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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Personally I don't get the appeal of video games. Would rather watch a movie where I might learn something here or there.
  2. Good god, can we have a moratorium on these sorts of comments? We ALL know that, brother, but when review after review says it's not scary, there's a good chance a lot of other people are going to feel the same way.
  3. From reading the reviews it doesn't seem that it'll be well-liked.
  4. I wish more people would follow Metacritic instead. More and more it's looking like the better of the two.
  5. The bigger the Friday, the bigger the Saturday drop I imagine.
  6. They're basically a slightly more respectable, hipster version of Armond White. They don't like anything.
  7. See every 80's/90's action star for clues. But, in his defense, 80% of headlining actors aren't "bankable."
  8. I had assumed Instructions Not Included was one of those out of nowhere Christian films that make money due to churches buying out screenings. But it's not that. So...how is this making money?
  9. We haven't even seen the majority of the performances that will likely be in contention. She's well-liked, but being well-liked does not earn you a second Oscar after many (including Bullock herself) believe the first was undeserved. The awards race is a little more nuanced than the simplistic point of view you're taking here.
  10. Bullock could get nominated, but there's no way she's winning again unless it's a Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood level of performance, which obviously ain't happening.
  11. I've always thought that studios make a profit much easier than people on this forum realize. The general rule of thumb is it needs to gross more than double the production budget.
  12. Yeah, but he doesn't often get great roles. And that's a symptom of those flops, many of which weren't just financial disappointments, but critical ones as well.
  13. Yeah. Kate Winslet's had many, many critical successes with Oscar nominations and one relatively recent win. Same with Kidman, though to a much lesser degree. The thing is, if an actress (or actor for that matter) wants to continue getting roles despite low box office figures for their films, they need to have talent and conjure awards chatter for said films.
  14. It's already a success without overseas. Low budget helped it.
  15. So? My point was it's Sony's only success this summer, along with Grown Ups 2 apparently (ugh).
  16. There's no double standard. White people like myself weren't oppressed for generations upon generations, therefore when a white kid is murdered it's natural that issues of race will not factor into the media narrative. It's just the way it is. All of these random "white person murdered" cases that people like to bring up are an attempt to argue that the media is biased in some way. Yes, they are, in other circumstances. In this circumstance, they're merely jumping all over a story that's ripe for controversy. An open and shut case like the one you mentioned has no long-lasting narrative to maintain viewer interest. The perpetrators were caught. In the Zimmerman case, the guy murdered a young kid and was allowed to walk free without much questioning. Thus, shit hit the fan. It's not really that difficult to comprehend the differences here.
  17. Sick and tired of people whining like this. If it really bothers you that the media is covering the murder of a young black boy, then you have some issues in your subconscious, sir. The reason the Martin case received so much attention is the wishy-washy uncertainty of what transpired, and yes, the possibility (likely probability if you ask me) that Zimmerman was racially profiling a kid and initiating a completely unnecessary encounter. Racially motivated murders spur controversy, and controversy grabs viewers. It's as simple as that, donks.
  18. Not feeling Help-level buzz for The Butler. I think it'll just miss 100mil.
  19. Indeed. Everyone in it was pretty darn good. But unfortunately the most important piece (Hunnam) was absolutely awful. One of the most wooden performances I've seen in a long time.
  20. I wouldn't care so much about The Heat and Grown Ups 2 succeeding were it not for the fact that they made more money than a comedy that is three times as funny/good as they are (This is the End).
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