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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    Zaslav had been at Discovery for sixteen years, that's the sign of a successful CEO IMO. Just proves a lot of posters on here know nothing about the wider entertainment industry if they resorting to name calling. 



    It’s obvious Zaslav knows how to run discovery but we’ll see how that translates into running WBD, this batgirl decision is a weird one, hard to trust him with what I’ve seen so far. 

    Maybe this all works out in the end but I think he’s been marvel pilled and thinks he can do what they did and we all know if it was that easy it would of happened already. 

    • Like 9
  2. 1 hour ago, TheDude391 said:

    I don't know if he does, for all the posturing he says about wanting to return...he hasnt. No Snyder Cut reshoots, no cameos, nothing. If they can bring back Affleck multiple times, Cavill should be way easier since he didn't have so much emotional turmoil making those. I think he's likely being difficult.

    It has to be this, it’s obvious his team and himself are trying to get more control with the character but WB(rightfully so) isn’t giving in. I liked him as Superman a lot and would love for him to come back but as I’ve said many times The character > the actor, just get me another Superman movie already please. 

  3. 1 hour ago, titanic2187 said:

    Is he the only one promoting the movie now? The final marketing push has been lacklustre for a decently review film that attached to a well known IP and voice cast. 





    WB told him it’s either this or black adam for a marketing budget so he decided to do this himself. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Menor Reborn said:

    I've been following it, but just haven't really bothered with posting anything, because the numbers are just bleh. The combined likes on the main channels are likely to miss the first one's 485k likes on the WB channel, which isn't great.


    I'll give it a mulligan since WF and other MCU announcements really overshadowed it, but definitely hoping that trailer 2 outperforms Shazam trailer 2. One thing this does have going for it is Christmas, if the movie is well-received, the season can make up for a lack of hype. 

    Ya, it’s been weird but the trailer on the WB page today has gone up nearly a million views since this afternoon. But the likes don’t seem to be going up much. I can’t imagine people don’t like the trailer as it was pretty good imo but who knows. Marvel stuff definitely overshadowed this at night but the Superman conversation overshadowed this in the day when the trailer released, frustrating that happened but what can you do.

    Super disappointed the trailer isn’t performing better cause I really loved the first movie and was hoping this could get a decent increase. Hopefully the Xmas date helps and it doesn’t get to overshadowed by Avatar and can play as some counter programming. 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Eric the Superdog said:

    The trailer upload with the most likes has 164K. By comparison, Dungeons and Dragons has 110K.

    Not to sound like I’m jumping in to defend this but WB does this dumb thing where they release the trailer on the WB and DC channel at the same time, so the two channels take traffic away from each other. They both came out at the same time on those two channels so like the black adam one I think you’d have to combine the two for actual numbers. 

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

    I know it's unfair cause Black Panther 2 basically sucked all the air out of the room, but relatively speaking, how is the trailer doing? 

    I don’t think any really follows this stuff as closely as the marvel ones.


    The only info I have is the trailer released on the WB/dc channel at the same time and has 11m views and 300k likes. So nothing special really. I didn’t look at other social media numbers, I imagine it’s not very high. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    I know EXACTLY what it was about and maybe someday will be able to spill the beans. 


    It was completely and totally irresponsible of the trades for sure though to run with that information.


    Like personally I would not have run with it if I knew where and how the buzz came from.

    If I had to guess I would say this was a leak from Cavills side to try and put the pressure on WB to get a deal done. Obviously I don’t expect you to answer lol. 

    Though I will say, I’m kinda surprised that info hasn’t come out yet. 

    • Like 1
  8. We can all assume or take guesses at what’s next but at this point I’m not expecting anything anytime soon,

    no one knows anything.  I’m fine with what’s coming out for DC on film & hbo ,and am Happy with Superman and Lois for my Superman content.

    This whole tease about Cavill from the trades was a shitty thing to do to fans but no one should be surprised anymore when they make money on clicks.


    At this point I’d just prefer a recast but who knows what’s gonna happen. 

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