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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Don't get ahead of yourself. This will probably perform closer to the Rio movies than Big Hero 6.
  2. Not sure who you're talking to. I thought Mockingjay was better than Catching Fire.
  3. Get Hard wasn't all that bad. Not as funny as it should have been, but not sub-40% on RT bad.
  4. Jake G looks great, the rest looks kinda mediocre. Fuqua's just not that great. He's still riding the coattails of Training Day.
  5. Why do people give a fuck if there's action or not in a teaser trailer? You know there's going to be action, so why must you see it right away?
  6. Looking back, it's sort of unbelievable he wasn't nominated for Nightcrawler. More than likely the old farts didn't even watch it.
  7. Just saw Insurgent. One of the worst movies of the year so far. God-awful dialogue, rote plotting, and predictable the whole way. Miles Teller is the only good part about it. Even Woodley doesn't come off that well. She can cry pretty good, but any time she's not asked to cry she's a blank.
  8. That's for visual FX only. Divergent movies have neither a good story, characters, or good visual effects. They're visually, thematically, and emotionally redundant. Transformers 4 is a dumb movie, but it's visually orgasmic as well. Hence the B- If someone wants to fawn over a YA movie, The Hunger Games franchise has my vote. All three excellent. Or even the first Maze Runner which wasn't bad.
  9. I root for bad movies to fail. You root for them to succeed. To each their own.
  10. Lots of filmmakers have one great movie in them, maybe one great and one good, and then they lose it. Happens all the time. Blomkamp might be one of them. I'll see Chappie before judging. I didn't mind Elysium. I think District 9 set people up to be disappointed, but it's a decent scifi movie.
  11. Despite Spielberg and Hanks I don't think St. James Place will be another Private Ryan for them. Cold War movies are nearly box office poison.
  12. It's written by Sorkin, directed by Boyle, and starring Fassbender. Regardless of the behind the scenes turmoil that led to the new team, that's still an incredible team.
  13. I read somewhere that they were shooting it similar to Birdman, so it may be a one-shot after all. At the very least there will be long-ish takes with Lubeski on board.
  14. Like most movies, people are overlooking the director here. Joe Wright's involvement pretty much guarantees it'll at least be entertaining.
  15. I guess we can chalk this up to an entire generation of people who grew up on Call of Duty turning out, plus the usual older folks going for the Oscar buzz? There's just no explanation really.
  16. Hmmm...it's a better movie? My response was in regards to the conversation that surfaces every year about a lack of color in Hollywood or a lack of good movies featuring people of color in lead roles.
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