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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Knowing Verbinski that might've been what he wanted to do, but when news broke about the werewolves the internet went on a hatestorm, so perhaps we would've gotten that were it not for the media reaction.
  2. 12 Years is a great film and would be a deserving Best Picture winner, but yeah, Hunger and Shame are just a smidgen less traditional/more daring and therefore they floored me a little more than 12 Years.
  3. The Lone Ranger is underrated relative to its horrid reviews. A B- movie with some cool things going in, but a lot of dumb shit as well.
  4. Such unnecessary hate is the reason the kid is so fucked up now. I watch those videos of him drunk at a bar and I see someone who's been fucked up by fame and the criticism it brought him.
  5. If you hate any actor, you yourself have issues. It's not right to hate anyone you've never met. Politicians are different as they're elected to serve us, but actors are just doing what they love. People like to act like celebrities aren't allowed to have flaws or aren't allowed to have angry outbursts like every normal person on the planet. Just because they're rich, doesn't mean their lives are perfect and they have no right to get into fights, say what's on their mind, etc.The only individuals who can be rightly criticized are those whose transgressions are a matter of fact and not mere gossip. Roman Polanski would be an example.
  6. Inside Llewyn Davis does not have a message about the "American situation." You're reading too much into it. It's about failure. And that's not a worthwhile theme for a two hour film. The Coens are nihilists and to be honest it's becoming a little insufferable.
  7. I was actually placing Lone and Zero in the same category, since they're the only war on terror movies to succeed so far.
  8. I was definitely wrong on Lone Survivor. Can anyone explain how it's doing so well when so many other "war on terror" films failed or did far lesser numbers in the past? Maybe people are ready to watch movies about it now versus a few years ago when it was "too soon?" First Zero Dark Thirty, now this...
  9. Must be pretty cool to have as much money as she does and then say "I'm going to fund Spike Jonze and Paul Thomas Anderson."
  10. Most people are too immature to take a film like Her seriously. A sad fact of humanity.
  11. I wouldn't say they marketed it toward the "preachy award drama" crowd, but you're right in that that's who showed up initially. Around Christmas you had a lot of older folks and fans of Dicaprio who aren't used to his films having such a visceral sexual side to them.
  12. My theory on Wolf is there was mixed/bad WOM from the older auds who saw it around Christmas, and then the younger auds caught on and that's why it's doing better now.
  13. I think WOM is spreading among young adults for Wolf. At least three peers of mine with whom I rarely speak about movies have mentioned it.
  14. I say good riddance to Fishnets. It'd be one thing if her rants were funny at all, but they weren't, they were annoying deluges of ignorant biases.
  15. I gleaned quite a bit. Thought the ruminations on a military industrial complex and terrorism were an interesting way of circumventing the old series' habit of addressing "important" issues of its time.
  16. The response to it on this forum is weird considering the great reviews it received. I maintain it's a Trekkie bias. I haven't seen any of the original movies (only Next Generation, First Contact, and Insurrection) and STID impressed me quite a bit, particularly on an emotional level. If a summer blockbuster makes me teary, it's doing something right.
  17. It's something that I thought only Bay was capable of, but Bay isn't toying with some of my favorite characters. A Transformers movie is mindless action? I don't give a shit, entertain me. A Superman movie is mindless action? Get the fuck out.
  18. Could be. Dawn of the Dead was beginner's luck, and 300 and Watchmen were good due to the source material.
  19. I sometimes wonder if the general audience response to Watchmen turned him into a worse filmmaker. Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen each had plenty of merits. Not so much everything that followed.
  20. Watchmen is leagues above Man of Steel. It actually has something to say and the visuals are genuinely inspiring. Man of Steel is an over-color-corrected mis-mash of hollow emotional throughlines that are somehow truncated throughout a 2 hour and 20 minute running time. A 2:20 film that skimps on character development is quite an achievement.
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