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Everything posted by Nova

  1. What are you talking about? Deadpool is going to outgross BvS. Deadpool is going to hit $365M if not more than that. With the drop that BvS is going to have this weekend, how can you possibly see it making more than $365M? It's not a hyperbole. It's reality but let's keep ignoring the numbers.
  2. It's going to be under Deadpool with the weekend it's about to have. Deadpool will get to $365M+ if not get to $370M. This movie may not even hit $350M.
  3. It's not getting to $700M this weekend. It's at $554M and let's say it makes $55M this weekend in the states that puts it at $610M so it needs $90M from other countries and if you've been following those threads it hasn't been doing too well in a lot of Asian and European markets as of late.
  4. Bishop posted it. Bishop was going around at the time talking about it crumbling on the West Coast and that $16M Friday was happening. Guess they were right lol
  5. Someone posted a comic book cover with a 16 on it and you said that...or maybe that was Tele...it possibly was Tele. If it was my bad lol
  6. TDK Triology was "dark" and did just fine at the box office. It's not the "darkness," of the film but rather the quality of the film that's been its demise.
  7. How was it a risky film? I'm still waiting for the explanation. Just because critics and people didn't like it doesn't mean it was a risky film. It just means people didn't like it. Just because it had a dark tone, doesn't make it risky. TDK was a dark film that was done right. Deadpool was more of a riskier film than this and critics plus the general audience loved it. BvS wasn't a risky film. Unless you consider going down with Snyder on a sinking ship, a risky move.
  8. I still can't believe people called this movie an "art film." Or a "risky" film. Because trying to make a movie with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman with the tone of TDK is such a bold move.
  9. Exactly. BvS isn't a risk. It's not an art film like some of you were trying to say earlier either. It's a film that was meant to be a cash cow for WB and a movie meant to kick off the JL. Had WB taken a risk and gotten rid of Snyder we would be having a different conversation right now. But WB sold us shit and expected us to call it caviar.
  10. I still remember when those of us who said it was getting bad WOM were getting crucified because Twitter and CinemaScore said otherwise. Well this 70% drop is proving its getting bad WOM. Secondly if you told me three months ago that a movie centered around Deadpool rescuing his girlfriend would make around $800M WW and a movie which has Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman would make $900M WW (will it even get there at this point?) I would have laughed in your face. But this is what you get when you don't want to make changes and take chances to go into a new direction. And for those of you saying WB took a chance and made something different....no they didn't. BvS is MOS 2.0. They knew exactly what they were getting into. They just hoped people were too dumb to realize it and would eat it up anyways.
  11. Congrats on your prediction of $16M! They said you were reaching but apparently it was them reaching with that $18.5M number.
  12. Because they're fools. If this movie drops 70% this weekend coupled with the mixed reactions and the critics trashing it, they'd be fools not to get rid of him and rethink what they're going to do. Don't invest in a sinking ship and right now that's what WBs is going to do. So if changes don't happen they have no one to blame but themselves IF JL doesn't live up to the expectations, which mind you is what a lot of people said when they let him do BvS.
  13. I'm from Philly so I'm a huge Iggy fan (Finals MVP )!and have followed the Warriors only because of him. But I'll tell you what, it's remarkable how much the franchise has changed for the better. It was something unexpected but it's also something the league certainly needed. The same teams winning all the time was getting old.
  14. I'm not sure whether I should take it seriously. Like April fools is over except on the West Coast lol Like if that drop stands, I don't think this board will survive....
  15. I don't know what's worse. The meltdowns that are going to happen on this board or the meltdowns currently happening over at ESPN because the Warriors have lost at home. Meanwhile I'm just like
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