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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Last time I watched it, I realized only the Jimmy/Captain stuff was unnecessary.
  2. Question: is there a website that tracks # of tickets sold instead of or in addition to money made?
  3. I think the combination of Rogen's brand of comedy (especially coming off the well-received This is the End) and the female drawing power that Efron has if you put him in something appealing...together it created a breakout.
  4. Ted was a near comedic masterpiece in my opinion, and I like Family Guy sometimes.
  5. Judging from the trailers, A Million Ways is going to be one of those comedies that's very hit and miss. Watching them, it goes back and forth between looking like a brilliant satire and looking juvenile and like it's trying way too hard.
  6. Neighbors: Fri 9:40pm showing 95% full Trailers: 22 Jump Street - best reaction Chef - some laughs here and there The Purge: Anarchy - silence A Million Ways to Die - slightly better reaction than Chef Ruffalo/Knightley rom-com (forgot title) - silence Movie: A- Great crowd reaction. Audible breathless whispers from females whenever Efron had his shirt off, guffaws pretty consistent. Everyone seemed into it.
  7. Neighbors is the funniest comedy since This is the End. Just my two cents.
  8. When will these fucks around the internet learn that Cinemascore doesn't mean much, if anything.
  9. So Neighbors was excellent. Really funny and offered better character work than it had to.
  10. If Spidey drops less than 60% this weekend expect higher drops next weekend and especially the week after (X-men).
  11. Using my fingers to type out words on a computer is not getting bent out of shape. LMAO. And yes, there is originality still. But it's becoming rarer and rarer. Also, the originality I'm speaking of is relative. Is the movie Lincoln original? No. It's based on history. But due to a number of factors, it's an original in my book.
  12. Also, I meant "failed" as in Batman, Bond, Star Trek, etc. which became creatively bankrupt before being rebooted.
  13. The same reason people get mad about stupid laws and corrupt politicians. We want to see what we love (in this case movies, Hollywood, take your pick) get better. If you're okay with an industry completely devoid of originality, then by all means keep defending it.
  14. It's not arbitrary. This isn't a franchise that failed (the reason reboots became a thing in the first place) and this isn't some grand mythology that future generations will lap up just as much as the last one. All I'm saying is it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Are teens going to line up for a buddy cop movie that's not an R-rated comedy? Probably not.
  15. That's besides the point. There's no plot-related hook in Lethal Weapon that lends itself toward rebooting. It's completely counter-intuitive. The franchise existed because of Gibson and Glover.
  16. Like Tele said, it's a matter of principle. Also, there's no reason to reboot a damn buddy cop series. None. Zilch. Superheroes, comic-book movies, I get it. Comics are rebooted all the time. Kinda makes sense. Same with long, long-running series like Star Trek or Bond. But Lethal Weapon? That's just insane. That series was what it was because of the stars, nothing more.
  17. Did anyone else know they were rebooting Lethal Weapon? What. the. fuck.
  18. The thing is, it could very well drop less than 60% this weekend, but the weeks after are not going to be kind at all with Godzilla, X-men, Maleficent, etc.
  19. What I meant by "real Mandarin" is he wasn't the villain, not that I wanted an Asian caricature. I wanted the Mandarin that we got in the trailers and during the first hour of the movie.
  20. It's such a weird thing...Trevor is a great character, but he's also horrible for not being the real Mandarin.
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