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Everything posted by James

  1. At 10PM, FB down 38% from last Friday. Pretty good. Seems like the morning impact of SW washed up a bit. Tomorrow's hold will probably be better.
  2. So is that 30m number an actual or some Deadline prediction? Also, that number is exactly what I predicted. The weekend will follow TFA and end up somewhere in the 130-135m area.
  3. So with the OD estimates from Russia Rogue One actually made even less than 1/3 of TFA...
  4. Or lower. I'm calling 4.2m pounds. Let's see if my psychic powers are still working.
  5. You know, looking at this thread and the Buzz and Tracking one I am really glad I said my piece about the frontloading stuff when I had the chance because now the walls of text some of you are writing are just ridiculous. Plus, I have an exam tomorrow so it's probably better not to lose even more time here...
  6. Not even I'm brave enough to go there. It depends on the competition and China. And on Japan, even though I have a feeling it's not gonna go well for it there. I still see around 550-600m. Maybe a bit more if it develops good legs.
  7. About the OS numbers - SW always was more of a domestic player. Let's not forget that the PT was dwarfed OS by LOTR, Potter. And yes, the franchise is expanding, but what TFA made should not be expected so easily from the sequels. ER is bad. Really bad. And nostalgia played a HUUUUUGE factor in that gross. I seriously doubt SW8 has a chance at 1b OS. As someone here said, even people who didn't want to see TFA in theaters ended up doing it Also, on another point heavily discussed around here: people saying that RO will automatically have better legs than TFA DOM and especially OS because it opened lower: I think some of you don't realize how much of a clear schedule TFA had DOM and especially OS. It had no heavy competition. RO faces Sing, Passengers, The Great Wall, AC plus your ordinary drama/comedy fare. These players may not be huge DOM (even though they will be way bigger than what TFA had), but they will combine for a big ass gross internationally.
  8. All my updates come from things posted in the international thread. I re-post everything that is there. You can ask @juni78ukr for the source since he is the bigshot when it comes to Russian BO.
  9. I agree about DOM. But I was talking about OS, where, except for the UK, TFA wasn't as absolutely out of this world big. Then, there's a comparison you can make with FB and it's retention rate from DH2. Even unadjusting for ER, FB will retain 60% of DH2's 2011 gross. But if we adjust to TFA's ER, and we should, seeing how ticket sales are a better comparison than pure USD which fluctuates a lot, DH2 would've made around 790m OS. That means a 70% retention rate from DH2 adjusted. Anyway you look at it, a 50% drop from TFA is not good. C'mon people, you were predicting 1.2-1.4b a few weeks ago. Now 1b is in question. I'm not saying it won;t be a success for Disney, lol. It will make a boatload of money. But the retention rate itself is not good.
  10. It would only need to follow every other country we have data from up till now.
  11. I'm ready for an OD under FB. Mark my words.
  12. OS is looking bad (if you can call 500m+ OS bad). At least 50% down from TFA in all major EU markets, 50% down in Australia. As for Asia, 50% down in HK and 70% down in Taiwan so far.
  13. According to RTH in the Australia thread: So if all the talk about Australia being a good indicator for the US is real...
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