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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. I like Woodley well enough, but she doesn't excite me as an actress for some reason. Lawrence is great, Stone is one of the best comedic actresses out there I think, and Kendrick is damn endearing.
  2. Lawrence and Stone are infinitely more popular than Teller and Jordan. That Awkward Moment was targeted towards men, men whom at the time (before Neighbors) did not care for Efron. We're talking a hypothetical rom-com aimed at women.
  3. There was theater-wide applause at the end of my TF4 showing last weekend.
  4. Somebody needs to make that RIGHT NOW. Though I could do without Woodley. But Lawrence, Stone, and Kendrick in a rom-com that's actually good would be insane.
  5. I have no desire to see it, but for the sake of Dr. Strange I hope Deliver Us is good.
  6. Just doesn't make sense to me. It's a LIVE sporting event, dude. If you're not able to watch it live, tough nuts.
  7. When people say Burton got Bruce Wayne right more than Nolan, I point them to this and laugh.
  8. I can't speak for anyone else. But I've seen all the other action films in theaters, and despite their flaws, nobody does visuals better than Bay. He's one of the few directors that can get me to say "whoa" out loud in a theater.
  9. I actually thought Jack Reynor wasn't half-bad. The character was annoying, but he was alright. The buzz in the industry is the guy's got talent. I think he's the lead in Jolie's Unbroken.
  10. Could never get into either. Probably just couldn't relate. Everybody Loves Raymond was my jam.
  11. I've never seen it so I can't comment. The way I look at it is, I'd rather see a bad movie that was the director's cut than a bad movie made by the studio.
  12. What amazes me is that studios hire these highly artistic, daring filmmakers, and then they're surprised when it's something decidedly non-commercial?
  13. Indeed. Didn't know this until today, but apparently Spike Lee's Oldboy was cut to shreds by the producers. 2.5 hours reduced to 100mins.
  14. Huh. I didn't think TF4 was any better or worse than the other movies (well, better than TF2). Not sure why there seems to be a reaction here that it's appallingly worse.
  15. Yeah, the third act probably makes me remember it more fondly than I otherwise would.
  16. I get the hate for TF2. Don't get the hate for TF3. Yes, it's dumb, but the action and 3D delivered big time. TF2 didn't even deliver on that.
  17. I think it's plainly obvious now that studios are starting to care about overseas grosses more.
  18. Say what you want about this summer, but so far there hasn't been one truly successful (domestically anyway) bad movie. We'll see if TF4 will buck that, but signs point to no.
  19. It doesn't. It's boring. At least Bay's movies are nice to look at and usually have good action. Battleship has none of that.
  20. I'd actually watch that. Can you imagine a violent, R-rated, Bay-directed satire about those people?
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