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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. It's the inevitable backlash to a rapidly changing world where populations are becoming more and more diverse, middle classes are either declining or remaining stagnant, and jobs are changing and/or being lost to automation and globalism (the more the world comes together, the better in my opinion, but yeah...people like their borders/walls/tribes). The last time this sort of technological renaissance happened we got two world wars and the Nazis.
  2. I don't know what year you're living in but this is 2018...and there are no barren months anymore. Studios are choking out the small and middle budget movies by releasing tentpoles every month of the year now.
  3. It bums me out that the guy is apparently an asshole because damn he is funny on screen.
  4. I think Aquaman will do sub-200 mil, so Fantastic Beasts is the one.
  5. Lol I forgot he was in that. Sony just cant stop fucking up. And I thought they were getting smarter when they gave Spider-man to Marvel.
  6. This looks like shit. Why oh why did Tom Hardy sign up for this. That question is rhetorical...we now know he did it for his kids.
  7. I haven't seen much of her stand up but more and more it seems that Apatow may have had a bigger hand in Trainwreck's success than we thought. I thought she was great in that movie (and she wrote it too!), but everything since has been pretty bad.
  8. So whats so "controversial" about I Feel Pretty? Isn't it a positive body image message? Isn't that a good thing? It's weird to me how everything becomes "problematic" these days.
  9. I loved Casey Affleck in 2007. His performances in Jesse James and Gone Baby Gone back to back floored me. In 2018? Not so much. He made an unlikable character more unlikable in Manchester and, through no fault of his own admittedly, he didn't have much to do in A Ghost Story. He lost the "exciting actor" label for me many years ago. It's not even the sexual harassment claims (I'm forgiving if it's a relatively one-time thing...as far as I know there's not an ongoing record of this), it's his career choices/screen presence of late.
  10. R-rated comedies used to make 100 mil more frequently than they do now. It's kind of a bummer really. Maybe all those stand up comedians are right and people really are overly sensitive these days.
  11. It's not about that. Rampage has nothing to offer people outside of the Rock...again. People were still watching Jumanji just a few weeks ago. Giant apes? Giant lizards? People have seen it, and Rampage doesn't exactly offer any new twists. The moment with the giant wolf leaping at the helicopter is kinda cool, but otherwise it looks like shit.
  12. I liked it, but man that Sheridan kid was terrible. Olivia Cooke is great though.
  13. The Informant was fun, but I found it not as entertaining as Ocean's 11 and not as important/accomplished as Traffic or Erin Brockovich.
  14. Soderbergh is just one of those directors whose films have premises that just don't interest me. He's one of the best directors around and yet I've only seen half of his films. He hasn't made anything OMG great since the one-two-three punch of Traffic, Brockovich, and Ocean's 11.
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