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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Well this was GREAT! Actual good fun. I think this might be the most enjoyable DCEU film? (i know, not a high bar lol) It has exactly the right tone, strikes a good balance of humour/silliness with an emotional core that I cared about. I might have eeeeven shed a tear. It isn't tied down by a 2D villain, so the stakes aren't with a generic bad guy that you know will lose, the stakes are about what will happen emotionally to the characters and what choices they will make. And I didn't get bored in the third act, which for me is a huge win from a superhero movie. Definitely should have been a bit shorter, didn't need to be 2.5 hours, but I really enjoyed it. Also one moment got a round of applause from the audience which I don't think(?) I have ever seen in a cinema here in the UK.
  2. The reason Michael Keaton's Batman hasn't had a big cultural impact like other films of that era is probably because for most people it's not a character that "is michael keaton", in the way that Indiana Jones is Harrison Ford, because there have been so many Batmans. Literally been 5 other actors playing Batman since Keaton played it. Batman 89 was 34 years ago. If there had been no Batman films since then, then Keaton returning now would probably be a bigger deal.
  3. Your link isn't working but yes actually i found it now, I searched for "marvels" and got nothing, but it says Captain Marvel 2. The list of films is incorrect though. That list says Doctor Strange 2, Thor 4, Black Panther 2 were also "filmed in IMAX". None of them were. Pretty sure Mission Impossible isn't either. They probably just mean "The film is getting an IMAX release". Regardless, a random 2021 imax financial result powerpoint presentation isn't really proof that The Marvels was filmed in IMAX. Like I said, I can't find any actual evidence of the filming being done with IMAX cameras. happy to be proven wrong.
  4. That's an error, I'm pretty sure. I can't find any news article or comment about The Marvels that even mentions IMAX cameras let alone claiming it was filmed entirely with IMAX cameras. The source in that wikipedia list doesn't mention The Marvels either.
  5. I enjoyed it. I will have forgotten what happened in the film by tomorrow but I enjoyed it in the moment, which is more than I can say for any of the first 5. Doesn't touch the gold standard of Bumblebee but it's decent. Some cool moments. Doesn't really drag at any point. CGI is a bit ropey sometimes compared to the "original" live action ones, obviously the budget has come down quite a lot, understandably since the franchise seems to have lost the majority of its audience. Also the reveal of the future of the franchise is interesting.
  6. It's been too long since watching 1-4 to remember but I'd say 6 is easily the best, and either 1 or 3 the weakest. But all are enjoyable. I would actually say 1 is the the outlier, it's much more serious and straight-faced than the following 5.
  7. I know it was loved at the time, I just thought people had forgotten about it and didn't care any more.
  8. I've watched Raiders and Crusade 20+ times each... and never watched Temple of Doom (i think I watched it once on TV when i was like 9). I need to fix that...
  9. Aside from Mario, Guardians, and Fast X... + Transformers + Mission: Impossible + The Marvels + Aquaman 2 - Little Mermaid will miss - Indiana Jones will flop - Spiderverse 2 will do less than the first spiderverse - The Flash under Man of Steel but above Shazam - Oppenheimer not big enough. Under Dunkirk - Dune: As Big A Flop as The First One - Hunger Games: Underperforms
  10. that would mean the opposite - the longer time this has since Crystal Skull, the better it will do.
  11. how is 60-70m "OK" by any metric? F&F 9 did 70M in the middle of covid......
  12. I saw this 24 hours ago and I have forgotten everything about it apart from the Jack Black song.
  13. WTH are these posts claiming no one cares about indiana jones? It's only for old people? crystal skull had similarly mixed reception and still made $800m. yall need some perspective.
  14. Well OK not all "terrible" but yes I don't think there has been a good film since endgame.
  15. I saw this last night, it felt refreshing to watch a Marvel film and it not be terrible. That hasn't happened in what... 4 years?
  16. Well this does solidify the Guardians movies as being the only trilogy within the MCU with 3 consistent good films. Is it as good as the first film, no, but it is not disappointing. These characters are so much more engaging than the rest of the MCU. I was happy that it felt like an actual ending, and it clearly isn't under pressure to keep plot threads going for future movies. Small gripes: - Didn't personally like most of the music choices. - It's too long - Could not care less about the villain - Not as funny as the previous films. Dunno if this is me getting older or the films getting less funny.
  17. At least Kang is recast-able, as he can take different forms. I look forward to reading a spicy statement from Disney tomorrow.
  18. this FINALLY came out this week. saw it last night. Mia Goth is AMAZING! and the film is pretty good too.
  19. The first 20 minutes has the worst, cheapest CGI I've seen in a theatrical release for a very long time... Once the plane crashes and the film plays out, it's fine. Gerard Butler is yet to make an unwatchable film!
  20. I enjoyed it but it wasn't scary at all. Kind of a shame. Would barely call it a horror film.
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