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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. I tend to think it's we who don't know anything. These people run businesses. I presume if they're constantly approving massive budgets it's because the majority of the time they get their money back, regardless of what we think we know. Obviously there are occasions when they don't, but they're much rarer than when they do, so I think it's silly to say Hollywood budgeting is out of control.
  2. It's funny to me that people think Sniper is some deep examination of war and a soldier's psyche. Clint wanted it to be, but what he made is closer to an insultingly gung-ho action pic.
  3. My only qualm is I wish this was a Fincher movie. Not sure how Boyle's herky-jerky style will jive with something so dialogue-driven.
  4. Danny Boyle Aaron Sorkin Michael Fassbender Kate Winslet If you're not excited for this I don't want to know you. Didn't bother with the Kutcher version so this doesn't feel like a retread to me. Plus I've heard the script is completely different from most biopics.
  5. The point is the movie had great legs (even for a Christmas movie), therefore Cinemascore is not reliable at all for forecasting staying power or WOM.
  6. Are people completely numb to great action these days? Or do people just not know what great action looks like. I'm not sure how anyone wouldn't be sold by those set pieces unless they're just not into action movies anyway.
  7. I dunno...wasn't Inglourious Basterds or some other great movies booed there?
  8. Whiplash gets too much flak. Rourke at least quirked it up a bit. There was literally nothing remotely original or interesting about Ronan or Red Skull.
  9. Forgot about Fisk. He might be #1, although that might be unfair since they had 13 hours to develop him.
  10. I actually think many of the Marvel villains are underrated. The Winter Soldier felt like a real threat. Pierce wasn't the most original bad guy but Redford sold it. Jeff Bridges added a lot of menace to generic corporate evil. Hammer wasn't threatening but he was pretty well developed and entertaining. Rourke did what he could with an underwritten character. Vanko was more interesting in the quieter scenes. And then Loki and Ultron are the cream. Red Skull Malekith Ronan Killian Abomination Those are bleh. The rest are good or have their redeeming aspects.
  11. I see what you guys are saying about F7 vs AoU, but how is 191mil OW not connecting with the zeitgeist. That's a lot of fucking people no matter how you spin it.
  12. Rooting for whichever movie is the best of these three to win the year. Probably Star Wars
  13. Certainly. Most people don't go to the movies every week or even every month like we do. So asking them to watch three movies (Guardians doesn't really count in this context) in order to understand the new Avengers coming out is a tall task.
  14. For Zach Randolph alone I don't like Memphis. Hope to see a Clippers/Bulls finals.
  15. RTH seems to be overpredicting again and again. No offense, just something to note. Sat will probably be closer to 33 than 36.
  16. I think San Andreas could surprise. The marketing's been on point with that song.
  17. The Martian isn't nearly popular enough to be competition at this stage. Also, Scott's done. It ain't gonna be any good.
  18. This is my first time realizing Little Finger was in TDKR. Holy shitballs.
  19. Iron Man was a minor hero before. If they can turn Strange and others into star attractions then there's no need to stop after Infinity War.
  20. MCU shouldn't be rebooted. Just keep it going for as long as possible. Reboots should be a last resort when a franchise putters out.
  21. Good move. For some reason X-mas movies make more money in November than December.
  22. I actually think Rogen is underrated. Compared to other comedians, his output is of pretty high quality. 40 Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, Pineapple Express, Zack and Miri, Take This Waltz, 50/50, This is the End, Neighbors, The Interview...all of them ranging from decent to great. Doesn't hurt that this is his reteaming with JGL.
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