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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Fuck Hemsworth (which is probably fake/false).Taika is the better gain.He came out of nowhere and I absolutely love this guy.Plus, he has the coolest name in the industry.
  2. The first film had some of the best posters and this one seems to be continuing the trend.I live how simple they are.
  3. WTF I just learnt that Mike Flanagan is directing this.And after Hill House I consider him to be one of the top directors in the genre so i’m boarding the hype train now....
  4. I just do ‘t see the point of this movie after Endgame.And I see that Marvel still doesn’t respect my girl....
  5. Oh I thought they were redoing it to fit it in the MCU.By redoing it I meant make it good enough.
  6. Soooo Peter Dinklage, Richard Madden, Iwan Rheon, Natalie Dormer, Maisie Williams And now Kit Harrington are part of the MCU.Marvel sure loved their GoT actors.Wake me up when Queen Daenerys Targaryen aka Emilia Clarke gets her rightful place as the First Lady of the MCU, Sue Storm.Do it Marvel.
  7. Poor WB.But I guess they didn’t even care for Summer 2019.They have put all of their big guns in The Fall.It 2 and Joker will make a shitload of money with minimal production budgets.Doctor Sleep should also turn in a nice profit for them. 2020 is gonna be awesome for them too with BoP,WW84,Tenet,The Conjuring 3 and potential breakouts with Dune,The Witches,Barbie(If It makes it to its release, which is doubtful), Scooby-Doo And In the Heights.
  8. HBO max.Disneyc seems to be too reliant on certain IPs.They have like...what?10 Marvel shows?5 Star Wars shows?And how many originals?2?Maybe 3?I mean thank god for Hulu. Most i importantly,The Nolan films, old and new, will be there.... Something that I will really appreciate in the streaming service that I choose is to give me content across all genres and with variety.So far Disney productions seem to be, while interesting, but quite limited to their usual fair.
  9. Noelle was meh. Lady and the Tramp was ok. The Mandalorian was good. Excited for Moon Knight.
  10. So what will they show the next 2 days of the expo?
  11. Funny how I always saw Margot Robbie as this generation’s Charlize Theron But luckier.Both are extremely beautiful and extremely talented but Margot hit levels of stardom that unfortunately Charlize deserved but never got.I guess Harley Quinn helped.
  12. 87 reviews and 90% and 7.1 avg rating.This will get certified fresh.This will be overlooked.Thanks a lot Disney.
  13. To me the reactions doesn’t sound bad?Definitely not Rotten bad despite Its issues.
  14. So since his time is coming to an end...am I the only one who this that Craig was a terrible Bond?
  15. And this why we somehow collectively have to embrace original films ways from the franchise fare and the fireworks that come with it.Personally I am a huge sucker for comic book films myself but I have decided to support more original films at the theaters (rather discovering them at a boring night at my house ). Nolan is our one true savor.
  16. I realize that Stewart is a fine actress but, in the trailer, her reaction to the underwater “earthquake” is freaking hillarious.
  17. So 17 reviews in and this has still a 100% score on RT and avg rating has risen to 7.3.Why isn’t it getting more coverage and buzz?And why Disney/Fox insisted to keep it right before It 2?Could have made wonders with better marketing and release date.
  18. He is?Why don’t they just move it....?should be good counter programming to all the Oscar bait films and Star Wars in December ?Marketing started too late.
  19. Yes,the trailer is charming and i’m Interested (because of Emilia).Yes,don’t watch the trailer because I feel they gave the entire movie away.Yes,the realest date and overall marketing suck.
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