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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. I called this a long time ago on the BP threads. Just go and check it out. I said in the JL or Thor threads that Thor will beat JL everywhere and people laughed... I was also one of the few ones who said that deadpool will easily do 100+ on the 3 day weekend at least 3 months before release. Again I was scoffed at... I said kingsman 2 will drop from the first before the trailer even came out and after trailer I stuck to it. Once again...most laughed.. Bottom line is that those who eye roll/laugh at my predictions can go eat a humble pie. You all should bow down to the king of comic book movie box office prediction.
  2. Because I am fan of Avatar and was initially very excited once they officially announced the sequel, but now I think there are many other films especially MCU stuff that are higher on my anticipated list. That and I have this feeling that Avatar 2 will have a hard time becoming a phenomenon/cultural event.
  3. Yes, that would be a great choice. Who would do the soundtrack? I hope we he requests one of or both Kendrick Lamar and Bruno Mars to compose some great tracks for this movie. Both are completely different from each other, but either one can do something special. Kendrick has already proved it with Black Panther.
  4. I had the title as my profile pic, but not now. Only when the trailer hits, I might get on board.
  5. What this needed was the marvel studios logo for it to get 90+% on RT and smash the box office.
  6. Next up...a Hispanic superhero movie from marvel. Then an east asian/Chinese superhero. When will get Indian superhero?
  7. Sorry....but I am for now off the Avatar hype train. JC will have to make a movie that gets his message across without coming off preachy. Avatar was a great experience but extremely preachy. With the changing landscape in films, I just don't see how it can become a phenomenon or a cultural event.
  8. Yeah...i posted in my review that the last 30-40 mins felt rushed. Kill Monger takes over the throne, but within a day or two T'Challa has it back. That entire climax kinda bugged me. That's why it give it a 7.5-8...most likely 8. 2 points docked because of that..the line by MBJ at the end saves it from going down to 7.5.
  9. Had a higher than expected Friday, but Saturday didn't show the typical marvel comic book movie growth.. ~19% growth. That means the movie will kinda struggle going forward. Still it will do more than the 4M MAX total that I was thinking it would do. I guess for the Indian audience, the lack of big action set pieces/vfx and not connecting with it at a personal level is what will prevent it from grossing 8-10M. The hype and buzz has gotten it a very good opening which otherwise might not have been possible. I actually liked it a lot...it has problems but the themes and messages it gets across without being preachy was great.
  10. The Mummy is really bad...sofia is the only decent thing about it. Valerian is good except Dane and Luc's stupidity.
  11. Nothing sad about it. She is a talented young filmmaker with a strong voice. If she gets a pass for this in the wave of BP, so be it. It opens up more opportunities for her...just hope it doesn't completely tank even after getting solid reviews. Anyone knows the budget on this?
  12. It's true though...nothing wrong in it tbh. Giving a pass sometimes to a young filmmaker and that too a woman is a good thing..it gives them more encouragement to do better and opens up opportunities. THis movie looks boring and just like other big budget misfires like JohnCarter, Tomorrowland etc. but if it gets good reviews and does decently then I will be happy for Ava because she is talented and deserves bigger and better things.
  13. You know it's going to get a pass from the critics because it is directed by Ava....even if the movie is mediocre. We live in a PC culture. She is a strong black woman director and she is directing a big tentpole film with many African american actors in it...they will be easy on her.
  14. DAMN. OSCAR dialogue right there. He says this right after T'challa offers him to save his life, right?
  15. I wish it had released in December...would have destroyed TLJ and Jumanji wouldn't have done nearly as much as it did.
  16. With this, Paramount is basically hinting that Bumblebee spinoff hasn't shaped up all that well after all that writer room nonsense. Most likely it isn't any different than the Michael Bay ones. That's what you get when he is the producer. They should move it to February against The new Mutants. Let the best one win cuz they are pretty much one and done deal.
  17. It has. Lower ticket prices but much higher footfalls. And I think it has largest number of cinemas and screens.
  18. CIVIL WAR was a threequel. BP is original and first film in the BP series. Also it has galvanized the African American/Black community in a big way....so multiplier will be better.
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