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Everything posted by RaidensSword

  1. That's got to be in the pipeline for sequels surely. It would be so cheesy but I would love to see that.
  2. So sad to hear about Horner. The avatar soundtrack is one of the last physical CDs I ever bought, I really enjoy it from start to finish. I wonder if the sequels will try to emulate Horner's work or choose someone who will give their own take on it.
  3. I think it's awesome China has a protection period for domestic movies in the heart of summer. I wish the U.K would have something similar. Is there a list of the Chinese movies being released in July?
  4. I haven't seen Stiles in anything else since Bourne. It'll be nice for her to get a meatier role this time round. Can't see him taking that. He seems mighty fussy about being in big budget blockbusters.
  5. Maybe these days that's true but the main reason is because Cooper has had several flops alongside his hits. My definition of A List star would be Tom Cruise in the 90s to early 2000s, or Leonardo the last 10 years. When almost every movie movie is an event that draws an audience and brings in solid profit. It's not just for anyone that has a few big hits and a few misses.
  6. I'd give him and Lawrence a lot of credit, more than for JW or Hunger Games, if they bring Passengers to a big total domestically. And right, I don't consider Cooper A List either. I agree that choosing the right roles are important, I just think there's a difference between being in successful movies and being an A List star and draw.
  7. Yeah I didn't say it wasn't the reason for other people. I'm just saying it's not comparable to my definition of someone proving themselves an A List star. I want to see him carry a movie by himself, without big brand or franchise name behind it.
  8. I still don't see how Jurassic World confirms Pratt as a A list star. Yes, I understand Guardians and JW were big hits, but is that really down to him, was it sold on his image like Cruise and Smith movies were during their A List peak? Guardians was sold on the Marvel brand, the unique setting and comedy vibe and the team. JW was sold on nostalgia from a previous classic hit movie and dinasaurs. It's not the same as his name being above the title of a movie with just his picture on the poster, being the lead, promoting it and carrying it past 100 mill. All these movies confirm is that he can do a good job in those roles, but it doesn't prove he was drawing the audiences.
  9. I think Carnahan is a good choice to replace Bay and I'm sure he'd have a few crazy ideas to suit this kind of movie. I really enjoyed the A Team so I'd like to see him get a shot at another big budget action movie like this.
  10. Yeah I really enjoy Batman and Robin too. When I see George Clooney say it was a bad decision and people hated it, I wish I could tell him I'm happy he made it. As for Bay, yeah a lot of people dislike his style but a lot of people like his movies too so like you say, it's just different opinions for different people.
  11. I really thought I'd made it clear what I was hoping for and why.
  12. Well that injury was more of a reason to be more careful doing stunts than a reason to stop actors putting on weight, but yeah of course I understand your opinion. I'm not really talking about believing the story, Cruise is a good enough actor with or without drastic appearance changes. It's more of just wanting to see a different side to him in a serious dramatic role. Personally for me the less action and stunts in this the better, at least where Cruise is concerned. I've had my fill of action hero Cruise over the last few years, hoping this can bring a bit more balance to his 2010s C.V.
  13. I'm not saying it would have made a huge difference, just that it would have been nice for Cruise to have a more drastic transformation for the role. The original guy was overweight and balding so obviously changing him to a chiselled good looking version of Cruise will give a different vibe to the character.
  14. I don't know about lazy but it would have been interesting to see him put on a bit of weight for this role. It have made him look more like the person it's based on and maybe helped the character stand out more compared to the look of a lot of his recent roles, plus it would have gotten a fair bit of PR too.
  15. New set pics http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3113404/Tom-Cruise-dressed-character-real-life-drugs-smuggler-takes-break-set-gritty-80s-period-drama-Mena.html I wish they'd give Tom a shirt like Al Pacinos from Scarface
  16. I can't see them turning transformers into a critical darling. It is what it is. Anyone they hire would be asked to follow the same formula of action spectacle and crazy cgi robot battles, laced with comedy. If anything they'd probably hire someone with the mandate of mimicking Bay.
  17. All the popular series should turn the finale of each season into a 2 hour movie and release it in cinemas for 1 weekend only.
  18. They could hire Josh Trank. Bring a gritty, more realistic viewpoint to the series.
  19. But the attention leads to direct comparisons to the original and its stars, in which it pales.
  20. The positive thing about the time in between is that the technology should get better and better, which is a big factor in this type of movie.
  21. Theres only so many people it can reach. Some of these predictions are getting out of control.
  22. Im not saying Imdb is reliable, in fact far from it, but if there is a grain of truth in any of these names, they definitely ended up scraping the bottom of the barrell.
  23. Yep, I agree. Keep the movies style with bigger and more eye catching stunts but at least have Reeves link it to the original.
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