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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Frozen did $48m, that's on the higher end of most western animations but it's still bad. Minions 2 should do well, minions grew from $68m in 2015 to $158m in 2017.
  2. i just saw that a couple of hours ago. It's fine. Nice to see the characters again. You didn't miss much though.
  3. yes i would have to agree one of my new favourite actors. Can't think of a more favouritey one off the top of my head but she's definitely up there.
  4. florence pugh is fantastic and no doubt she'll be smothered in awards for something in the next few years. to go from a nobody, breakthrough role in April 2019, to full on movie star in May 2020. So pleased for her.
  5. Should I feel embarrassed/ashamed to consider myself a fan of film but have only seen one or two black and white films?
  6. Favourite cinema? Prince Charles Cinema, leicester square london. It might only have two fairly small screens and the seats have no legroom (and no fucking cupholders...) but that place is Movie Heaven. Anyone with the faintest interest in films and cinema if you visit London you need to check it out. It doesn't show many new films, it exclusively shows films that are unique, interesting, have fans etc. They do loads of audience interaction films, cult films, series marathons, etc. For example in the next week, they are showing 28 different films: It's not convenient for me as I don't live in London, but it is awesome fun when I do go. I've been to see The Room where you all shout out the lines and throw stuff at the screen, presented by God Wiseau. And been to South Park film "swear-a-long" where everyone shouts out, sings the songs, and swears at the movie / at each other. My cinema of choice for regular films is Cineworld, St Neots just in terms of convenience for me. I don't pay for tickets as I pay £18 a month for Unlimited subscription. I haven't had to pay for a film ticket in 5 years since being subscribed. It's a pretty new cinema so it's clean and the screens are in good condition, and they've designed it to have the seats quite far apart. Staff are always friendly.
  7. wish it came back to a cinema near me, I fell asleep for the entire film and want to watch it again as I missed pretty much entire movie except first 10 minutes
  8. As soon as the opening credits / logo rolls, and the song comes on, I just felt happy, being back in a Toy Story film. It is nice meeting up with old friends and seeing these characters again. These are beautiful characters. But I suppose that's really down to the previous films, not this. I'm not sure this dissuades me from my original belief that this doesn't need to be made / seen. I did enjoy it, the filmmakers know how to make an engaging animated movie, but it really lacks the emotional resonance of the originals. There are moments that come close but they feel a bit on the nose. Lines like, (paraphrasing) "I have to look after my kid because that is my purpose!" are just a bit un subtle. Keanu Reeves was great as usual. Key & Peele annoying as usual. Film references to Keanu Reeves movies are amusing but probably look lame on a rewatch. I enjoyed it more than Toy Story 3 (which I am not a fan of), but still think should have left it at 3 films. I'd have preferred to be watching the original in the cinema than this if I wanted to spend time with the characters.
  9. I've no idea whether it will hit 504M or not, but I think you have missed my point: the reason that it is "underperforming" because expectations were way higher than they were for BATB, because it is so beloved. I am just responding to Baumer's claim that BATB is doing better than Lion King because the fanbase is bigger. Which is just crazy talk lol. I walked into that one lol. Just joking mate. I think it is an objective fact that Lion King is more well loved and more fans than Beauty and the Beast.
  10. if @baumer or anyone else is going to seriously try to argue that the Lion King is less popular than Beauty and the Beast then they are ill in the head... You can argue all sorts of things about the new adaptations but you are crazy if you think BATB is a more popular or fondly treated than Lion King. The Lion King is the most beloved Disney animated film currently. In my opinion -- The fact that BATB is not as beloved is exactly WHY it is able to do better than lion king. Because people were not holding it to some golden standard that it would never reach.
  11. About to go and watch Toy Story 4 and just noticed that Jessie is not on the poster?? She didn't die in the last one as far as i can remember!
  12. Stop being pedantic you know what I meant. it did not make it to america, in case you weren't aware..
  13. Edge of tomorrow is not a comic book? I am not familiar with Manga but I don't see how this can't be eligible. @The Panda could we get clarification on this? Good chance edge of tomorrow would make my list if eligible.
  14. Frozen 2 isn't really staggered, there's only a few countries releasing outside of november
  15. Probably not because it's only been released in 6 minor territories - Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Lebanon, Sti Lanka, Pakistan.
  16. why would if gross 200M overseas if it's "very American centric"? @ViewerAnon no need to act like a prick just because someone doesn't know about your history. I can also imagine that there were Americans who not aware of Titanic before the film since it has nothing to do with american history. You don't need to be so elitist buddy.
  17. young people? people outside of the USA? you know not everyone is as well educated as yourself.
  18. No you can make any film it's up to you how much you expect an audience to know beforehand, I suppose, but how is the audience supposed to know that they need to be well read? I've not seen Inglorious Bastards so can't really judge the comparison - but, WW2 is pretty common knowledge to everyone in the world in a way that Charles Manson Murders are not.
  19. Okay, I haven't seen any advertising or trailers, all I know is that it is the new Tarantino film, so I wish to watch it. I wasn't aware that I am meant to have know the story BEFORE going into an original movie. Are you just pulling this out of your arse, where does Tarantino say audiences need to read up on it beforehand? Or have you watched the film already. I know that Charles Manson is a part of american history but, not being from America, I don't know anything about him or what he did. I'm sorry you seem so offended by me not reading American History books but it's not something I've ever learnt about. if this is right and the film doesn't even work without people knowing the story in advance - good luck with them making their money back overseas...
  20. Burwell is nice. I was doing some building work a few months ago in swaffham prior just down the road. I like the cluster of villages in that area. House prices in some of the villages are ridiculous... i live with my parents in a 3 bedroom house and it's currently worth £750,000. Just insane. i mean it's a reasonably sized house but nothing fancy, that kind of money is stupid. I doubt I'll ever be able to buy a house in the area I've lived all my life. I find that a bit sad. I know what I'd do if i were my parents, I'd be selling the house and moving up north lol with a brand new ferrari.
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