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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. You're right about Duncan Jones. But up until him, not at all. And neither Trank nor Liman are or have been attached to video game adaptations. Besides, the former hasn't completely proven himself yet, and Liman is hit or miss to the point when he hits (The Bourne Identity, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Edge of Tomorrow) he hits big, and when he misses (Jumper), he misses big.
  2. I'll be a lot more excited for this if Kurzel's Macbeth turns out great. If not, and it's just another run-of-the-mill Shakespeare adaptation, then count me out. I'm sick of video game adaptations getting the short end when it comes to directors.
  3. The whole Cruise must be gay thing is fucking childish. A gay guy might get married to a woman once. Cruise has been married, what, three times?
  4. Some day Dehaan and Dicaprio will star in a movie together with Dane playing a young version of Dicaprio's character.
  5. Yeah...I don't understand the filming of movie clips. Those can be had online pretty easily.
  6. With all of these Dane Dehaan pics, I had a random thought today after re-watching SM1...Raimi actually tried to make Harry and Norman's hair resemble the comics.
  7. Yeah, not enough people post in this thread anymore for some reason.
  8. I'm not sure why they keep trying to include that shit in a JP4. Nobody wants it.
  9. It's an internet forum. Whaddaya expect. It'd be nice though if the internet was only patronized by reasonably-minded individuals.
  10. Not a bad number. The franchise is frontloaded, but not so much so that this number spells doom or anything.
  11. I made the colossally stupid mistake of re-watching Oberyn's introduction scene on Youtube and then reading some of the comments where, of course, some asshole spoiled everyone regarding where his character goes in the future. With this newfound knowledge I must ask...
  12. they showed the kiss wow! I was freaking out in fear they wont dare because of age diff!! Sophie was absolutely stunning & the cliff with LF as awesome as I expected. the wait will be torture! The new Mountain is so well cast! The actress who plays Sansa isn't underage.
  13. I see this topping out at 220. WOM seems good but not good enough to overcome lackluster May legs. I could be wrong though. Ouch at Spider-man.
  14. Don't get too excited, people. Could be very frontloaded no matter what the WOM is.
  15. Can someone explain to me why Veras is against Tyrion now? Just a few episodes ago he was basically calling him the kingdom's only hope when talking to Shay, now he's selling him out at the trial.
  16. New York is a big city. Spider-man doesn't need to leave New York, he just needs a director that can explore the different facets of the city in each movie. For example, if Kraven is the villain, use Central Park and other more nature-ish areas of New York.
  17. Everything with Kong and Watts, the bugs, and the T-rexes was excellent, but that Bronchia stampede...oy.
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