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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. The drop is probably due to competition for adult audiences, not word of mouth. There are many, many films that satisfy their opening weekend audience, and then for some reason the WOM never spreads.
  2. Also, some are assuming Gravity will stay flat or drop? Why?
  3. Wish the guy would just stay out of everything but his own movies.
  4. Not sure how you can compare. Prisoners was great but it's a film about child abduction and it intentionally robs the audience of an emotional catharsis in the end. That combination is the reason for its relatively mediocre legs.
  5. It'll get a nomination. The expanded field almost guarantees it. Winning is another thing entirely and doesn't just depend on how good the movie is.
  6. I have a feeling Thor won't be all that. Could definitely turn out that way.
  7. As long as something truly worthy of "Best Picture" wins this year. The last year three years have been unremarkable as far as that goes.
  8. Speaking of, it sucks that JGL's ventures into romantic comedy territory never break out. 500 Days, 50/50, and Don Jon are all crowd-pleasing dramedies that deserved more.
  9. Relative to most actors, she's a box office queen. There aren't many stars that can claim two huge hits in one year, and if the numbers hold she's now done it twice in the last few years.
  10. Why would there be a correlation? Children of Men is essentially an indie drama (it had action, sure, but it wasn't marketed as "action" or "scifi") with a relatively depressing premise, no movie stars, and obviously no Gravity-esque visual hook.
  11. Umm...it's the exact opposite minus the last scene.
  12. I doubt it. In 3D the experience is simply too overwhelming.
  13. This is incredibly reductive. You can't just say every comic-book movie should be 90 minutes and every action movie should be 2 hours or under without ignoring the greater nuances that go into screenwriting and filmmaking. I've watched TDK and TDKR enough times to know that everything in the each of them was essential to the story being told. The latter actually could've been longer to iron out a plot hole.
  14. There's nothing wrong with movies over 2 hours or those close to 3 hours. Different stories have different requirements. There are many movies that could not exist or would flat-out suck with a 90-min running time. Gravity is not one of them.
  15. The Social Network. Fight Club is great but I prefer the former's visual simplicity to the latter's visual excesses.
  16. Movie buffs with narrow tastes annoy me. Sorry, but you're not a movie buff if you're not interested in watching Gravity or 12 Years a Slave.
  17. Rush can definitely crack 50mil, but the problem with the story is it just doesn't have enough reasons for people to care, at least not enough to be a true breakout hit. I could be wrong if WOM is great enough, but racing is a pretty niche sport.
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