation is sad and it’s even more sad because it’s a genuinely good film.
  6. Are we still pretending that Cinemascore is a reliable metric for wom and legs ?
  7. Man of Steel is the best comic book movie of modern cinema, Joker aside.
  8. I said “tweet” not “film”...and I thought I wrote “could” not “will”...
  9. I mean this tweet will be seen by 108M people...Payne that will at least help the internal multi....here’s hoping...
  10. Honestly I have seen this film twice now (and loved it) but, awful marketing aside, there are obviously some awful decisions here... 1.It’s a film that could really use a PG-13 rating. I did hear the argument that the rating helped tell a Harley Quinn story but maybe this story needed Poison Ivy and Catwoman and not the birds of prey. Dinah and Helena could be later be used in a proper BOP movie with Barbara in it. 2.All that would actually have the backing of the comic book fans.These guys are basically nazis when it comes to their favorite comics and things such as this can really make them settle to their basement sofa and hate on the film.So these guys obviously didn’t turn up. That’s the 2 I can think of right now without writing and entire essay but there are more...
  11. The showing I went to yesterday wasn’t even full...on a freaking Discount Wednesday during rush hour.WTF....
  12. It's different? The problem was the movie and the assumptions people were making over it! At least when Joaquin was making these interviews people weren't seeing a Studio backing a shitty person but an incredible artist.Same can't be said for Heard...
  13. A couple of hours before release I can now safely say that presales for this in Greece are...chaotic.Bad to the point that if I had to put a number on it, I would say that tickets sold by genuine interest in the film are like...15?20? Surely there is a near sold out showing and one near sold out but that still awful for a film debuting in a Wednesday. Wednesday is basically Cinema day for Greeks as it’s discount day.People see whatever they can find and there is also spillover effect for some movies benefiting from a bigger movie being sold out. Even for some showings that are in demand the showing are like 60% full.Ok Greece is not a country that is PS driven (Joker for instance had ok-ish presales, selling hardly a very small fraction than what Endgame did, which was a monster in ps, but now Joker is 2019’s champion, the most attended film of the decade and among the most successful in the market of all time).But, imo, this one won’t benefit from good wom that much. It had zero advertising other than a couple of tv spots playing late at night.It’s like WB didn’t even bother.And I know it very anecdotal but I informed a friend of mine, who is a fan of everything Batman, just yesterday about the film and he didn’t know anything. In any case, things are not looking pretty for this.At this point I think it goes well below Shazam.
  14. If that happens I’m creatin an “Aquaman 2 over 1.5B” club...GOT fans would go nuts...plus, nobody would care to suddenly see Emilia in the role... that being said, media silence on this probably means she keeps her role...
  15. That’s their strategy and honestly it seems like the only smart thing that WB is doing lately in terms of marketing.Their movies get exposure but they don’t pay for it.I remember when Turkish Airlines had not one but two BVS spots playing during the game.
  16. Very anemic ps in Greece.Could see it going below Shazam.There is no advertising or awareness for this.Not even a random ass poster on a bus stop or a tv spot.At least with Shazam I used to see posters all over the town.
  17. Mera is an integral part of the Aquaman mythos so the only way is to recast. No one will mind.It’s not like Heard brought anything to the role. And god what a disgusting human being she is...
  18. I mean the trailer finished by saying “Justice is coming” so Gal confirmed lol Anyway, the trailer alone gave me a headache.I don’t think I will be able to go through the entire movie.
  19. WB are idiots.That would be awesome.And since Cavill was the one to bring him on board he rightfully asked for producer credit and more money.Hamada is stupid for not accepting.
  20. Yeah presales here are also small to non existent.That being said, the marketing for this is even worse than Shazam.There is no tv spot, no random ass posters on buss station...nothing...WB can’t just expect to sell tickets by people seeing a colorful poster on the theater’s website with the tile “Birds of Prey”.Most people here don’t know what this is and most people here don’t know that this movie even exists.
  21. People should also consider that this will (maybe) skew females and not the typical cbm fans, who are rushing to book tickets.
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