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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Frozen has to be big. It's pretty much the only family offering opening this week, unless you count Black Nativity.
  2. How is anything between 155-160 million bad? If you think that, that's your fault, not the movie's.
  3. David Poland - "American Hustle looks like double digit Oscar nods, pretty easily."
  4. We're not talking about wins, we're talking about nominations right now. From that standpoint, we still don't know much. For example, Bale and Adams could very well steal lead acting spots from those that have been ASSUMED since September. People always count out the later entries even though time and time again they make a big splash come nomination morning. Based on one "review" from one pundit, you're guessing the film will have a mixed reception. That's silly, and that's what I meant by "you guess too much." It comes off as arrogant.
  5. You guess too much. "Nobody knows anything." Stick to that.
  6. Tapley - "People seem to really like it so probably gonna do well." Sounds like a case similar to The Dark Knight Rises where Tapley's not a huge fan but most everyone else (critics-wise) like/love it.
  7. Those are completely different characters. The "Drive" comparisons are, frankly, stupid.
  8. He wasn't convincing because the kid is supposed to be putting on an act.
  9. I don't get where those complains are coming from. The kid was supposed to be a wannabe thuggish cool kid. That was the whole point of his character.
  10. I think people need to get used to the idea that not every well-received franchise sequel is going to increase ten-fold from the original on opening weekend. As you all know, there's something called a "franchise ceiling," and some franchises more or less hit that ceiling on the first try (Star Trek comes to mind).
  11. Is the thread title cheeky hyberbole or were people actually worried about the early numbers? If you were you're an absurd human being.
  12. and never came back. There were also these three girls who were twelve at the oldest with no parents sitting in front of me, which caused me to wonder if they knew what movie they had snuck into. I was surprised they stayed and watched the whole thing. Overall, it was a certainly interesting time at the movies... Booo to you.
  13. And 60% 2nd-weekend drops are not the average for the genre either.
  14. You're obviously biased. There aren't a lot of superhero sequels and non-sequels with a 2-2.25 multiplier. Only Hulk, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Spider-man 3, Watchmen, Green Lantern, X-men Origins: Wolverine, and X-men: The Last Stand have multipliers that low.
  15. Errm, not exactly. It's neither one of the best nor one of the worst, kinda like the movie itself. Spider-man Batman Begins Iron Man The Dark Knight The Avengers Those are the best.
  16. I respect Shia for trying to branch out after TF. He looks pretty amusing in one of the Nympho clips.
  17. Promise? It's already made more money than I thought it would. A 35-50mil gross would be excellent for it.
  18. Yeah, it makes no sense that the studios didn't capitalize on this weekend. Whether it's moving up Delivery Man or expanding The Book Thief.
  19. They really think TBMH won't drop on Saturday?
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