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Everything posted by James

  1. Corpse said that. And for now we have to wait until we get the some actuals. The weekend drop looks to be around 13-14% for a 566m weekend, according to Olive. The total is 4.19b, which means weekdays were weaker than anticipated. It is a bit weird. Either way, 60m should easily happen. FB is already at 37-38m coming of a 4.8-5m weekend.
  2. Is this up till Sunday? Seems awfully low. Corpse predicted FB would reach 4.2b after having a 30%+ drop this weekend. The drop is more around 15%, yet FB came 300m short? Did it collapse during the week?
  3. Am I the only one who prefers the earlier ones? I get the dumb-fun concept, but this looks like a freakin parody. I mean, there was a really nice set of core values in the first few movies (well, without FF3). That's what made the concept of "family above all" so believable and why the departure of Walker in FF7 was so effective.
  4. Lol, I'm not saying I want WB to invest that much. I want them to make money. But I simply don't see how it is as cheap as Tarzan for example.
  5. The thing is, the entire movie will be mostly VFX. The final battle scenes will making anything is Star Wars look like a joke. I seriously doubt it is less than 200m. I think it will be around 250m.
  6. Corpse said 60m for Japan total last week, but that was because of insane competition coming up. Corpse also predicted a 30%+ drop this weekend for FB, in the face of it's first big competitor. That competitor is actually beating predictions, but even so FB looks at an under 15% drop and will likely keep the top spot for a third week. So imo 70m will happen and I'm hoping for 80m. We need to see how it fares against RO and the new Yo-Kai movie, but if WOM is as good as I think it is, FB will be just fine.
  7. It's all up in the air right now and I still think Japan is the key. And looking at how the Sat-to-Sat drop this week is around 13%, I'd say it looks at an even better weekend drop than last week's -18%. That's beautiful WOM at work. Hope is not dead yet. Of course, the other thing is competition, namely Rogue One. But looking at the presales here (which are a good indicator considering TFA is the 2nd highest grossing movie ever) and word in a few other markets from the international thread I think more than a few people will be disappointed with that one, OS at least. It's all about perspective and insane expectations in the end.
  8. 230m or 240m - for FB it's great either way. The movie had a great reception, absolutely great WOM (3.1x - 3.3x multi). And I think that's the best thing WB could've hoped for. It bodes well for the sequel in the US and especially OS.
  9. Holy shit! Just finished the book and omg. This was amazing. Probably one of the best books I've ever read and I've read a hell lot. Also, this has MASSIVE potential. Actually, if marketed and done perfectly (and I don;t see why not since it's WB and Spielberg we're talking about) it might be the one of the biggest stories of 2018 (I'm talking 1b big). If WB is smart it will appeal to all the worlds presented there (SW, LOTR - that Rivendell location!, D&D etc). I wonder how the rights for such a thing work. I am, is WB allowed to show the X-Wing and shit? But by reading the book I'm wondering what the budget of the movie is, because wooooowie it must be immense. I seriously don't see how this costs less than 200m. There is no way in hell.
  10. Through 6:30PM Beasts is still down only 12% from last Sat. I think Corpse's 31% drop is way too harsh unless it collapses on Sunday. I also think FB will win the weekend because of higher ticket prices (Monster Strike is not that far ahead in the usual locations in admissions).
  11. Holy shit that titleI am seriously trying to think of a worse name in movie history and I just can't find anything...
  12. If FB is achieving another drop under 20% this weekend then 60m is toast.
  13. And that is coming after Annabelle 2 in August and It in September. I think Warner made the smartest move with those 2. Each will have those months to themselves and looking at Warner's recent history with horrors, I think both will be massive (well, we already know Annabelle will be huge, but It is a new test).
  14. WEEKEND BOX-OFFICE We just had another beautiful weekend, with two huge (and unexpected) debuts. - Underworld: Blood Wars exceeded even the most generous expectations, opening at #1 with 45.184 admissions and $214k. That is a great debut in itself, but it’s even more amazing when you think that Underworld: Awakening, the biggest movie of the franchise before this, debuted with only 22.303 adm and $150k. WOM seems to be good, so don’t be surprised if Blood Wars ends up with over $700k. - In second we have an even more surprising performance: Allied broke the trend of low opening adult oriented movies, registering a huge 41.711 adm and $196k opening. That is one of the biggest debuts ever for the genre. The success can be attributed to a series of factors, but the most important one is likely Brad Pitt’s popularity in the market. With no direct competition in the coming weeks and good WOM, Allied should be able to finish above $800k. - Moana had a nice -29% hold and raised it’s total to $376k. Still, it’s total after 10 days is a bit more than 1/3 of Frozen’s and a bit more than half of Tangled’s. - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them continued it’s strong run. It dropped 51% in face of competition, but it’s weekdays were absolutely huge, bring the total to $872k. It will fly past $1m and 200.000 adm soon enough and could go as high as $1.2m. - Bad Santa 2 dropped 55% in it’s second outing. The total is a good $270k. - Trolls is a constant surprise. It eased 32% from last weekend, but week to week it actually increased. It now stands at a mighty $1.04m and it should be able to beat Zootopia’s $1.3m to claim the title of biggest animation of the year. - In seventh we have yet another animated title. Snowtime! opened to a weak (and expected) 13.309 admissions and $56k. With Christmas up ahead, it should be able to hold well and end up with a decent total though. - Doctor Strange also had a fantastic week and now stands at $1.51m (the biggest Marvel movie ever). At this point I think it is a pretty safe bet that it will beat Deadpool and Batman v Superman to become the second biggest CBM ever behind Suicide Squad and the second biggest movie of the year, also after Squad. It will finish 2016 in 3rd, after Rogue One arrives. Great, great result for it! - Arrival continues to hold well, sliding 40% and reaching $447k. - And Hacksaw Ridge closes the top, bringing it’s cume to a decent $337k. Top 10 This week’s releases: - Office Christmas Party - Incarnate - Remainder - Siv Sover Vilse - Les malheurs de Sophie Office Christmas Party has strong presales, so I actually think a 30.000 adm OW is in play. Incarnate should settle somewhere around 10.000-15.000 adm. The rest under 5.000.
  15. It is also a 39% drop from last Tuesday, which marks the first time when a November Wizarding World movie dropped under 40% through this point. The number itself, 1.8m, is also the best among all November Potter movies, defeating the previous record: HP1's 1.4m. Of course, Tuesdays are getting bigger and bigger, but still. FB is destroying DH1 in dailies and also beat it by far over the past weekend. That one added more 50m after the post-Thanksgiving weekend, but had some ugly drops. For example, for this coming weekend, it dropped over 50%, making 8.4m. FB will do waaaaay better than that. FB is also beating GoF in dailies and will probably do it over the weekend too. That one added 60m aftre the post-Thanksgiving weekend. But even assuming it makes only 50m more, it would still mean 233m by the end of it's run. And I think it will hold better than that. 240m will happen.
  16. I meant it as in if I showed my dad the two trailers, he would go for Arthur. Tarzan not only skewed adult: it skewed very old. I doubt a 45-50 year old would chose a talking raccoon over a medieval epic (especially when you consider who the director is and what kind of movies he does).
  17. True, but it could work well as a counter programming. That is why Tarzan did so well. It was a spectacle movie directed towards adults. GotG is not really the most adult friendly thing.
  18. I agree with Han. 14.5m would be a 20% drop. The smallest drop for a November Potter during this time frame was HP1's 37.7%. That would put Beasts at 11.3m. Of course, the competition (in term of openers) is weaker than for any other Potter, but even so, I don;t see it making more than 13m max. That would be a 29.5% drop, which would be already amazing. Anything over that and 235m is locked for this.
  19. Superb hold for FB. -42% from last Monday. It is actually the first under 50% drop for a November Wizarding World movie through this point in the run. The number also ties HP1 for the best third Monday in November and is way better than what GoF and DH1 got.
  20. Or maybe the big 2 + the medium 2. 1 Buena Vista 24.1% $2,456.5 15 12 2 Warner Bros. 17.8% $1,817.9 31 19 3 20th Century Fox 13.6% $1,385.0 20 14 4 Universal 12.2% $1,245.4 19 16 5 Sony / Columbia 8.4% $855.1 24 19 6 Paramount 7.4% $755.8 15 12 7 Lionsgate 6.1% $622.2 25 22 Looking at next year, Disney will probably top 2b again, but won't beat 2016; WB will make about the same, with a shot at 2b. The only other studio that I see crossing 1b is Universal, with about 1.3-1.4b. Fox has a 50/50 chance. Paramount, Sony and Lionsgate - no way.
  21. I expect increases in US, UK, China at least. Let's not forget that FB opened lower than your usual HP movie in a lot of markets, then developed great legs. And the sequel adds something that will make the HP fans that decided to skip the first one something to root for again: Dumbledore. Familiarity is a very strong selling point.
  22. Warner Bros.’ Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them took second place for the second consecutive frame with an estimated $18.54 million, after debuting on top two weekends back. The fantasy Harry Potter spinoff dropped 58.9 percent, a steep drop especially relative to its previous 39.4 percent second-weekend decline on the Thanksgiving weekend, when most films experience mild declines. It’s now earned $183.50 million through 17 days, which is 3.8 percent lower than even the lowest of the eight Potterfilms on that metric: 2004’s Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban had earned an inflation-adjusted $190.92 million through 17 days. http://pro.boxoffice.com/studio-weekend-estimates-moana-28-3m-incarnate-debuts-9th-w-2-6m/ How is that a steep drop? It is as good as HP1's and way better than all the other HP movies opening in November.
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