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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 29 minutes ago, excel1 said:


    Who are "all the people" saying those things? She is absolutely being treated fairly, no differently than Snyder post BvS. Despite the complete all around disaster that was WW84, Patty Jenkins was given the opportunity to present her vision for WW3, no? I didn't dispute that it was a real dynamic. I am pointing out that there is ample reason to believe it doesn't apply here. She made an atrocious previous product. They're going to be more careful next time. If she presented more crap, she's out, just like Snyder

    It’s pretty easy to see who are saying these things online. That’s why it’s so hypocritical to me.  Women in Hollywood are just treated differently then their male counterparts.


    I don’t know if she was given the opportunity to present her vision for ww3 or not cause I don’t know what was true given the reporting. Maybe she had a version that wouldn’t fit with what Gunn has in mind? Maybe she just wasn’t given an opportunity to move forward or she chose not to move forward herself(which I assume is the case). Or maybe it was all about money like THR said, would anything surprise you with Zaslav? 

    I’m gonna leave this discussion be for now. I don’t think it’s gonna get anywhere. 


  2. 10 minutes ago, excel1 said:

    Why do people so often instantly run to the "don't know how to deal with strong confident women" argument? Maybe Patty Jenkins actually just sucks as a storyteller for WW3? Yes, even though she is a strong confident women, it is totally possible that she turned in a shit story. Know why it's possible? Because her most recent WW story sucked. It was a metaphor for global warming somehow....?


    Patty has been treated fairly without question. People gave her props when she made a near perfect film, and hate when she made a hideously atrocious film. I suspect that had her WW3 take delivered, there would be enthusiasm for it.

    Because it happens all the time? Why do you think people constantly say it if it doesn’t? I literally gave you real life evidence from my life.


    Patty was treated fairly cause she made one mediocre movie? She deserve all the hate she’s gotten online? all the people saying she shouldn’t get another chance, that’s fair? All while we give mediocre male ( almost always white) directors chance after chance to keep failing up. 

    • Like 3
  3. 14 minutes ago, Macleod said:


    Says who?  Jenkins' own statement is arguably as vague and inconclusive as anything else, and almost all of the gossip surrounding her exit could still fit into whatever scenario she described as her side of the story.  The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.  The question you should be asking is...who has an axe to grind against Jenkins, to have put such stories about her out there...and why?  Notice how Gunn has still not said "I'd be happy to work with her in the future" about Jenkins.  And notice how basic his one statement about her exit even was...it sure didn't sound effusive. 


    But yeah, I've argued for a long time that this forum should have some higher standards and really only allow posts from the established Hollywood trades (and the principles involved, in this case Gunn, etc.), not these other Fan-culture Tweeters who basically have no journalistic credibility.  Having said all this, Borys Kit from THR is seen to be the most connected to any version of truth of what's going on at DC/Warner Bros. 

    Some insecure man would be my guess. Lots of men don’t know how to deal with strong confident women, we see it on a daily basis, I’ve seen it my whole life growing up with a single parent (my mom) who worked her way up to be a high level executive at a bank. 

    To me her statement wasn’t vague at all, she said she couldn’t move forward with Wonder Woman at this time cause of the changes going on at DC and I didn’t see Gunn dispute that at all which tells me they’re obviously moving in a different direction. Maybe she just wasn’t interested in that direction? 

  4. 3 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

    I mean, I throughly dislike these superhero leakers when it comes to this stuff and I agree that they are full of shit, but I do think what we are seeing is an everything must go scenario. I do think that if the main players are out, no one is safe, including Levi. Something that I’m intrigued is on the how. I do think we are seeing an actual hard reboot happening in the big screen, an Infinite Crisis of sorts. 

    I’m not doubting a hard reboot in any way, it definitely could happen and probably will. My only point in all of this is these leakers are lying and don’t know shit. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, John Marston said:



    Everything  Hollywood Reporter said a week ago is being revealed to be true 

    What exactly did they say? The wrap reported a month or so ago about Cavill not having a contract yet so the news about Cavill has already been out there. All the reports about Jenkins were wrong, we still have no idea about anything other then what Gunn has told us or confirmed. We don’t know what’s happening with the 2023 movies or anything else other then a cameo being removed. 


    I get it, they all wanna speculate and be the first to say I told you so but I don’t believe anything anymore till Gunn confirms it or says it himself. As I said, it may be a full reboot but no one knows that for sure but Gunn and Safran and whoever they presented their plan too. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, John Marston said:



    it is probably true. Also many of these scoopers have been right. Hollywood Reporter said a full reboot is planned and that is what it is looking like 

    Scoopers know nothing about this situation, it’s all guessing at this point. Of course any of the stuff could come true but none of them know the details as of now. THR also doesn’t know anything and are just assuming cause of Cavills exit, and again it may happen but they don’t either. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, GOGODanca said:

    Not sure if we can post from "leakers" so i will delete if needed but according to MTTSH, Levi is out as Shazam as well



    Lol MTTSH has no idea if this is true or not cause only Gunn and Safran and probably a few high up execs know their plans right now. They’re just bitter cause of Levi’s post on Cavills Instagram and are trying to sound like they know what’s going on, this is the game these “scoopers” play, if they reboot they can say “see I told you” and if he doesn’t hard reboot they can just say “oh my bad, plans changed I guess”.


    The only thing people know right now is what Gunn has said so far and what we know from tests screenings of the 2023 movies. 

    • Like 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, MOVIEGUY said:


    People still using that one huh

    It’s 100% true cause I’m a prime example of that. I saw movies literally weekly before covid but because of a health condition and the fact I don’t enjoy wearing my mask in a theatre I don’t go nearly as much. 

    I literally just bought a $5000 TV so I can have a better system at home to enjoy movies with. 

    I know I’m not in the majority but I also work in the restaurant industry and we’re not even close to where we were before covid with people dining in as well. 


    • Like 5
  9. 50 minutes ago, marveldcfox said:

    Frankly these numbers are making me avoid this movie. Instead of being excited to watch it next weekend, I feel like skipping it. Many people operate that way. When something is truly a sensation and a positive surprise, curiosity levels go up and people on the fence go to theatres to check out.

    I agree I’m not watching Flopatar either, seeing Black Adam again to support my boy the rock in hopes he gets Gunn fired and takes over as CEO of DC. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, kayumanggi said:


    Has Reeves made any comments regarding all these changes? I hope he is okay with that idea you've mentioned.

    Well the other day Gunn said the report about Pattinson joining the DCU was false and Reeves quoted Gunn on twitter with this,



    I know Gunn said Reeves was like the second phone call he made after getting the Job at DC so I assume they have a pretty close working relationship. We’ll see what happens, maybe if Reeves likes the route Gunn and Safran are taking the dcu he’d be open to Pattinson doing team up movies? I don’t know. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

    That would not play well. He did say that movies and HBO Max shows will exist in the shared universe. Cannot reboot everything and keep just peacemaker or Suicide Squad. Plus with Suicide Squad bombing there is no scope for another movie anyway. I think they will make season 2 for 2023 and then TV shows will exist in new universe except may be Penguin which exist in Reeves verse. Even that will be challenging as having 2 bats will not be good at all. But getting rid of Reeves wont be easy considering how strongly the movie was received and its box office was quite good. A more uplifting sequel will definitely have 1B+ potential. 

    That’s my point though, I don’t think he’ll be rebooting everything. 

    With respects to the Batman stuff I’d definitely expect to have two different ones, Reeves isn’t going anywhere I don’t think and Gunn already stated “Batman will be a large part of the dcu”. 


  12. 4 minutes ago, AJG said:

    I just read through a list of 34 DCEU films that were in production at one time and went nowhere (I’m guessing most of them have threads here).


    IIRC the only MCU film to be announced and then scrapped is Inhumans.

    Half those movies/productions were probably never even announced by WB,  just terrible stuff on their part for not controlling the narrative better. I understand leaks happen but with them it’s been awful. 

    • Like 2
  13. 5 minutes ago, GOGODanca said:

    I mean Aquaman worked and THR is saying Momoa is possibly walking away from that

    Ya, like I said I have no idea what’s happening. Maybe Mamoa just wants to play another part? I could be completely wrong, no one knows what’s happening. I’d just be shocked if he doesn’t use Cena and Robbie again as those characters, he’s talked about them so much.


    I also wouldn’t be shocked to see anyone he’s worked with in the guardians franchise be cast in an upcoming DC movie. 

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