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Everything posted by Porthos

  1. Fun little show tonight. Hondo is always a delight, the Rebels get some <SPOILER DELETED> which will almost certainly come up later on, and Ezra grows a little bit more. Nothing earth shattering, but it was fun, which is what matters. So, 7.8 to 8 out of 10 I think. Almost entirely because of Jim Cummings.
  2. It's been a few decades, but I would think 1941 would count, I think. At least the cut that was in the theaters (and not the expanded version which is MUCH better received).
  3. BOT's just practicing their freakout muscles for the big event next month. ---- Real Talk though, the Rogue One Weekend Thread has the potential to be a dumpster fire. In both directions. I just hope we're collectively smart enough not to draw TOO many conclusions from the preview number, whatever it may be. Personally I'm expecting it to be inflated due to frontloadedness, so I hope there won't be too many folks trying to apply a direct comparison with TFA's preview number (RO did % of TFA's preview therefore RO OW's will be around % of TFA's OW). Who am I kidding. We ALL know the thread is going to be full of those types of projections.
  4. The thing about TWiT is that it's all this, but is infused with heart. At its core it's really about a Coming of Age story and the relationship between a young woman, her father, and her younger brother. Throw in teenage feelings of attatchment and the first real stirrings of love (not lust, love) and it's not at all hard to see why this book (and its sequels) has been beloved for generations. In fact, I would say that say that the book is about love, and what happens to people when love is stripped away. Love of family, love of others, and, yes, love of oneself. It also depicts one of the nastier versions of Evil ever put to print, children's book or not. How IT is going to be put to screen and the society IT produced could make or break this film. Well that and they absolutely have to nail Meg Wallace. Meg Wallace is a fairly nuanced character which could go wrong if not handled right. So, intrigued. PS: Do agree that Oprah as Mrs. Which is inspired.
  5. This is a nice piece of insight, IMO: Much like another country that could be mentioned then.
  6. Oof. A lot more where that came from on Bouie's timeline. As for the elephant in the room: I get the impression there's a lot of this floating around right now.
  7. Only if was the one responsible for counting the votes. (@The Pumpkin Spiced Panda)
  8. Not much to say here, so won't even bother with spoiler box. Nice episode, mostly quiet. Say, 7.75-8/10. Feels something like a breather episode, but competently made. Nice to see a focus on Sabine for once, at least.
  9. "I want to destroy the Sith" "(I want) Hope" Not telling who said what. Not outside of spoiler boxes at least. Separate observation: So let's say 9.25/10. On a curve since it isn't an earth shattering episode, but it absolutely succeeds at what it sets out to do. Little iffy on one point, as mentioned in the first spoiler box. But otherwise, perfectly played. Can't wait to see how this is all addressed.
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