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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Your first point is valid, but the second is not. The fight was included for the purpose of action/spectacle and nothing more.
  2. Fast Six: Thursday 10:20 pm 65% full Movie: C+/B- Great, if ridiculous action sequences. Performances are sometimes surprisingly effective (Diesel and Rodriguez's scenes together, Walker's emoting), other times quite silly. Gigantic plot holes abound (1st Rodriguez/Carano fight doesn't make sense at all when you know the latter's character twist). Entertaining, and I like that they're building a world of characters, but the plot is still standard fare.
  3. People are more savvy these days. Trust me, people know it's a Shyamalan film.
  4. Says a lot about people when they hate on a 15 year-old kid who, up until After Earth, had actually exceeded expectations.
  5. I gotta say, I'm all for hating on bad movies, but it's kind of sickening how people lambast the Smith family for something that many families do.
  6. That has nothing to do with it. A decent movie with Jaden as the star has already been made. Shyamalan is a director who's forgotten how to direct actors.
  7. This is the End. The Internship missed the post-Wedding Crashers boat.
  8. He's the fucking director. Of course he's to blame.
  9. I would sooner argue that that means Now You See Me will make more than expected than say After Earth will make sub-20mil.
  10. Wait...how do we know it's going to open that low? 1 mil midnights for an original film doesn't tell us anything.
  11. I don't think it's competition. 2007 proves that theory wrong. Trek underperforming is something of a mystery, but it could be argued that the '09 film's 250mil gross was the franchise's ceiling, and because many sequels do decrease despite a well-received original, it kinda sorta makes sense. Hangover 3 underperforming wouldn't be that surprising because: A. the last one wasn't any good B. comedy franchises almost never survive past part 2
  12. Assuming it opens to 70m+ for the 3-day, it wouldn't even need a 3x to reach 200mil.
  13. This just pisses me of because it's a much better movie than Iron Man 3.
  14. Except there's no reason for anyone to enjoy hating on it since it's a perfectly good (very good) movie.
  15. Would people on this site please stop throwing around the word flop like it's some cute internet meme. The Hobbit wasn't a flop, and neither is this. Box office disappointment? Yes. But not flop.
  16. For me personally it's tied with Pines for best of the year so far. 1. I'm not a Trekkie, and have basically never seen any of the older films (did when I was a kid and don't remember a thing about them), therefore everything borrowed from Wrath of Khan was new to me 2. None of the plot holes were egregious 3. It was an incredibly emotional film for a summer blockbuster, and that earns it bonus points. It's difficult to make me care that much during an action movie.
  17. How on earth are people predicting an 80-85 mil 4-day? Thurs - 13 Fri - 27 Sat - 32 Sun - 26 = 99mil 4-day
  18. Umm...STID has the same new millenium look and it's certainly not the same old same old. The trailers were amazing. Whatever is causing the lower than expected numbers has nothing to do with the marketing or, obviously, film quality.
  19. You could say Transformers and Pirates were novelties too, and yet they increased.
  20. More fun than Iron Man 3. Both are better than all three Iron Man movies.
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