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Everything posted by TStechnij

  1. He's a good and consistent director with a masterpiece. I think people see him as some second coming of film though because his work is some of the most visible of the auteurs working today.
  2. Eh. Not a Django guy. Good, not great. Really like Inglorious Basterds, Reservoirs Dogs, and the Kill Bills. And obviously Pull Fiction is incredibly great. Dare I say Tarantino is overrated, though?
  3. Receptions a little muted, but this might be the only brain dead summer flick I'll see since I've swarm off Marvel and don't keep up with MI. I wish I hadn't missed the screening last night.
  4. I'm making a damn point to get a pic with Jessica Chastain. But no, this isn't going to garner any acting noms.
  5. Might not get in my screening. Got here an hour early and it is crazy.
  6. I don't know why anyone is expecting this to be bad. The footage is really good and I bet it is one of Guy Richie's best films to date. I expect a certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. I'll let you know if that changes in four hours.
  7. You think so? The Academy has never been Pixar oppressors before so I have no problem with thinking that two pics can get in. Especially with the way the votes are counted; they need a certain amount of first places which is why I think Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur and Anomalisa are safe-- they will likely evoke passion.
  8. They did premiere as one film though. He said he is retiring after 10 films and I am skeptical to believe he actually wants to do that, so maybe he is prolonging that 10th film.
  9. The 8 in the title and it being his 8th film seems a little self indulgent. I'm not sure how I feel about the poster honestly.
  10. I am really interested in this. Hopefully it is vindication for Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal snubs. Apparently Phoenix was offered the role of the detective and turned it down. That would have been an A+++++ cast. Shannon is good too though!
  11. The book was too omniscient at times. I don't know, it cheapened the writing and seemed like an easy way to advance the story. I let it slide because of the atmosphere and just an exciting story told me Weir.
  12. Testing came back as good to great. Not expecting a masterpiece movie, but it should be a lot of fun and hopefully no August OC. We need a trailer for this. Maybe we'll get one tomorrow with the new TIFF announcement since I bet it is on there.
  13. Oh hell yeah. The last bit of the trailer when the reporter asks "Is there any chance Mark Whatney is still alive?" gives me chills every time. The plot doesn't capitalize on a twist or anything. I think you'll only gain appreciation having read the book. That is, if the movie isn't bad.
  14. DiCaprio has never had a performance that I'd say is the best of the year. Joaquin Phoenix and probably Ryan Gosling are the best workin actors right now and need to work more.
  15. I had to visit and bump this thread out of morbid curiosity. I feel like my opinion of this film will be quite controversial, so be warned. I saw this movie about a year and a half ago and it was that first movie for me that I noticed the artistry in. I don't know, some people call DOR almost directionless, but this movie fully made me realize there were whole crew behind the camera. First, energy. This movie gets compared to Scorsese-- this is why. It is loud and even when it is soft, it is still loud. It has great intertia and forward momentum. I was fully encapsulated by everything happening on the screen throughout. The acting is obviously phenomenal. I'd rate them: Bale, Adams, Renner, Lawerence, Cooper. I will defend Lawerence casting though. Everyone says she is too young for the role, but I think that was the point. She's immature throughout the movie and clearly is in over her head. The fact that she was able to create a complex character out of what she got is kind of astounding. I followed her ups-and-downs do well and got emotional when she told the mobster "I hate change." Tbh, that is a scene I'll remember my whole life. She was in the weakest category for awards and I think she really did deserve a second Oscar that night. Another complaint people have is the pacing and self indulgence. I think these two go hand-and-hand. I really like how the film has this convoluted story and doesn't know how to always convey it. I feel like it is an intentional flare and helps with the energy. I think DOR was actually trying to create an unevenness and a sort of banter to the story telling. I can't put into words how I feel about this film properly. It is too late and I'm too in my head, but I love this movie and am very passionate about it. A+, masterpiece. One of the best films of the decade so far.
  16. Okay. I thought the first volume of this was phenomenal and the second was actually atrocious. I'm bummed that they couldn't have been kept together because I'm a firm believer in auteur theory, but I'm glad that I can almost separate the two. The ending is one of the laziest I can recall recently, but I've never really thought Von Trier's ending were strong. Uma kills it though! Her scene is heartbreaking and so tense. Volume 1 A- Volume 2 D. Gave it a C in the poll.
  17. Hey hey hey. I love Cate, but I'm no stan. But since I'm stirring the pot-- I have Leo 7th for 2013, behind the four other nominees, Hanks, and Phoenix. Edit: And I think JLaw honestly deserved a second Oscar for her work in American Hustle. My favorite performance of hers, maybe there we can agree.
  18. Unpopular opinion: Leo is a good, hammy actor. Rarely great and often over the top. Wolf of Wall Street isn't a masterclass of acting and is one of the weaker of the contenders that year.
  19. What does this mean? I can't keep up with how much this movie actually made based on its ridiculously high looking estimates.
  20. I wonder if the people who have a problem with the casting realize they are racists... Been finishing The Martian all day. Everyone go binge read it before the movie.
  21. Let the record show, I'm not a fast reader. But, I have read the first two third of this in one sitting. It is just a fun fucking read. I think a lot of it will lend itself well to a film adaptation. Actually, I think this will be hard to fuck up. There is a ton of juicy drama on Earth that is, at times, more exciting then the survival story. Ridley Scott is overdue for a hit and I think this might be it!
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