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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. No I meant that I am not a native English speaker so maybe that’s why I can’t see the problem with her accent ...
  2. Maybe it’s because i’m half italia,half Greek but I really can’t figure out what’s the deal with Emma Watson’s accent?Ok maybe in her second line I can see what’s the deal...
  3. I don’t get the Chamalett hype but I sure as hell riding the Ronan hype train like nobody’s business.That girl is the real deal.Also Emma...I guess I will be secretly watching this on Christmas.
  4. And honestly she is underrated too.I am not by any means say she is a great actress but imo she is very very good.Hell maybe she should have gotten a nomination for The Bling Ring,Perks or HP7.1.
  5. Isn’t Meg like the 2nd biggest role of the sisters in the books?I haven’t read the books but I remember my sister would not shut up about it ....
  6. Disagree.She has been great in Bling Ring,Perks and Hp 7.1 and very good in Noah.Hell even in her shittiest films like Regression and The Pinochett film she managed to be at least serviceable.
  7. Never read the books but I always had the impression that Meg had the meatiest role off the sisters, save the leading sister.
  8. Thank god for the reviews.I was so worried.Now that the only two likeable stars are on this one the main franchise can fucking die for all I care.Maybe Get Theron for the spin offs because that lady is amaZing and she deserves better.
  9. Didn’t Cinderella feature half a song in its entirety?
  10. Travis Knight is great.Serkis is also great but the one film he has directed didn’t do much for me.
  11. I am just so happy when original movies are successful. Makes me have some hope that in the Disney dominated industry, the studios that will survive will give original movies a chance.
  12. Ok to whoever wants to know the ending...I will PM it to them.But before I do that,as soon as I have the time,I want to you to know that the ending is so ridiculous,hilarious and great that consider finding out about it when you watch the film.IMO,it brought the movie to a whole new level while i was trying to collect myself of the things i just witnessed but i can see why some might find it...well not controversial...maybe...I can't find the right word...it's that awesome...
  13. So I watched this a few hours ago and my thoughts are...the fuck did I just watch?Literally...it has the most unexpected and ridiculous ending ever.And it’s one of the best cinematic experiences I had this year.Maybe these past couple of years.Or the last 5 years.Or this decade.Or ever. I loved it so much.King Tarantino at it again.
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