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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 1 minute ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

    Doesn’t even look like they’ll release movies ever after they’re ready 

    I get what they’re trying to do, who wouldn’t want to replicate marvel and if that’s the plan then fine. But we can’t have what’s been happening in the past, not every movie is gonna be a huge hit, if you’re building towards something then do that. 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, AJG said:


    The actual idea of a Discovery show being used to promote a WB movie in the way @cax16 suggests actually sounds pretty sensible. I'm pretty certain I've seen similar tie ins happen before.

    As much as I was kidding the property brothers do have a show where they work

    with celebrities to give deserving people who the celebrities chose home renovations, so I wouldn’t be totally shocked to see something crossover. 

  3. Just now, AJG said:


    No it doesn't.


    It means they'll just roll those shows over to HBO management and branding. Instead of having 2 brands and 2 operations pumping out similar stuff.


    Where are people getting these notions of mass cancellations? Pretty Little Liars isn't getting canned because it doesn't fit the HBO brand.


    Half the posts on this topic are ridiculous at this point.

    People are just going off some posts on Twitter that have said some shows will probably be canceled or may be in trouble.


    Gunn said last night after the batgirl news that peacemaker season 2 was still happening so I was kinda shocked to see the rumours online.


    I’m very curious to see what happens tomorrow. 

  4. 1 minute ago, dudalb said:

    Look at it from a business point of view rather then a fan point of view. COsts hav e to be cut, and the products that are not pulling theri weight are the first to go.

    Welcome to the real world. Studios and the movies are subject to the same economic laws as everybody else.


    I don’t know if you mean to come off the way you do but all of your posts are super condescending. We all know and understand this is a business. I have run businesses my whole adult life.


    I will say this again, I don’t think he’s making good business decisions but that’s on him, I don’t care cause I have no control or money invested in any of this. Will I be disappointed if something gets canceled I like? Sure, but I’ll be over it in a few hours and move on with my life. This is nothing new, just a different white rich dude in charge. 

    • Like 4
  5. Just now, TwoMisfits said:

    DC's way too valuable.  I assume a Netflix deal would be like the deal Disney did of old with Netflix - the "rental" of material.  WB keeps the rights and sells them to Netflix for X period of time in a non-exclusive deal (so WB can still also show them)...


    Netflix needs a big get...and they don't mind that kinda deal (or they didn't use to)...


    I mean, Apple needs that kind of get badly, too...but again, they'd want to buy and WB won't sell DC...they see what the Marvel brand has been worth to Disney...

    I know, you’re right, I just don’t like what I’ve seen from Zaslav so far.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Zaslav tries to make the Phillipsverse the main DC movie universe moving forward. It was already reported a while back that he wants Phillips to take on an advisory role for future DC films, despite his lack of knowledge or interest in the greater DC Universe. He probably thinks Phillips is a good candidate to be DC’s Kevin Feige. 

    I like most of Phillips work but I definitely don’t want him running dc movies lol. I think Zaslav just wants him to consult cause he’s good with budgets I would assume. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, BruiseCruise said:

    No argument, keep thinking Gunn created some masterpiece tho

    I mean I don’t care what you think of the movie, it means nothing to me. I like what I like, I’m not some teenager who gets offended online by other’s opinions on movies. I don’t know that I’d call it a masterpiece but it’s definitely one of my favourite cbm


    You’re welcome to have your opinions on the situation, I just won’t waste time arguing with you cause there’s really no point. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, BruiseCruise said:

    Miss me with this cope ass argument, outside of critics and hardcore dc nerds nobody though gunns suicide squad was anything special and the idea that it absolutely bombed cause of a movie from 6 years ago is laughable, even batman begins did half decent despite following up after batman and robin or MOS after superman returns. Also if ayers suicide squad was so awful how did it do so well at the BO without china? Clearly general audiences didn't hate it as much as people online do


    Not that ayers movie was good but lets not act like it was morbius or dark phoenix. Internet nerds just overblow a movies reputation when they don't like like say Avatar

    lol sure, you keep thinking this. 

  9. 24 minutes ago, BruiseCruise said:

    Way more than Gunns version which DC nerds hold up as some holy grail even though it lost them 9 figures

    Ya except the first version ruined the IP, who cares if your movie makes over 700m when it destroyed the brand. Gunn had to work off the first ones awful wom and go day and date with hbomax. Not that it would of done a ton either way but let’s not pretend one movie isn’t way better then the other. 




  10. 5 minutes ago, Potiki said:

    As a big fan of Cobra Kai and Xolo this would suck so bad, hopefully if there is anymore bad news it isn't this.

    Blue Beetle has a good opportunity to do well if it’s good. I guess the thought process is ( if it happens) is he can’t carry a movie, which is obviously not true but would just add to the other bad decisions being made. 

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