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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. I'm not one to disagree with those who say there aren't enough good movies about the African American experience in America, but shit like this is why. Maybe if all of those "urban" demographics went to see movies like Selma instead of Ride Along, things would be a little different. On the other hand, Selma really should have received a bigger marketing effort. It's silly that the mediocre Unbroken got a bigger push than this, and look...Unbroken's doing well.
  2. Into Darkness was one of my favorites from last year, and the '09 movie is one of the best blockbusters of the aughts in my opinion. But the only other Trek films I've seen from beginning to end were the next Gen movies, which were dull as fuck. Diehard Trekkies are a weird bunch. They think it's cool to hate the Abrams movies. Meanwhile, for summer blockbusters, they received rave reviews and made a helluva lot more money than the original series.
  3. http://theitalianimposter.wordpress.com/ Check out my movie review blog, peoples.
  4. This isn't tanking. VOD counts, people. I saw it at midnight at the Dallas Alamo and it was sold out. Every showing was sold out for the entire weekend.
  5. Neither of those underperformed. Especially Neighbors. How many comedies open to 50mil?
  6. GOTG is entertaining and all, but the internets overrate it big time. One of the worst Marvel villains (and that's saying something) and yet another MacGuffin. Still, all four heroes are funny and engaging in their own way. Mockingjay was much better. Maybe there's not much action, but it was never boring. It was about the politics behind a revolution. For a political geek like me, it was fascinating.
  7. I haven't been here in a while. What happened to the "edit signature" tool?
  8. The critics were pretty harsh with this movie. Yeah, it's not great, but it definitely doesn't deserve a 28% tomatometer. The Metacritic score is more accurate. Overall a mediocre flick with some moments of inspiration. The choice to make God a child was the best part of the movie actually, or at least the most original part.
  9. I mean, yes, there are characters whose lives are negatively affected by new media, but, for example, Jennifer Garner's character is the embodiment of the "fear of new media" and if there's a villain in the movie, she's it.
  10. I'm guessing none of you have actually seen it. The critics were wrong in my opinion. It's not GREAT, but it's pretty darn good. And it's not anti-technology in any way. Edit: seriously, calling it the "reefer madness" of the digital age is such a reductive conclusion that I have to call into question the credentials and/or intelligence of anyone who actually watches the movie and believes that. The film explores the negative AND positive effects of these different technologies on people's lives.
  11. Even if it ends up being mixed/bad it's not going to drop as much as Annabelle on Sat. It's what horror movies do.
  12. I wonder if the studio is kicking themselves now for not doing a direct sequel to The Conjuring.
  13. Saw TMNT today. Like everything related to Bay, the critics were too harsh. It's really dumb, yes, but it's also really fun.
  14. It has been a trend this summer. HTTYD2, X-men, Apes. None of them had horrible legs, but they weren't very good relative to what we perceive to be the WOM of those movies. X-men wasn't so surprising due to the franchise's history, but the other two kind of elicit a "alright, what's going on here?"
  15. Thor is front and center in both Thor movies, obviously. If he "hasn't had the film yet to truly dominate," then maybe we should all just accept that he's not that interesting.
  16. We're talking Apes' second weekend, know-it-all. Just look at May 2007. 44mil for Lucy, 30mil for Herc, and a higher second weekend for Apes is very possible in a better box office climate. That was my only point. This place would be a lot more pleasant if people didn't act all high and mighty about their box office knowledge. "Lol no" is not a response. Also, Apes is not strictly an adult movie. And Hercules certainly isn't.
  17. Perhaps all audiences want are non-sequels/reboots/remakes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Edge of Tomorrow is the only original semi-bust this summer, and in that case you clearly blame the marketing for making it look wholly unoriginal.
  18. Brave or daring? Man of Steel? Yeah....hahahahahaha. Only a person who only watches summer blockbusters could say that. Hell, even then, there are summer blockbusters ten times more daring than Man of Steel.
  19. You're not new around here. WTF are you talking about? We've seen multiple blockbusters open big on the same weekend in years past. Audience overlap, my ass.
  20. The thing is, that right there tells you how bad the market is. In a normal summer Apes, Lucy, and Hercules would be able to co-exist and do well on a single weekend.
  21. That's actually kinda bad for Hercules considering budget, brand awareness, etc. 35mil was the low-end target. We're only celebrating just under 30mil because tracking was terrible. Lucy, though, is a minor breakout hit.
  22. Maybe I'm the only one, but hasn't the concept been done elsewhere more than once? (that is, the whole "we only use such and such percent of our brains")
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