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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Something pretty neat happened this evening in the cinema. It turns out that the people who supplied the bikes and biker gear for Mission Impossible, they are based in my town. So for opening Friday night, we got them to set up a stand in the foyer - the actual bikes and leather that were ridden and worn by the actors in the movie, were on display at my cinema.
  2. 32. Pete Travis's DREDD Starring: Karl Urban, Lena Headey, Olivia Thurlby Box office: $13.4M Rotten Tomatoes: 78% "I am the law." In 1995, Judge Dredd's first big-screen adaptation disappointed critics, general audiences and comic book fans alike, and paved the way for the result of this 2012 re-imagining. While bad memories of the previous movie slowed box office intake, the filmmakers of this Dredd clearly understood everything wrong with Danny Cannon's disaster, from the handling of the lead actor to the delicacy of the script. By casting a proven but relatively obscure actor in Karl Urban, Travis and Garland are able to work their magic on the juror himself without the nagging fear of having an audience forget the faceless character he is meant to be; the script has a subtle self-awareness that kept me engaged while refraining from throwing references and pride in my face. The dialogue - which I expected to be painful - works on several layers, and the characters feel as appropriately human (or inhuman) as they should. The action is confined to the space of one building, and is directed in a colourful, balletic manner. Travis goes all guns blazing, pushing an interesting 3D aesthetic and an authentic portrayal of the comic book. A lot of the time, superhero movies are compressed and slowed down to appeal to a wide audience, but here we have a case of an adaptation which draws intricately from the comic book without devolving to fandom, and creating a piece of art which works independent of its source material. Dredd proves that you can make a dedicated comic book movie and also make it work on its own - that you can have your cake and eat it. And while the Dredd 2 campaign isn't getting anywhere soon, maybe we should just remain happy that this iconic character got a respectful, inspired and genuinely fun motion picture.
  3. Blanks what did you think of the 2015 SpongeBob movie? I really need to watch the theatrical cuts, I've only seen the Extendeds. If the Extendeds are Jackson's vision then that is what I'd prefer to judge, though I do wonder if the theatrical version is better/worse. Particularly of RETURN OF THE KING.
  4. Seeing the word "TOTAL" on a Mars setting made me think of... uh... something else.
  5. I can't stand Bay but I absolutely respect that he is an auteur. Just look at a Michael Bay film for 5 seconds and you can see it's a Michael Bay film. He may be rubbish but at least he is consistent and has a personal flair. I'm sure this will make money and I will probably hate it but I'm always open to my mind being changed. Hopefully it will be Bay's first good film (I say this every year and continue to be wrong )
  6. I don't know how I managed to overlook these two movies. I love Jack Black but I had just dismissed them as kids rubbish... then this week I watched them both on Netflix. They're astonishingly good, and I've bought them on blu ray now. I'm annoyed at myself that I missed out on them for so long - they're brilliant. I am stoked for KFP3.
  7. aye, Southpaw is doing terrific business in my cinema. we have had some 90% full showings.
  8. fuck this world. why is this movie being made... the craze will be over in a few months, so the movie won't make much money. and unlike something like Angry Birds, this has 0 appeal to anyone outside of the fans.
  9. I'll probably buy Ex Machina at some point and will definitely get Princess Kaguya, nothing else has appealed to me so much that I want to own a copy.
  10. The message of 'if your kid pushes someone off a tree and almost kills them then you should get them psychological help'
  11. Ah, I checked and it came out here last year. I didn't realise it was delayed for US
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