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Eric the Minion

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Everything posted by Eric the Minion

  1. Honestly, if this movie had Taron Egerton's character as the lead, I'd probably be way more interested in this.
  2. 1. The Witch: 5/5 2. The Nice Guys: 4.5/5 3. Zootopia: 4.5/5 4. Deadpool: 4/5 5. Captain America: Civil War: 4/5 6. The Jungle Book: 3.5/5 7. Hail, Caesar!: 3/5 8. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: 3/5
  3. The movie theater will always be my go-to place to see a movie. I'm in complete darkness, and I'm fully engaged with just the screen. At home with my television, I feel there are more distractions surrounding me, and I'm not as engaged. However, I prefer going to movies with smaller crowds, which is why I always choose a matinee over an evening showing, unless my day's completely booked.
  4. Aw man, I remember my first R movie. Seeing Fury Road all by myself as I drove myself when I got my driver's license just last week was the best movie experience I had that year...well, second to seeing Creed on my birthday.
  5. What are you talking about? It's an old-skewing thriller with a $27 million budget and limited marketing. It's getting around $55M or so DOM, so it's doing perfectly fine. (Also, Jack O'Connell hasn't even been nominated for an Oscar).
  6. Hey, there's this really great movie that came out recently that's all about tolerance and accepting the ideas that people are different. It's called Zootopia, and I think you would learn a lot from that movie.
  7. Team Cap. Civil War: 36M Angry Birds: 34M Neighbors 2: 29M
  8. Fun fact: my nearest movie theater got rid of Batman v Superman this week, but it's still showing Greek Wedding a month and a half later.
  9. So I overestimated Civil War and Mother's Day, and I severely underestimated Money Monster, Jungle Book, Huntsman, and especially The Darkness.
  10. Hey, at least Zoo's behind a good movie.
  11. 1. The Witch (5/5) 2. Zootopia (4.5/5) 3. Captain America: Civil War (4/5) 4. Deadpool (4/5) 5. The Jungle Book (3.5/5) 6. Hail, Caesar! (3/5) 7. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (3/5)
  12. The only thing I remember about the Oscars, outside of the black elephant in the room, was Leo winning, Sly losing, Sam being lame, Weeknd and Gaga killing it, and Chris doing his typical standup. It was still way more interesting than last year though. I literally forgot everything that happened that year, even who was the host.
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